>Season 6 of Homeland will have an enemy far worse than any terrorist, the Alt-Right
Wew Sup Forums will be on tv
>Season 6 of Homeland will have an enemy far worse than any terrorist, the Alt-Right
Wew Sup Forums will be on tv
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Oy Vey - people still watch this show?
The memes are forcing themselves onto their screens
Will they expose the hacker Sup Forums?
writers pls include me in the show
Literally all of DC obsesses over this Show
should be interesting to see how it reacts
reeeeeee why did they make another season?
They made quinn into a retard in the new season
I honestly can't believe they still make this show
skip this shit, watch The Young Pope tonight
makes sense considering that this show is about (((terrorists))) and we all know that terrorists are nothing more then intelligence agency mercenaries who fight Israel's enemies.
Show me a real Jihadist that not some ZOG proxy and I'll give u a million bucks
Yeah, because conservatives were the ones burning down cities and shooting cops and blowing up places...........
Without Quinn, they don't have a show. I mean, he was always all bizniz, while she ran around on medication having flashbacks.
>inauguration of the president played by Elizabeth Marvel.
watch them ties it into Russia
and Russia in to Afghanistan/ Pakistan
Can't believe that shit is still airing.
I know but its hard to watch him in the new season, he went from complete bad ass to someone who cant get dressed
Top kek.
I guess I should start watching this again. It kind of lost me somewhere in season 4.
Will they involve Kekism, dubzschecking, esoterical ouija, Spurdo, baneposting, Straya and Canada relations, the Emu War, Day of the Rake, and other stuff you may encounter?
>watch them ties it into Russia
Shouldn't be too hard.
I wonder what it'll be like. Is the alt-right plotting a gas attack to kill off non-white babies, or whatever else cartoonishly evil thing they can think of? Or are they going to track down and beat up the people who shitpost on twitter?
What does this even mean?
Will the entire show be about doxing twitter accounts and complaining about stefan molyneux ?
Will there be an image board investigation where they investigate the link between terror cells and repeating numerals?
So progressive!
>the hacker known as Sup Forums cunningly reidrects a US drone strike on the investogators in a race against time
>will our heroes manage to outsmart the untangible evil white males before they worst is realized?
Those are gonna be some pretty comfy threads, lads.
Carrie won't take his drugs and see pepe everywhere.
>Alt-right death count: -12
wew such threat. much danger
>Yfw the main villain will be a Norwegian obsessed with stacking wood.
No it will feature racist nazis committing legitimate hate crimes and a goofy trump caricature
>if we don't have nonfiction stories about the alt right, we'll make fiction stories, we'll let our viewers decide for themselves whether or not they believe it
>implying it wont me a shady man in montana known by many names within the alt right
Or even
>implying it wont be Sam "Tanning Nigger" Hyde
>after finally hacking through the alt-right's mainframe the investigators find out they haven't been hijacking the drone but instead trying to divert it, the real controller being in an CIA warehouse
wow i fear the alt right now.
useful idiots similar to pol influneced by middle men for organized crime groups/ hardcore neo nazis acting as proxys for Russian oligarchs and/or the Russian government/ Intelligence agencies who may be interacting with islamic terror groups/ regimes they want to take down dating back to the 50s 60s 70s ect
When did alt-right become labeled as white nationalists? I think it was around that time that Hillary and the ADL burn-marked Pepe as white nationalist. Before that, the alt-right was just an umberella term for most right-wingers who were anti-establishment, anti-globalsit and/or anti-neocons. Now they collectively label anyone who said they were alt-right as a "lideral natsi :DDDD". The same thing is happening in my country, the main stream media is shilling hard go make "populist" into a bad word. Is this their new strategy? To label any name of a movement as nazi just to make most jump ship or outright deny that they were ever a part of it? And now it´s even the main enemy on a fucking TV show. What threat would a bunch of memeing NEETs ever pose to anything besides libcuck feelings?
>literally depicting people who disagree with you as terrorists when there has been zero cases of "alt-right" terrorism
this is the theme of democrats for at least the next 2 years: "la resistance!". It's a natural extension of their virtue signaling; and will turn into a giant game of who can scream 'fuck trump' the loudest.
>When did alt-right become labeled as white nationalists?
>Before that, the alt-right was just an umberella term for most right-wingers who were anti-establishment, anti-globalsit and/or anti-neocons
i used to think that as well but it turns outs there were autists that claimed this term in like 2010.
>can probably even write an intricate story on us being "evil" to the jews, how our community works and how devious we are
>instead the jews will probably write something really dumb that wont even resemble us 5%
god, it sucks to have such dumb enemies. Basically I could be a much better enemy to ourselves and I am not that. But just saying, why is our enemy so stupid. Its kinda disappointing.
The big bad evil guy used to have complex motivation, complex minions, weird and complex desires. The writers even kinda respected the bad guy, even in such a light where he often overshadowed the "good guy". Srsly jews. I can write a better series than you. Even with keeping up with your doctrine of white genocide.
People still watch this crap? Huh, guess the Jewish brainwashing is working better than we thought.
Liberals and Muslims complained that the show was Islamophobic. Someone even graffitied "homeland is racist" in Arabic on the set.
nah, my version was better:
>Future madam president talks about important stuff and tolerance
>Suddenly someone yells "PEPE" from balcony
>3 liberals dead because got trampled by angry crowd
>Special agent Maribeth Anne Sueston, who is an hero and she doesnt afraid of anything arrives at the scene
>After questioning witnesses Mary Sue protects madam president from angry shooter dressed in frog costume shooting him seconds before he can, she is that cool!
>with his dying breath attacker whispers into brave agent ear
>camera rolls away, new scene
>bomb timer
>set at 14:88
/end episode
Muzzies didun nutin: the series
God these people are literally hysterical. Can you imagine being a liberal right now? They must be seeing orange spray-tanned shadows around EVERY corner.
isis, al qaeda, and the dozens of other jihadi groups around the world? fucking tinfoil retard.
I bet all the jihadis in europe agitating for an islamic takeover are all zog proxies too huh faggot?
to the OP, this show went to shit after about season 2 or 3. After that it was all Claire Danes crying in every scene about how good muslims are and preachy sjw shit.
More like this
They have literally lost it completely. Trumps victory has annihilated them. Now all they can do is try to bring down as many as they can with them.
Aw yiss!
Look mah, we famous!
Is that how it ended? I don't watch that shit.
They're responsible for Trumps presidency which is literally terrorism you Nazi fuck.
In the end the "female" programmer quit the industry because they (the gamers) won.
The butthurt was delicious.
Yeah, literally-who tier autists that no one ever heard of or cared about. The Richard Spencer shit just reignited the fire.
I could only get through 1 minute of that. Sorry fampai, I have failed you...
Sounds like a win to me!
>opening, Truck explodes
>CNN and other credible media curious
>Who is this
>Special agent Mary Sue recieves mission from her superior, Shlomson Shekelberger
>She goes for advice to good hackers at CTR
>literally basement dwelling virgins
>they tell her that Sup Forums cannot be fought because they do not have structure and act totally chaotic
>CTR overseer arrives, tells her to leave and smacks nearest virgin with a whip
>Mary Sue wonders what to do, suddenly hears BANG BANG shooting
>runs to the source of shots
>Local Pizzeria
>lolis escaping the scene
>Guys in frog costume kill totally innocent pizza maker and escape on bicycles yelling "oh shit waddup"
>Special agent feels like she uncovered some sort of conspiracy, tries to open door to the basement
>Her superior arrives at the scene and tells her:
>Shut them down
Leftists are masters of doublespeak.
>Democratic elections
>their candidate loses
>take to the streets using terrorism, attacking and looting shops and beating trump supporters
Fuck em.
>I could only get through 1 minute of that. Sorry fampai, I have failed you...
Just watch it, famalam.
Please let there be a Pepe cameo.
Literally what?
>We are far worse than any terrorist threat.
I'd watch it.
Inb4 Carrie bangs an user and falls in love with him. Then brave user dies 2 episodes later.
Watch season 1 then quit. First season was the only good season, from there it went full on retarded.
Makes sense. user would be so desperate he would stick his dick in crazy.
Is that what it is like when normies try too hard to meme? They tried too hard with that episode. The ending was great though. Now time to go play my Korean waifu simulator.
>The sixth season of the show takes place in New York, and finds Claire Danes’ Carrie Mathison working at an organization that helps Muslims. Per EW, the action will occur between the election and inauguration of the president played by Elizabeth Marvel.
The don't try and don't need to because they expect their audience to be ignorant.
I´d laugh my ass of if they turn Pepe into a fox so to not bring more attention to Kek.
Thus triggering the furries and in the next episode they fight against the hordes of the alt-right and alt-furry who joined forces after some climatic scene.
Good points. I don't really watch TV, so I'm not sure what is even on these days. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
>an enemy far worse than any terrorist
I'm done.
It will be about the secret alt-right anti-semitic hate forum r/the_donald, ran by Sam Hydegoldsteinberg.
Can we make Special agent Mary Sue are regular thing now? Holy shit, i like it
I can't believe this shit is still going. What the fuck is wrong with American TV producers?
lol in the first episode the President was a woman. They were expecting a hilldog victory.
holyfuck, that bitch got old
>Tea cupping a gun
I thought Ice T was gangsta
remember when gamergate was on tv?
>an enemy far worse than any terrorist, the Alt-Right
Those terrible alt-righters, posting their frog memes on twitter and reporting DIY safety hazards! I'll take my exploding ackbars and holiday trucks over them any day!
I thought I will end series at episode 2, but sure
>opening scene
>Special Agent Mary Sue watching TV
>Finnish energy drink commercial featuring Spurdo
>fug dis
>she gets out of her house
>diverse neighbourhood, as she walks through it she greets interracial couple with mixed kid
>she keeps going, sees her uncle complaining about the leafs falling abundantly from the maple tree
>Day of the rake is coming
>Mary Sue smiles, suddenly shouts and screeches and sound of car going at extremely high speed
>Turns back
>interracial couple killed gruesomly lying on the pavement
>She runs towards them, apply CPR, totally ignoring the fact that they have total of 12 bullet wounds
>She succeeds, interracial couple is safe now because crew of 3 black paramedics arrive almost instantly
>mixed kid got kidnapped
>using her awesome detective skills mixed with womanly intuition, special agent finds out den of local depravity
>local manga store
>she gets in
>creepy atmosphere
>too dark too see anything
>suddenly, she gets attacked
>thumb bank crank fight in the darkness sounds
>she overpowers her assailant and turn on her flashlight which she convieniently had in her purse
>scream of terror escapes from her mouth
>she was attacked by a nigger
>she asks him why he did that to his fellow black persons
>fuck yo bitch
>I am fucking white!
/end of episode 3
people still watch TV?
>It's an Argentinian kebab shop
I wonder if it'll be as gold as this
There's a Bannon character, basically.
Old people does.
American Media needs to be outlawed
that would be fine too but I wanted to tie in some bigger plot consisting anime, frogs, esoteric, and russian hackers influencing votes in upcoming elections
fuck this show
I usually love muh spooky cia stuff and this was recommended to me.
All I got was some psychopathic whining race mixing white girl fucking everything up.
She's one of the most annoying and off putting characters I've ever seen
Don't forget her jewish handler saul either
>mfw liberal writers expected so hard for hillary to win the election every president in a new movie or series will be a white woman
except at the end of the day, everything is about race/genetics
And our rejection of the lie of egalitarianism is the one thing that seperates us from cucks & liberals.
Sup Forums is not alt right
If Claire Danes doesnt fuck and defend one, im gonna be mad
The show is on its way out. It peaked in Season 3. Everything since has been rehashed bullshit. That cartoonish "bomb destroys the whole CIA" episode was the exact point when I realized the show was over.
I never watched this, is it worth my time?
Keep it up user.
Why does Showtime run all of their shows into the ground? I remember Dexter and Weeds were pretty popular but by the time they ended they had become total shit and everyone had forgotten about them.
Its made to guide their minds, remember Obama warned of "far right terrorism".
That's because they know as they shit on the constitution eventually people wont accept it.
>shitposting is terrorism
Yeah as soon as a show catches on because its good, they think, "I know! Let's ruin it!"
Hollywood doesn't get the """alt-right""", as most liberals don't. They just put in some skinheads I bet.