Is it bad if the only thing preventing me from becoming a massive neet is my hate for niggers?
Im in pretty garbage shape but knowing that one day, if a nigger tries to fight me, ill be able to knock him the fuck out of the county is the only reason i started working out
Is it bad if the only thing preventing me from becoming a massive neet is my hate for niggers?
>knowing that one day, if a nigger tries to fight me, ill be able to knock him the fuck out of the county is the only reason i started working out
Good. Good.
Let the hate flow thru you...
But you can still be a NEET even if you do workout.
You're not making sense, OP.
i desire nothing more than to beat the shit out of a nigger
This isn't even me being an edgy faggot either, i've developed a genuine hate for these people. The only thing stopping me from mass shooting these faggots is that i don't want to die
you know what i mean nigga
Well, are you a NEET or not?
As long as it motivates you to be a productive member of society, I don't see an issue with it.
Pretty much what im trying to say is i don't get out much, have a shit tier job and dont exercise often or eat well, but because of my overwhelming hate for niggers thats all changing. NEET was the first thing that came to mind. I'd suggest anyone who feels similarly to me on this issue does the same. These niggers are really starting to chimp out and it's a big problem
Any of those motherfuckers would kill your ass in 0.3 seconds,you are a pussy and you hide behind a tough front.Just buy a gun stfu.
sounds like you got cucked by bbc
and that can change nigga. There is literally nothing wrong with making a positive change to your body to make yourself more fit for dangerous situations. Besides, im not really that out of shape desu, i just dont exercise often
>implying iv'e ever had anyone to get cucked by
if you're interested in making healthy choices the first step is by taking a multivitamin (especially if you don't eat nutritional foods)
your appetite will be suppressed because you'll have the nutrients it needs to burn your energy store (fat)
im focused on eating protein rich foods and building muscle rn. After i'm happy with that i'm gonna start losing weight, im not actually really that much overweight
try to buy ZERO carb protein because it has far less sodium (non flavored) >bodybuilding . com has the best prices (use promo codes)
and find a good preworkout powder
Second this. To hell with carbs, user. Godspeed.
>t. 6'4", 190 lb. Chad
it's real especially if you get a high quality one and take it with food (solgar, country life mens multi = elite)
You don't need multivites if you eat normal food and go outside for a few hours a day... Vitamins that don't get used just end up shat/pissed/sweated out, there is literally no reason to spend ten united states dollars on a plastic bottle of flintstone chewable multivites unless you dont eat a balanced diet and stay indoors all day
omega 3 is probably the only vitamin that i'd say is decent to take because i fucking hate fish and cant get it from them
the best I found is BioVite made by RSP nutrition .. it's coated so you don't feel nauseous, it has more minerals and plant extracts)
I've got a 6 figure job, an 8 inch dick, good looks, and a loving family with 0 childhood trauma.
The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is so that I can aid the White Homeland Movement. What reason is there to live otherwise, you just pay taxes to the elite and then die, forgotten in history.
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about .. you will never get amino acids and minerals from some standard chicken and vegi dinner .. the MV I take is 180 day supply for $25 .. and to prove you're an idiot .. a lot minerals and vitamins are fat soluble (trapped not flushed) . you're an embarrassment to yourself
Good for you, op. Why waste your life doing something productive. Keep working out. You're terrifying Negroids everywhere.
that's exactly what whites need (muh dick , muh mgtow and muh stacks of money)
when shit gets tough you'll be the first one to disappear and play the not my cause card
wow. Shall we have an inspirational persons thread?
What is the America you would want (be the change you want to see etc)?
That's a shut in
Many NEETS go outside.
>what is protein
>what is drinking water fortified with minerals
>what is spending an hour a day outside in the sun
i havent taken multivitamins for YEARS and have had zero adverse health effects. my immune system is strong, i'm strong, and my body feels excellent.
>t. 5'11'' 190lb muscle brain