Black Pigeon now supports sex-change surgery

>Black Pigeon now supports sex-change surgery

What the fuck happened? Why did he become a cuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

controlled opposition

Bait and switch.

The opposition is really stupid then because this guy has redpilled as many people as Sup Forums at this point

user, are you new here? EVERYTHING is controlled opposition. It's a matter of time until Sup Forums decides that Hitler was controlled opposition all along.

"I am at the point that if the parents of children that wish to medically halt puberty, despite the health risk to their child, then that is their decision."

"Regardless, research has found that most adolescents grow out of gender dysphoria".


It sounds more like he is promoting a sort of lolbertarian "well I can't talk you out of it so it's you or your kids body to ruin I suppose."

>Hitler was controlled opposition all along.
well that conspiracy theory is half a century old already


every MGTOW guy is essentially cuck. by bowing out of the "game" and letting other people be in charge of propagating the species you reduce yourself to eternal cuck

Youtube partnership moniez.


if true I can think of plenty of ways to counter his future arguments.

All atheists fall eventually

canadian isn't he?

Literal race mixer

>Bernie supporter is manlet
>Trump supporter is tall aryan man
Really makes me think...

He lost all credibility after that Atheist video where he unironically tried to use this meme as justification for a belief in God.


No, anyone who isn't you is controlled opposition.

Have your own opinions and be a self actualized far right winger. Open up liberals to reality (Jews claim they are the open minded ones while being the most closed off)

The truth is self reliance is the key to dismantling opinion based following and likewise Kikery. Think for yourself and be fooled by no one. Youtube exists as a platform for literal controlled opposition faggots to take seats and spout out bullshit that other lesser faggots eat and regurgitate.

The system is designed this way. Buy my filters

The tips fedora meme is the main reason why so many people on Sup Forums converted to Christianity. They didn't want to be associated with Redditors.

He baited right-wingers with the few seemingly redpilled videos he did in the beginning.
Now that he established an audience he can pump out these luke warm cultural libertarian videos for shekels.

he's just another PJW, Lauren Southern, Milo, Crowder, you name it

He's got the right spirit, but once he made it clear he was an atheist - therefore a jew - his arguments fall flat. He is a living contradiction - an now apparently a handsomely paid one. Havent watch a vid of his since.

Yes. They all found this comfy niche between generic conservatism and alt-right, where they seem edgy without actually being that.
I wonder how long they can exist there.

he was a rothschild bastard of course he was controlled opposition. They've been controlling the opposition since the first rothschild borrowed cash to open their first bank.

"I am at the point that if the parents of children that wish to medically halt puberty, despite the health risk to their child, then that is their decision....... and they must live with it"

Nice leaving out the end of the quote Hes not exactly for it.

how exactly does that change anything? just change "medically halt puberty" to "murder" and see how it sounds.

Those people have helped convert a lot of normies to the right wing. The Alt lite has done more to convert normies in its 1 year of existence than Nazi LARPing stormfront autists have done in 10 years.

I would still be a liberal who believed that interracual relationships were good and that the holocaust happened if it wasn't for people like Pigeon, Crowder, PJW, etc who turned me into a right winger and brought me to Sup Forums

He always was a (((liberratian))) piece of shit. See his "dude, LSD" video.

Convert them to what, some controlled-opposition stance?

You're an idiot.

Hes calling the people who do that idiots and they have to live with themselves for it. Hes not advocating for it in anyway from what i can tell

He has been taking the hard libertarian route for some time.

He even had an An-cap guest video iirc.

Pay attention. It wasn't the belief in God he advocated for, but the rituals and guidelines associated with religion. It keeps people grounded and helps prevent a decadent lifestyle.

>tfw i spit some soda laughing at this

This. Though he was an agnostic, but still. He was never a deep thinker, his reason for agnosticism was basically "The universe is too big for God to care about us".

>become a cuck


No you fucking imbecile it opened them to new ideas.

Brietbart and Alex Jones did the same thing

80% of Trumps voter base is alt lite.

If you want people getting hard right wing put some videos out there instead of hanging out on Sup Forums

Because freedom aint free the tree of liberty and freedom got to be litter'd with the blood of patriots. Barack HUSEIN obama is not my president he is an islamic gommunist and proballly kenyan as well :---DD Adam and EVE not Adam and STEVE ok? Praise jesus.

He saying if they force/go along with the kids fantasy, and later on down the line it ends up swinging from the ceiling or playing guitar hero Cobain edition, they, THEY have to live with it.

Problem is the ritual only works if you actually believe. If you don't follow it sincerely, it's just LARPing. Western society needs a genuine religious revival, not people going through the motions.

>i use big words because I can't make any real point in a short 5 minute video

black pigeon sucks. beware of anyone who uses too many latin words

Many westerners have the ritual of putting up a christmas tree and have no fucking idea what it means but god help you try to "persuade" them out of it.

Many westerners think that freedom aint free the tree of liberty and freedom got to be litter'd with the blood of patriots. Barack HUSEIN obama is not my president he is an islamic gommunist and proballly kenyan as well :---DD Adam and EVE not Adam and STEVE ok? Praise jesus.

He is a liberal pretending, how stupid are you if you fell for it

this "fedoras are so bad,i should be christian" meme was started by pol christians, please stop it

meh, he also supported LSD use and he is a weaboo

well, some of his videos are good. that's it

oh user.
>He doesn't know even the rothchilds and the NWO are controlled opposition.

It's controlled opposition turtles all the way down. Who is in control you ask? Pic related. Know one knows this though.

he supported LSD too, always a cuck

Didn't he make an earlier video saying trannies were mentally ill and that giving hormones to children was child abuse?

What went wrong?

Because putting up a tree requires no real conviction. De-sacralized ceremony won't save us.

He stopped larping. 90% of pol supports trannies in real life. 100% when they are qt's.

Atheism is the root of degeneracy.

Some of us know

If he went full ancap, his argument would be because the child wants it. Rather he's accepting arbitrary she of consent as the age below which a child isn't allowed to decide anything for themself. I think the parent argument is very silly, even from a libertarian point of view.

You're a smart man user. First i've come across who was enlightened to the real truth.

I only support cute boys, not trannies. I'm not a fag.

>I'm not a fag.

you like cock, fag. When are you gonna "graduate" to flat out gay porn?

Red pill means Holocaust denial you fucking newfag piece of shit. It doesn't mean common fucking sense, there's no eye opening revelation in accepting that performing genital mutilation on children is sick and wrong.

The red pill is meant as a metaphor for how far lies can go, and accepting how you've been living in this lie for your entire life before taking it. That's why Sup Forums started using it for the Holocaust, because it's fucking disturbing how blatant a lie it is, and how many lives it has ruined.

That's what red pill meant on Sup Forums. It's not "ZOMG ALT-RIGHT EDGY MAYMAYS XDDDDDDDDDDD" you dumb fuck.

Never. Shemale porn isn't gay porn.

Fair enough brah. Pic related.

>surgically mutilated men aren't men

enjoy being gassed

>Surgically mutilated
Do you mean breast implants? You know shemale means they have a song, right?

I meant dong

Probably fell for a tranny. It's the fate of all Neo-Nazi, "muh Rome/Viking ancestors", "lol christcuck", Sup Forumstards.

Lol. I warned you fags nearly 2 years back you were being co-opted by fags.

You deserve the bed you made.

>Leaving out the best fucking part

His tranny video started off strong, and I assumed this was another
>a fucking leaf
Post, but it wasn't. OP is right. unsubbed from that enabler.


>paying to get HIV

The wages of sin is death.

I didn't quite understand him because it didn't seem to be a complete sentence, but I'd think the OP is more likely to be controlled opposition than Black Pigeon Speaks for harping on one line out of the entire video (or all of the videos).

He's a weeaboo faggot that leaves in Japan.
Never met a sane weeaboo.

>Zachary Crockett

Jesus Christ with these people, how fucking stupid can they get?

>yellow fever guy living in asia goes full retard
you dont say

>Red pill means Holocaust denial you fucking newfag piece of shit.

Never heard that one before. But I have heard people using it to mean "whatever I think is most important for other people to think".


Black Pigeon just discovered is gay, and assumes it.

Most of Sup Forums is pure faggotry, and you know it.

You most likely weren't here before the flags then. Everyone used "red pill" in reference to Holocaust denial, red pill threads were Holocaust threads. Later people started making shitposting "red pill me on [x]" threads, and later people started using it for whatever they felt like.

You're saying he wasn't?

>It's a matter of time until Sup Forums decides that Hitler was controlled opposition all along.
>he doesn't even know
>Being THIS new AND bluepilled

Oh, poor you...

Hitler is the only person to imprison a Rothschild. Of course, they probably only let him rise to power if he played ball.




you faget