Can someone who has been paying attention explain to me why its sexist to even say that women are physically weaker than men now?
Can someone who has been paying attention explain to me why its sexist to even say that women are physically weaker...
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Fuck off shitlord women are stronger and smarter than men. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't
Pointing out facts is wrong in 2017, telling the truth is even worse
Is this like some triathlon training?
Doesn't seem like women on a PT course...
Fuck off shitlord men are stronger and smarter than women. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't
i love how the girls look upset that the guy didn't need help
it's like it was sexist for him to get over that wall
Because it hurts their feelings.
Stop being so insensitive.
This is great
Here in Germany we have the word "postfaktisch". I don't know if its English counterpart "post-factual" is as popular. It roughly means putting your wishful thinking above facts. Facts can be outright denied, if they don't fit into your worldview. This is how politics is made nowadays in the western hemisphere.
Because of she-hulks like this gets portrayed as a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN in every Hollywood movie.
oy vey shitlord
Can you point to an example? I think even the most indoctrinated would be able to tell from their own experience that men are stronger than women on average.
I like to call it "feels before reals." Taken from some redpill jerkoff forum.
That looks like the guy who played Steve the Pirate in "Dodgeball."
facts are racist and sexist
Women don't build anything out of brick or concrete. They build social structures and social systems that crumble due to indecision, in-fighting, intersectional ideologies and so forth.
In the most basic sense, they don't contribute anything to society other than a means to give birth to and nurture children.
Their 'strength' comes from standing on the shoulders of men and men's achievements that gives women the platform they use to project their own sense of societal superiority back towards them. The controlling of men through sex, the giving of affection or attention and what ultimately then leads to marriage.
Watch any survivalist themed tv show that pairs men and women against eachother, and see just how strong and independent they are.
Truth is, they're weak as fuck and they know this. What's more, they don't like it.
The interesting bit is that it's actually easier for him to do it one-handed than a normal person because he weighs less with his arm and leg missing.
We have had "Post-truth" being thrown around here.
Well I watched 2015's BBC ultimate hell week where they put men and women up against a bunch of special forces training. And a woman won it.
I thought it was interesting how there were no wall climbs like in the OP no chinups and the packs were mostly 20kg, not 40kg. When the girls did farmers carry they just carried another girl.
Then you have the ronda rousey bullshit.
But this bullshit is newish. Women didn't think they were super strong until recently. Last few years i'd say. I just wondering what the catalyst was.
1 arm for ~120 pounds
2 arms for ~170 pounds...
>Literally half a man can do better than all those women
They never deserved equal rights
>I just wondering what the catalyst was.
To a point. That prosthetic leg does not weight nothing.
What year do you reckon?
Because freedom aint free the tree of liberty and freedom got to be litter'd with the blood of patriots. Barack HUSEIN obama is not my president he is an islamic gommunist and proballly kenyan as well :---DD Adam and EVE not Adam and STEVE ok? Praise jesus.
Women don't think they are stronger than men you virgin.
Do something useful with your life you faggot.
Nah, people who have lost a limb or more use more energy than those will both limbs. The body is less efficient so it would be harder for him to climb over.
Are most of you impressed by op video?
He does a one hand pullup? I thought most people could do that?
This is how I feel about my last relationship.
Look at this useless trash.
Woman androids when.
Lucky you haven't been shot for opening your mouth already.
It's the BBC. What do you expect?
They don't operate any differently than most mainstream media companies.
Go read about Craig and Kirsty Munro. A brother and sister who appeared on the popular 'Games Master' tv show back in the 90s.
It gives you a great idea of just how fair most competitions are when they have males and females compete against each other.
He was only able to do that because he only had to lift the weight of his torso and head you muppet
Most people.
But not women.
It's not. But it's usually used in a context to justify sexism like sperglords saying it ruins their immersion when women in action beat men. Like that's not supposed to happen because women are just weaker than men etc.
So please, try to use your brain and understand why not everyone is sucking your cock when you use phrases such as "it's just facts".
"Strength" is subjective user. Did you know that giving birth is equivalent to peeing out a watermelon??? Yeah let that sink in. Womyn have to go through so much more bullshit than men, they have to deal with sexism every day, they have to deal with their body spontaneously rejecting itself once a month. Because of these things, women are much stronger than men.
The amount of weights that you can put on a bar and pick up off the ground means literally nothing in our day and age, because we can just build a robot to lift that for us.
Now talk about your vagina
When did this happen though. I feel like I woke up and its all different. But I just didn't notice.
Actually that show I mentioned was pressured into putting women in it by women complaining.
Reality has a bias against liberals.
Why does the girl on the far right look so triggered?
You trying to bait me, leaf?
You better not be
Are they planning to use their vag as some kind of watermelon mortar?
>trying to find fault with a double amputee doing a one-armed pull-up
You sound insecure as fuck, bro.
Women are stronger at emotional manipulation. All the women who won survivor did it by seducing and manipulating the strongest man on the show. Feminism itself is an example of this emotional manipulation
>muh childbirth
i guarantee being hopped up on a chemical cocktail for a couple hours while natures goes on auto-pilot does not count as strength
Looks like the Tough Mudder of some similar event
How was it rigged in the womens favour?
Women are only stronger in their power fantasies.
Pic related
>Most people can do a 1 arm pull up
LMAO no you've obviously never worked out
Those are kinda my fantasies too :x
>The screen flashed scarlet, and that was it. Craig had done it. He had secured the trophy most coveted by every 10-year-old boy in the land: a Golden Joystick.
>"OK," said the producer. "Let's go for another take."
>"What do you mean?" stammered Craig. "I won!"
>His childish protestations fell on deaf ears. He was forced to play a rematch. Spurred on by having victory so callously snatched from his miniature grasp, Craig triumphed again.
>But then came the call for a third take. Something inside Craig snapped like a Shatterproof ruler in the hands of a vigorous fifth former. This time, Kirsty won.
>"OK," said the producer. "That's a wrap."
>As he recounts the incident today, Craig's eyes flicker with the pain of a man who discovered the truth of the world's cruelty at too tender an age.
>"Basically they shafted me out of a Golden Joystick," he says. "The cynic in me now realises they wanted the girl to win.
>"Yeah," he adds bitterly, "I think they knew exactly what they were doing."
holy shit, what a lesson to learn as a child.
Nope, it would be harder since he's using one arm versus two, regardless of the weight. Plus he has a prosthetic leg, which although lighter, still weights something.
>The amount of weights that you can put on a bar and pick up off the ground means literally nothing in our day and age, because we can just build a robot to lift that for us.
Women aren't building those robots
they have nice asses
Watch history channels The Selection. Women simply can not ever be physically and mentally superior to a man. Yes there are many tough women. But they are still light years away from the toughest of men.
LOL. I thought I was the only one that though she looked pissed. She's like "look at this mothrrfucker's privelaged ass".
>women are physically weaker than men
I mean that is instantly proof-able.
>"women are physically weaker than men"
>SJW comes to you
>knock her down while she screams "don't hit a girl"
Female doublethink brought you both
>Title IX (grr womyn just as stronk as men)
>stories where they highlight a girl playing on a boys' team (implying that's exceptional)
Equal when she wants special treatment, inferior when she wants recognition.
The fact that female athletes can't even run without their tits flopping around painfully should tell you everything. They're like large disabled children.
It wasn't totally rigged that was the beauty of it. The girl who won was a adventure racer which is all about running around with a light pack with little sleep and doing random shit like abseiling.
But like in the SASR section he gave the group ridiculous weights to carry on a stretcher. If everyone had been a girl they literally could not of done it. But the girl who won was put on point.
She was hard as fuck but still and army of her would be worthless compared to what we have now.
yeah I also looked that up brutal.
I mean versus a person with all their limbs doing it one-handed. Obviously 2 arms would be easier than 1 arm.
That's the mystified look of a woman realizing she's inferior to a double amputee
Muh Amputees
fuck you are retarded cunt
Under Rated post
There's been a fairly commonly repeated mantra in the past 4 years for writing fiction and especially in video games where I hear developers saying that the key to writing a strong good female character is to write a male character and then make just switch genders. I think this generally falls flat because there are clear psychological differences between men and women on average, and most of the time they don't buff up the female to have remotely the muscles required to physically match the males within the same universe.
Also, much like how neckbeard males who have never been in a fight think they can take someone on because they've practiced the same movement of a character in their favorite anime, a more extreme version is women who have even less IRL experience vs people legitimately trying/capable of hurting them seeing combative female characters like the lead in The Hunger Games or Divergent and building some confidence in their capabilities.
So no one know the year this bullshit became mainstream?
Oh yeah bigot? See pic related. Checkmate.
weaker only by choice.
Well wasn't ripley in aliens originally a male character? It can sorta work.
The difference in strength is much higher than most people realize. I used to be pretty athletic, I was the fastest female mile/half-milr runner at my high school. I though I was hot shit until I tried to compete against my male colleagues. It wasnt even close. For example, a guy at the same school as me ran a mile in 4:11, keep in mind that this is high school; the fastest female mile in olympic history was 4:12.
Definitely bring you down to earth. Despite that though, at I'm sure I'm probably a lot quicker than 99% of people on here, considering the number of NEETs.
>Peeing out a watermelon
No it's not. The vagina is not the urethra. The closest thing men have to a vagina is their asshole, and the better analogy would be shitting out a softball. Since when were fucking babies as big around as a watermelon?
Truth is, vaginas can stretch, a lot. The tissue can take way more stretching without breaking than any other tissue. So, long explanation short, you're a faggot.
>it's a "Sup Forums tries to feel vicariously strong and worthy through the accomplishments of others because they share some kind of trait with them and have none of their own to be proud of" episode
Nice bait, dude. 95%+ people cant I would think
Be male Ugh ugh 40 thousand years ago.
>Stronker than other male Ugh Ugh's
>Breed with all the women Ugh Ugh's
>Weak Male Ugh Ugh's not allowed to breed
>Weak Male Ugh Ugh's become hunters and die to mamoth.
>Weak Female Ugh Ugh's Given Pass as you can Sex with them.
>Male Ugh Ugh's enter hyper Evolution creating Super Male Ugh Ugh.
>Female Ugh Ugh's only have XX Chromosome and no highly refined Y chromosome that males have.
Skip 40 thousand years.
>Man Is the most adaptable animal on the planet.
what is this autism?
Boobs or gtfo plz
If you never faced that comparison would you be deluded enough to think you were the shit compared to men though?
No its pol tries to find out when a simple fact makes you a sexist, and no one tells me when this started to be the majority opinion.
>the hole immediately tries to cheat
Post female hand with timestamp or I don't buy your "yes, I admit it fellas, you are so much better than me" bullshit. But at least if you are female you apparently have enough self respect to realize that a biological disadvantage doesn't mean you couldn't become better than like 99% of men. It only matters at the very top, really.
Nobody cares about averages other than losers. Yes, there are biological differences between the sexes and "on average" a woman has less upper body strength. Literally nobody gives a shit other than losers that have nothing better to do than whine about averages. It's always the fat feminists and doughy men's rights activists making these comparisons while everyone else is in the gym.
>1 arm for ~120 pounds
>2 arms for ~170 pounds...
1 arm weighs 50 pounds?
>women are stronger in male fantasies
You seem upset. When did nobody stop caring bro. when did facts become sexist? Can you tell me?
Satan has won
Have you ever even tried doing an one-arm pull-up? I bet you can't even get off the ground. Disgraceful.
I suppose the difference is Ripley wasn't an action hero really. She didn't fight the alien hand to hand or beat up 10 men at once for example. The only reason the gender change feels credible is because Ripley was just a normal average Joe relying on survival instincts.
>But this bullshit is newish.
typo - jewish
My advice:
Don't say it.
Pretend they're as strong as you.
Make them ask for your help.
Let them see you accomplish what they can't.
Smile condescendingly but say absolutely nothing.
The fact I have to ask this on pol, is the saddest fucking part. But yeah I know all that shit.
They were giving a rough estimate, but it's probably closer to 30 or 40 pounds due to muscle, bone, etc. (especially muscle if you were having to pull yourself over a wall).
This is hilarious
>Harpy #1: come on girls let's help the gimp over the wall tee-hee
Amputee scales wall with relative ease
>Harpy #2: Ugh he didn't even need help what a SHITLORD
He's missing an arm and a leg though so that probably isn't far off
>it's a "libtard tries to feel vicariously victimized and entitled through the hardships of others because they share some kind of trait with them and have none of their own to cry about" episode
>pic related
after loosing a leg and an arm he probably weights like 100 lbs.. I am pretty sure that an average woman could do AT LEAST one pull-up in the moon. (lower gravity and stuff)
I didn't say I could.
I was merely pointing out that a man with 2 limbs is lighter than a man with 4 limbs.
>after loosing a leg and an arm he probably weights like 100 lbs.. I am pretty sure that an average woman could do AT LEAST one pull-up in the moon using one arm only. (lower gravity and stuff)
If you can't do a 1 handed pull-up you're a failure of a man.
Get your ass in the gym.