What's your most liberal view?
What's your most liberal view?
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Individuals have the right to pursue their own interest until that interest runs aground of the rights of others.
I believe all races are equal. It's cultures, societies, and upbringing which make either good or bad citizens.
Abortion should be taxpayer subsidized and available at demand
We should have a right to know EXACTLY where our taxes are going, AND a right to refuse to pay taxes for unnesscary things, like, you shouldnt be able to refuse paying for schools, but you should be able to refuse the gov charging you to electrocute a mouse to death
be gay should be legal
My most liberal view is the abortion, since I believe there's just too many humans on planet right now.
Decriminalize all drugs, end drug war
race is only a issue because of welfare, minimum wage and crime tolerance
Jews are actually superior to whites
White men should be forced to suck at least one black cock to completion a month to justify their continued existence.
Abortions, I am an open eugenecist so I think you should be allowed to abort if there is literally anything wrong with the child. I wouldn't necessarily force it but I would make it highly incentivised for nonwhites.
The environment is worth protecting, although I have an on-going debate in my head if that is worth the loss of jobs in certain industries that get hit with regulations.
i think jamal should have the right to cuck me
If people want to be gay leave them alone in peace as long as they aren't forcing their agenda down everyones throat or asking us to let them use the wrong bathroom.
Weed is ok by me.
I don't think there is anything wrong with protecting the environment. I like clean air, good water, and beautiful forests. I just don't buy into man made global warming crap. I don't need that as a motivator though.
Climate change
There is nothing wrong with gays, as long as they aren't defined by their sexuality.
Euthanasia should be legalized.
Public Schools are good. (when it's not leftist brainwashing)
Global Warming is real.
Abortion legal to get rid of niggers.
Being gay is okay.
Do you believe all dogs are equal? Is a Pomeranian and a German Shepard 100% equal in every single way?
Honestly it's the most subtle and PC way we have right now to keep the nigger population down.
support gay marriage
support marijuana legalization
support abortion
support separation of church and state completely
Don't you have a thread on /jp/ to be erping in?
I'm pro choice.
Health Care should be socialized.
Gays are ok as long as they don't press their lifestyle onto me
Fucking arab cuck retard.
What do you mean, faggot? Are you the retard who got banned? Unsurprising someone as stupid as you browses Sup Forums.
What is 'liberal' in trumpspeak? (not baiting)
Individuals have the right to do what they want unless and until is begins to run afoul of the rights of another.
Second this. I'm fine with gay rights as well. That's it though, no more genders or whatever the LGBT is bitching about these days
That mass genocide of every non-white is probably impractical.
The internet should be free as in freedom to all.
I'm obviously not banned or I wouldn't be posting. So you're stupid and mentally diseased.
We should help the refugees (by building proper camps in their war torn countries until they can rebuild)
Pro Net-Neutrality
Pro universal healthcare (NOT Obamacare which is a goddamn mess)
Environmental regulations are necessary
Bans aren't permanent, mongoloid.
Environmentalism probably.
Climate change is iffy though.
you're allowed to do whatever you want to as long as it conforms to my beliefs and ideals
abortion is good
all drugs should be legalized for recreational consumption and free market production
I drive a Japanese car
If we're talking traditional liberal views, I have plenty. If we're talking about the modern definition of "liberal", then I guess I'm fine with gay marriage, as long as churches have the right to refuse service.
This is pretty much my only liberal view. All of my other views outside of the right are libertarian, and I do not have many of these types of views.
I literally do not give a fuck what you do, just stop trying to force your LGBT+~!RETFAT%R$%W^W$%STHYG#$@#$REEEE shit down my throat
Kill yourself
Ever heard of global rule 13?
>Do not use avatars
the US shouldn't be the world's policeman
universal healthcare
admissions-free public universities
Capitalism has major issues. Also, a classless system is ideal.
I bet you saw the german guy "in a nutshell" video.
There's no such thing as end the drug war, If you legalize all drugs there will still be rape, kidnappings, prostitution, organ traffic, etc and probably will rise.
Crime and violence ends with ostigation and fear, we have to be more strict and apply order in criminals.
Being sensible isn't a liberal exclusive view
t. Mikuspammer
Your shit gets deleted for a reason, and it doesn't help that you're so autistic about it.
My reasoning behind it is definitely not liberal, but I believe the state should pay for women's birth control and abortion i.e. Planned Parenthood.
Now I don't actually believe the state """should""" pay for it in a perfect world, but in our current state is is a necessity. The vast majority of people using these services are poor or black. I know that without these free services, those fucking morons will continue to fuck and get pregnant anyways, so we need them as a form of eugenics to save those people from themselves. In the long run the state saves more money by providing birth control/abortion than by having to shell out for the niglet's future welfare, food stamps, and eventual prison costs. It's population control on undesirables.
Also homosex isn't that bad. I acknowledge statistics that show homosex parents diddle their kids or whatever, but it really is just a choice. I don't give a fuck if someone wants to anal another dude in bed, just don't invite me unless it's a passable trap...
we need to kill billions of people to save the environment
Black women should be allowed to abort as many babies as they want
I don't believe all races are equal, however I treat people of all races equally unless I'm given a reason not to.
Sure, in India. Way, waaaay too many people out in the country amirite
I'm okay with race mixing as long as it's white make, asian female
Pro-abortion. Calling it pro-choice is cowardly.
I don't know why you're so triggered, I've never "mikuspammer"ed. Are All you homofags this touchy?
I've never seen that video actually. I think people should be able to do whatever they want with their body. I'm iffy on abortion in cases that aren't rape/incest or defects. Portugal has decriminilization, and if I remember right it has been fairly successful.
Trafficking and production remain illegal, but possession of a certain amount is legal and there are special courts for drug cases
I am 100% okay with assimilated immigration.
I think abortion and homosexuality are okay.
Biological transgender stuff is legitimate, albeit rare, and should be treated as a mental/physical disorder.
The environment is something to be cherished and accessible for all civilians and should never be deregulated and privatized.
Women are approximately equal to men in intelligence.
The holocaust happened.
I don't hate people superficially.
our success has more to do with heroin and HIV rates, not weed.
If junkies are sent to jail it don't do shit
And legalized and free abortion is a great eugenics system.
As much as I dislike them I don't think abortion or gay marriage should be illegal.
Not if legitimate businesses out compete the cartels. I think somebody would rather pay a few extra dollars on drugs in the gas station instead of buying from a shady guy in a parking lot.
>gets miku posts deleted
>makes a huge bitch fit
ok buddy
What have been the major effects? It would be interesting to here from someone who is actually Portuguese as compared to a bunch of articles
Probably this, but it has to come with no fucking tax-paid help whatsoever for those who can't use it responsibly.
>oh look at me , im a country that pretends this notion is realistic despite the obvious subjective interpretations everyone has of rights in an increasingly diverse society, above all, on the claims of my melting pot ideology
National Health Service
But I hate all the freeloading niggers, arabs and European trash using it for free without paying in. Pay in or FUCK OFF
I haven't seen a single miki post in this thread.
That's not a liberal view. The liberal version is "individuals have the right to pursue their own interest until that interest runs aground of my feelings."
>bring's up /jp/
>oh no i'm not talking about /jp/ silly
Retard. Race-realism is the single most important far right view to have, it is crucial to understanding the history, current state, and future of nations and the world as a whole.
Gas the kikes, race war now.
Women>men... Y'all had your chance and you fucked up BAD. Free health care for those who need it
I don't know what my most liberal view is, but I have a few
I think that the industrial revolution has had a disastrous and permanent impact on the natural environment
I think other animals, especially non-human primates, should be treated with more respect
There should be common sense drug laws instead of the ridiculous clusterfuck we have atm where there a ton of useful drugs which are illegal, anything that grows naturally should be legal for adults
All drugs should be legalized.
Abortion should be kept legal, and even made legal for a year post-birth, and made free of charge, since it gets rid of niggers and genetic defectives.
•A lot of police officers abuse their position, but not in the way BLM and liberals think they do.
•We still need feminism, but in Muslim countries.
•National Healthcare should be available for everyone who wants to keep paying for it.
•Global climate change is 100% real, but it's China and India's fault more than anywhere else.
My position on every issue is that the burden of proof is on those who seek to prescribe or forbid certain actions. This is inherently anti-"liberal", so I don't have any "liberal" views.
Abortion is a-ok
I watch interracial porn sometimes.
Dyed my hair once.
Considered getting a tattoo at one point.
Smoked weed two times.
I do agree with firearms registries and some sort of regulation on buying guns
If you want to subscribe to this retard view then you'll have to say that jews are superior to whites.
>No, no, no, but but but
I 100% support Israel, hell i'd probably move there if it weren't for the fact that it's full of jews
jews should be eradicated is probably my most liberal view.
t.edgy 11 year old
men and women should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
(unless they're a muslim)
>Brazil, the grand daddy of race mixing, makes an ironic statement on eugenics
Jews aren't evil, they are just damn smart and clannish. It is simply our duty not to get outsmarted by them.
Plus, Islam is the worst brain cancer on Earth.
Also abortion rights
>I think that the industrial revolution has had a disastrous and permanent impact on the natural environment
That sounds like something a traditionalist or reactionary could say just that they likely would add they think it have had a similarly bad impact on society.
this desu, as a nationalist I can't fault them for fighting for their corner in one of the shittest regions of the globe.
I dont care if faggots can marry each other but i would not let them adopt children becase a man and a women will be way better upbringers.
I'm also pro-legalization of weed.
I hope you get culturally enriched.