Obama was a pretty good President.
If the Republicans didnt stand in his way, he would have been GREAT
Obama was a pretty good President.
If the Republicans didnt stand in his way, he would have been GREAT
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Obongo had a majority in all branches of government that mattered for his first 2 years. He passed legislation in those years that changed that and which have cost the democrats over 1000 major seats in government since.
Sounds like the democrats didnt pull their weight. Not obamas problem
He was so good he got Trump elected.
Good job.
>Sounds like the democrats didnt pull their weight. Not obamas problem
Not obamas problem
To the mentally challenged, it never is.
Obama will go down as the worst president in US history.
He wouldn't even make a top 20 list.
You want him to lead the country AND the DNC? What do you think this is?
Its every man for themselves in Washington
>If the Republicans didnt stand in his way, he would have been GREAT
Sure. Every unopposed dictator views himself as great. Why not do away with democracy once and for all, you faggot? That would make America surely great again.
Anything that fucks with the middle class is ok with obama. If you understand this one tenet then everything that the demon obama and the CIA has done to this country and to the world comes into focus and understanding.
>lead the country
>as in he's a leader to anyone but faggots and niggers
No the republicans rolled over on orders every time obama wanted something. How can you not understand this? This is why trump was elected.
He was shit.
Nobody cares about your issues. Youre White and live in a giant house.
Fuck off
hillary and the dnc got trump elected, not obama
thanks thoth. and kek
Yeah the president who went on apology tours and bowed to every Muslim terrorist was really great
>promises change from Bush/Cheney wars and torture and other unconstitutional activities
>escalates wars and torture and unconstitutional activites
good try tho, right? must be the repubs fault
>He was so good he got Trump elected.
Good job
Putin got Trump elected faggot.
nobody gives a fuck about that muslim kenyan nigger anyomre, he is gone
>Obama will go down as the worst president in US history.
Says the idiotic foreigner.
>If the Republicans didnt stand in his way
Republicans didn't have the votes to stand in his way. How else did his dumb shit get passed?
Republicans voted unanimously against the stimulus bill that kept the country from going into another depression, like the one caused by Republicans back in 1929, so, yeah, you keep repeating your lies because maybe some other inbred fuckstick will believe you. Cunt.
Jimmie Carter then?
Greatness is defined by the legacy.
JFK legacy: He put a man on the moon
Obama legacy: He put a man in a woman's bathroom
I hope that was real and I hope he saw it and I wish he replied to it.
>Republicans didn't have the votes to stand in his way. How else did his dumb shit get passed?
Are you a fucking moron? Where were you the last 4 years?
I agree with this
>Obama was a pretty good President.
fuckin a
dem party worse position since reconstruction
Only thing he will go down in history as is the black one.
Why was there such a rise in food stamp recipients if so many jobs were created and health insurance given out?
>gun buyer checks up 58%
wtf does that mean other than more people are trying to get armed?
didn't read much further after seeing that
The rugged individualism speech by Hoover was at that time. He was passing what the demoncrats wanted. The demoncrat Roosevelt, ran against his own party, then doubled down....
>caused by the republicans
>black nationalist
>social degenerate
>Soros buttboy
That alone is reason enough to throw him in the trash. He was also corrupt as fuck, and had several scandals such as Operation Fast and Furious. He also shilled for Hillary.
Shit-tier President.
Don't forget that if the Mormon was in office they would be sucking his cock for putting up these figures.
Breddy gud...
-Obama raised the national debt from $10 trillion (1789 to 2007, 218 years) to nearly $19 trillion (2008 to 2016, 8 years)
-The United States has never endured more than two consecutive years of less than 3% GDP growth... until Obama. With Obama, the U.S. suffered with seven consecutive years of 1% GDP growth
-Obama doubled the number of Americans collecting food stamps to the highest number in US history (65 million)
-Obama nearly doubled the number of Americans who are of working age and not on disability and who are out of work (96 million)
-Obama's economic policy made him the greatest president the wealthiest 0.5% has ever known. Obama's "stimulus" plan created 117 new American billionaires in the last eight years with a total net worth of $1.8 trillion dollars
-Obama increased the number of unemployed 18-25 year old blacks from 12% to 27%.
-Obama sat by and watched as over 60,000 blacks were murdered by other blacks in the United States since he took office in Jan 2009.
-Obama sat by and watched as the Middle East went up in flames, as Russia invaded Crimea and Syria, as China has claimed land in the South China Sea and allied with Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sudan, and others, and Obama has allowed Iran a path to acquire nuclear weapons.
>Name one thing he will be remembered for
He will be remembered for being the worst president ever in United States history, bar none. Democrats went from having a majority in the House, Senate, Governorships, State legislatures, and the Presidency in 2007 to losing EVERY ONE OF THOSE MAJORITIES to Republicans by 2016. The Democrats will need a decade to recover from the destruction of the Democrat party courtesy of Obama. Obama's legacy will be the $10 Trillion in debt he added plus the $4 Trillion in stimulus money he spent which only managed to produce 1% GDP growth.
Also, "Worst President Ever" goes in every field.
This is good stuff sir.
No he means he has secured millions of more votes with government dependency programs.
>TARP was bad
>Obama stimulus (giving more billions of dollars to the same banks and corps. TARP did) was good
Democrat shill logic.
>Republicans voted unanimously against the stimulus bill that kept the country from going into another depression
The bailout bills passed before the Election happened.
Obama was not involved.
>Putin got Trump elected faggot.
Hilary pandered to minorities and totally ignored the working middle class who turned against her, she shot herself in the foot.
She's retired with her $100 million Clinton Fund.
>Obama will go down as the worst president in US history.
No one will beat Johnson who killed his own Great Society by spending the money to wage his personal war in Vietnam.
Fun fact:
Obama wanted to spend 1 trillion dollars on infrastructure yet republicans blocked him
You see, republicans see americans as votes, not as human beings in need of help
Haha, yeah. Imagine if those DUMB Republitrumpfhs hadn't stopped him from declaring war on Syria xD
We would have owned 90% of the Middle East! Precisely how to stabilize the region and maintain detente with Russia and China.
People are people indeed.
>Who is Bush Jr.?
>dat picture
>taking credit for natural crisis recovery without doing anything for it to happen
The left doesn't realize just how much they're catered to, because they have a spoiled, childlike mentality.
McConnel and Boehner were some of the biggest cucks the Republican Party every had, and opposed their base multiple times. Obamashills are basically complaining that the Republicans didn't just clap like trained seals and did whatever Obama told them.
The old saying, "never apologize to SJWs" is related to this. The left has no respect for honorable discourse, they just want to shill their policies and enforce them as quickly as possible, and in whatever way they can. It's Alisky-ism. Conservatives and WNs need to stop electing people who act like Mr. Rogers in the face of the left's autistic screeching. We need more people like Trump, etc.
Does Obongoleaf have the day off?
>Obama will go down as the worst president in US history.
If we had truthful reporters and academics, he would be last for sure.
But reporters and academics would all love to suck Obama's dick. Every one of them.
Thank God Hillary wasn't elected. We must never forget the horror and evil that Hillary would have inflicted on America.
These unthinking libtard celebrities and the thousands of libtard idiots rioting in the streets with tears in their eyes and hatred in their hearts would have helped her ruin America.
They would have ruined America.
- The Bill of Rights.
- The Rule of Law.
- Foreign Policy.
- Health Care (Obama ruined it so now it needs to be scrapped and rebuilt)
- The Economy (Obama mostly ruined it already)
And never forget that Hillary wanted a No Fly Zone in Syria with Russia
Which would have led to war with Russia.
Pic very much related.
We must never forgive the liberals, anons. Liberals hate the greatness of America.
We should be civil to them. We should be polite to them. But we must never trust a liberal. Ever.
It is logical (and appropriate) to hate liberals for the ruination of America we would have had under Hillary's leadership.
Oh shit. Is this real?
I just need a break from you retards sometimes.
Right wing retardation literally kills brain cells.
So why do you hate life? Cause I know you're pro-child sacrifice and think rights come from gov't. I'm curious.
This kike from Israel has been taking-over his position lately, I've noticed. It may have just been the same kike using a leaf VPN all along, lol.
Fake stats showing fake jobs and growth. When someone working 1 day a week for couple hours counts as "creating jobs", theres something fucking wrong. Cockblocked actual job creation with the xl pipeline that is both safer and better for environment than trains (warren buffet owns trains and demos, so obviously not going to let them cut into his profits at expense of american jobs and environment).
But yeah, great president you got there. When your only known achievement is being black, you know you did a shit job. Same platform hilary was running on except being a woman for her.
>Are you a fucking moron? Where were you the last 4 years?
Watching the senate majority pass bills
Obama is already the greatest.
If Republicans would have worked with him, then America would have been even greater but Republicans wanted America to fail just because there was a black president. Not very patriotic!
Come on then, bring out your same graphs as always
>Fun fact:
>Obama wanted to spend 1 trillion dollars on infrastructure yet republicans blocked him
Fun Fact.
Government does not create jobs, it only takes YOUR money to give to others by taxes or Debt increases.
OP is not a fag...
He treated America good.
Google what budget deficit means
Your parents probably loved bush and thought he was so amazing even though there's not much difference between Obama and Bush on a policy level minus the corruption
getting warmed up
Correct. Obama reduced the budget deficit he inherited by 75%.
>like the one caused by Republicans back in 1929
Hmm what did he do right? Can't think of a single thing.
Now what did he do wrong?
-Fucked up healthcare even worse than it's already fucked
-Fast and Furious scandal
-Gave over control of the internet to the UN
-Incredibly weak president. China has openly disrespected him on his visits as have many other world leaders and he just bends over and takes it Example: youtube.com
-Executed U.S. citizens via drone strike without a trial
-Passed a law allowing the indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial
-Gave amnesty to illegal immigrants
Seriously what has he done right?
Actually he's right.
Notice that the worst thing for America is for the Republicans to control the House, Senate and presidency all at the same time.
This has only happened twice for an extended period of time in the last 100 years.
The first, from 1921 to 1933, caused the Republican Great Depression.
The second, from 2001, 2007 led to the Great Republican Recession. Thankfully Obama averted a 2nd Republican Great Depression.
The facts are in. Right wingers vote Republican because they want to kill the economy.
Whoever made that chart is a genius and has a huge cock.
A proof obama also saved the stock market
We're not demon crats. We know statistics better than you. When was the last president to not have at least 3% growth since those statistics were tabulated? Hint:Only Obama.
correct again!
Says the cracker.
Wow just one year in the white house and already the economy improved. It's almost as if it he had nothing to do with it and it's a result of the previous presidents actions.
good job you summoned obamaleaf
now he can put his ctrl+v to work and ignore everyone as usual
The president does not lay or collect taxes or make law. These powers are held by the legislature.
I think we all know (((WHO))) caused the panic of 1929 and a decade of world wide misery.
(((They))) are our misfortune.
>falls for the JewDP meme
Typical right wing retards. You want big govt spending and more immigration just to boost your precious JewDP.
Fuck off
>Obama reduced the budget deficit
How did he do that?
>right wing retard tears
A lame duck at best and a drone striking hypocrite at worst.
>If Republicans would have worked with him,
If Obama had learned to compromise & consensus instead of demanding Congress give him what he wanted he would have had more success.
He can return to Chicago and return to being a community activist to make Black Lives Matter and reduce the black on black death rate, or do nothing.
if the republicans didnt stand in his way he would have been worse
I wonder what you retards will say when Trump cuts taxes for the rich and blows up the deficit.
Thanks based Republicans
Sweden is projected by the U.N. to be a third world country by 2030.
Fucking commie shilling. Why are the worst cities in the US f,or jobs and basic safety,governed by demoncrats exclusively for the last 50+years?
So you are admitting that all the job growth for the next year will be Obama's growth?
I agree with you!
Higher taxes on the rich, ending the wars (inb4 drone strike = war), saving the economy, putting Americans back to work.
Remember 1 thing. You can't trust Republicans with money.
I don't think that GDP graph is correct.
>and it's a result of the previous presidents actions.
Do you see those massive job losses at the end of Bush's presidency?
What kind of fucking retard are you.
That graph isn't surprising given the lowest quintile pay zero tax. Also, it should be measured as a percentage instead of dollars.
Keep going though Obongoleaf