Stop following abrahamic religions right now
Stop following abrahamic religions right now
I wanna FUCK those earlobes.
Done. Now which of your arms is going to jerk me off?
I would consider hinduism if I cared to learn the language.
I don't
God has been revealed in the world in many ways, in many places. That's why I'm fine with Hindus existing, and Shinto, and Confucianism, and even islam as long as it is in the Middle East.
But you have to realize that Christianity is how God is worshipped by your people. That is the religion that is handed down to you, and it offers everything that other religions do (talking Roman Catholicism here). It's true that our far ancestors worshipped in a different way, but that doesn't matter here and now-this is the tradition that has been handed down to us. Appropriating a foreign religion is an exercise in vanity. Have a little humility and learn to love and appreciate the religion of your own people- in spite of its faults, in spite of doubts and concerns, and in spite of historical problems - all of those things are just as prevalent in other faiths. What matters is God the mystery thy comes with worshipping him.
I stopped 12 years ago
If you aren't Jewish you are totally misguided
>Appropriating a foreign religion is an exercise in vanity
Oh so you are an Israelite right?
>Religion of your own people
I am a gentile and aspiring to become Catholic.
Paganism has been dead for thousands of years and most of what was good about it was absorbed into Roman Catholicism.
It's all bollocks because no one actually follows the spiritual guidelines of their religion. If Christcucks actually lived as Jesus wanted, everything would be gravy.
The Hindus and Buddhists were right, anyway. Meditation and ego death is the path to God. Jesus knew this too, but Christcucks are too lazy to dedicate their lives to God and so focus entirely on the wrong things like going to church occasionally, having toilet water splashed in their face and accepting {{{{{priests}}}}} as authorities. Sad!
so be a GOOD christian instead of a fake white Buddhist.
>Appropriating a foreign religion is an exercise in vanity
If you are going to appropriate another religion, join the most genuine religion on Earth.
>most of what was good about it was absorbed into Roman Catholicism.
Wrong, but I think what you mean is a lot of the culture at the time survived. Pagan religious culture is a skeleton of what it once was
>Be a good Christian
Okay, so if somebody in your town is murdered and you don't know who did it, the elders of the two closest towns will come together, sacrifice a cow, and wash your hands in the blood?
Or how about this one. A girl is raped, and she doesn't scream loud enough for anyone to hear her. Are you going to be first in line to execute both the rapist and the raped girl?
Don't forget, Jesus wanted the old laws to remain, and followed to the T
Praise Kali
Monocucks OUT
There is no such a thing as a white buddhist. Buddhism is open to everybody and every culture.
Buddhism originated in India. By that logic tibetans, japanese, thai, srilankans, etc all are aproppiating a foreign religion. So all of Europe would do the same by following a semitic religion and not even as the semites follow it.
Greek kingdoms in India converted to buddhism as well.
You're thinking like a Protestant here. Strict biblical literalism is not being a good Christian.
Go to mass. Receive the sacraments. Meditate on the mysteries. Practice charity. Read philosophy. Learn to love people and creation as Christ did.
Atheist master race here. AMA.
They aren't appropriating a foreign religion if they were born into it- the religion spread to them hundreds or thousands of years ago such that anyone born now has that in them. It's not nearly the same as some arrogant white teenager becoming a Buddhist because they think they are too smart for Christianity.
Hinduism (and maybe even Buddhism) is far closer to us than Christianity actually
How about you follow the religion you believe in?
If the West didn't want Christianity, it shouldn't have conquered Judaea. World religions were the rage back then, so Europe grabbed the nearest one it could find. Christianity is pretty much Buddhism or Zoroastrianism.
I don't think we're going to have any serious replacements. Islam will become the unterschict/shitskin religion. The upper caste will move onto Silicon Valley spiritism
I think you would be surprised by how similar all three are. There is depth to Catholicism that is often missed by average Christians and especially by Protestants.
So basically
>Republican Geezus
See you really are a goy, only following the ten commandments that are meant for you.
>"You are your fathers fathers father"
As a white, you are a descendant of Esau, an edomite
>"For Jacob I have loved, and Esau I have hated"
God hates you, you are nothing but a goy, a servant of the chosen people in this life and the next
>hundreds or thousands of years ago
>hundreds or thousands of years ago
>hundreds or thousands of years ago
This so much, I can't speak for Hinduism. But Buddhism is closer to Sup Forums philosophy than Christianity will ever be
>No stealing
It's okay to steal from goy, to not return objects that went missing from goy
>No killing
"If a goy slaps a Jew, he should be put to death"
>Sex after marriage
>No speaking falsely, no lies, only truth
>No gluttony
The list goes on
"If you are going to do something bad, do it in a foreign city" -Jews
>Christianity is pretty much Buddhism
There are similarities but you couldn't be more wrong. Think of everything good and spiritual about Christianity (excluding the supernatural stuff, and charity is only good if the person you are giving to is good, if you give to someone evil, it will only hurt your chances at a higher plane of existence in the next life)
That is Buddhism but none of the Jewish superiority, hate, murder, stealing, etc.
no offense but I think you are prett ignorant of what Christianity really is as you're just throwing out obscure OT/Talmudic quotes. I don't think there's anything to debate here
Lifting religions from cultures foreign to our way of life as a reaction to the spiritual vacuousness of the West is double-layered degeneracy.
>Gods have multiple hands.
>Indians don't wipe their asses.
your life: disregarded
You are living in the evolved form of basically "community centers that do good things for the community and are nice". With it being christian only in name and image, you don't really follow the Bible. You are just following the modern culture of being a nice person, which has christian roots, but is no longer christian
There are no "religions". There is just one religion, the True Religion, and then there's idol-worshipping.
What a great argument, you sure informed me
Pretty much. The problem is that people seek God outside of themselves instead of within.
Waaaaaay ahead of you
You should look withing, but be enlightened from without.
Because we're naturally inclined towards idol-worshipping, you can't arrive at truth solely through introspection.
You need to be converted from outside, by Scripture.
>arguing with retards on the internet
sounds like a good use of my time
These false prophets will try and lead you astray, beware!
All religions are for losers
Buddy the Bible makes it abundantly clear that the Jews killed Jesus and that God's kingdom was being given to the Gentiles (and the Jews that believed)
The only book the Jews made after muh temple was The Talmud, which says Jesus is burning in excrement in hell forever. Really should make you think.
Well Sup Forums is mostly losers, so...
Neo-Christianity is a disease hands down. People mock Neo-Pagans, but at least the ones that aren't teenage girls actually do some reading, history research, and meditation.
You mean like when the roman empire was degenerating and embraced officialy an oriental death cult opposed to the virile roman religion?
They do. With their left hands. That's why they only use their right hands to eat.
All religions have some wisdom to offer and it seems stupid too abandon something all together. I am a Hindu but I have a deep reverence for the Jesus story, for example.
>God's kingdom was being given to the Gentiles (and the Jews that believed)
He's quoting a theory that Constantine didn't call a council to decide upon what was and was not canon.
In reality, pre-Constantine's council "Christianity" was numerous Christ-Cults each of which had one or two holy books that they said were the true words of the Messiah. Constantine had these gathered together; those that fit his agenda were accepted and altered, those that didn't discarded.
The "Jew bear the guilt for murdering Yeshua" narrative is a post-Constantine alteration meant to mesh Christianity with Rome as up until then the Christ Cults had been fevereshily anti-Roman. A common trait amongst most Christ Cults was that the Christians did not need to follow Roman laws, ethics, morals, or customs as Christ had freed them of such things. Rome was the one held accountable for the death of the Messiah.
See, for example, Revelations. Written by a Jewish man (John of Patmos) who firmly believed on Jews could be Christians, Revelations posits that a return of Rome is the sign of the end of days.
Jesus was just a man who achieved Samadhi, after all