*sips tea*

*sips tea*

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Looks like the holocaust one as well


Best thread all day.

The holocaust happened you retards.



What's more likely: a historical event was faked by the Jews and everybody at the time played along or that a bunch of anti-semitic, nazi worshipping, NEET contrarian losers have a hard on for a regime that every normal person knows to be disastrous.

>Doesn't realize the floor is polished diamond.

Jew detected


Top Lel

>Nazi intellectuals

What's funny is the psyop division of the Army who displayed this crap was run by a bunch of jews.

This butthurt? Just because somebody questions an event in history?


Well let's see. There is no documentation from the Nazis of death camps. The personal account from Jews are all extremely different and many flat out ridiculous. The "death" camps they all found were on the Soviet side and none of them have any sort of proof that mass killings existed with gas chambers.

So whats more believable. The Bolsheviks made up it up to keep Germany from ever rising to power again and to further the gains of the Jews or that Germany slaughtered millions of their own workforce because they didn't like them.

> anti-semitic, nazi worshipping, NEET contrarian losers
wouldn't these people be happier with a holocaust that did happen than a holocaust than didn't happen?

Its not that crazy of a theory. Theres a lot of good reasons to believe or the lack of belief in the holocaust

history is written by the victors.
did the nazies kill jews for being jews? sure. does shit get exaggerated during war crime trails? oh yeah. do the winners of war demonize the losers to justify their actions? yup.

>people who question the lolocaust must be nazis


>hurr it was just da poor jews
>totally didn't have entire USSR backing to spread marxism and cover up their own genocide
>it's not like our politics and education system weren't be infiltrated since before the war either
slight kek


I'm not pro Israel but the Jews have done more since 1949 to develop that land and bring life to it than the 800 years Arabs colonized it

looks like one big gas chamber


>There are people who legitimately think the Holocaust didn't happen
How can you be so delusional? Debating the numbers is one thing, but flat out denying it is ridiculous.

Why does every person who questions the holocaust also happen to be affiliated with Nazism or part of a right wing movement of some sort? They are not sincerely invoking investigation. They despise Jews as shown by the anons ITT. Not a very objective group. Also not a very smart one.

I mean the same people who deny the holocaust also tend to believe in Pizzagate and such garbage. They are partisan hacks masquerading as 'free thinkers' and 'questioners'.

No the HOLOCAUST is the conspiracy theory.
>t-t-the SS and all the Polish and German citizens working in or around the camps were in on it!!!
When you confront people about that ^ they instantly go to the
>w-w-well maybe I mean they kept the gas chambers yeah yeah they kept them s-s-s-secret

>Holocaust evidence room

>why does every person who questions the holocaust also happen to be affiliated with Naizsm
>Not a very objective group

Not true. At all.
In fact most of the people who'll hop in and go "OY VEY" are stormfags and skinheads who want so hard to believe Hitler devised a crazy rube goldberg machine of death.


When you look at the evidence, it's more ridiculous to think that it happened at all.

Nobody here says that there weren't killings and executions.
But the number is inflated, there are no proofs of the order to kill other than Hitler's idea to deport them before the war, and most of the victims were the direct result of allied bombings and typhus.

We believe millions of Jews died from disease and malnutrition.
And some of them might have received a humane death rather than letting them starve.

But claiming Germany purposely executed 6 million Jews is retarded.



See here's a stormfag who wants the holocaust to be real:

No. These white males, who are usually the most privileged people in society, have gotten the idea that they are a persecuted minority. If they admit the holocaust happened, then they will have to face to fact that the Nazis were murderers and sadists of an incredible order instead of poor wittle victims like themselves.

churchill did mention the holocaust in his book though. Are you retarded?

Dude you broke character. Go back to and relearn the basics of troleing u fookin cunt m8


Hundreds of thousands

>goes to the fucking white male argument

There's a wooden door there because the jews kept ramming into the cast iron door for 40 days and 40 nights of their genocide leaving it so broken they had to replace it on the final day


>they were breeding rabits for their fur to be used in the inner lining in bomber jackets! this means the holocaust never happened for reasons!

what? seriously, what is the logic behind this shit?


user's normie admission too conspicuous to be believed. This beta is trolling.

Wow, that jpg of truth is certainly not bullshit and overturns hundreds of books and thousands of eyewitness accounts and personal experiences. If only they could have presented this at the nuremberg trials.


Yeah no shit, I got a grandmother who's older than this place.
Enjoy your ancient countries with beautiful histories anons, I'm sure entropy will skip you and you'll survive another 250 years :^)

I honestly don't care if it's real or not.

I'm just saying it's a retarded claim with zero evidence.

Dentistry? Water polo matches? Sounds horrific, what a shoah!

>ignoring all of the evidence because of reasons
Who could be behind this post?

What is fucking wrong with you

You forgot to make the holocoaster and Ellie Weasel claims.

Indeed it is.

>Stalin's anti-Semitic regime faked Holocaust
Makes no sense.

*trying to find Palestine*


J**s should leave Sup Forums.

Agreed. Took too many posts to accumulate such few (You)s. Disgraceful.


Yes goyim, the nazis had masturbation machines and mine carts that dumped bodies into crematoriums! It happened because it seems real to me! If you question me, you are an anti semite!


Jumbo joe is a confirmed jew

They didnt have dentistry for the inmates user. Those places had shit like that on site for the actual people running the base. Do you realize that there are people in the military now who are just there to be dentist?

And the sports teams are a complete lie because those are British POWs, not jewish inmates.

Also, your picture makes no actual point and proves nothing and I have no idea why you guys post it all the time.

I just addressed it. Why would you even include breeding of rabbits as a reason it didnt happen? Seriously, what is the logic behind that? How does that in anyway contradict the official narrative?


But the real reason is to cover up their own genocides and to keep German from ever reaching power on their own again because of "muh ever murdering death camps".

How was Stalin anti-Semitic?

The Russian communist party was full of Jews.
And he even gave the Jews their own homeland.

>You forgot to make the holocoaster and Ellie Weasel claims.

Wow, i guess if one person tells an exaggerated story the whole event didn't happen. So if one guy makes up some bullshit story about the Crimean War the whole event was fabricated.

also, see

Your other image is wrong as well, so you might want to change it

Bolshevik Marxist Jews aka the Russian government you mean


Then why did they gather jews and prsionners of war in that "Summer camp". It appears like a waste of war funds for nazi Germany


b-but it's wrong because I said so goy! Muh rabbits!
Ignore everything else, please!


For historical scholars aiming to overturn the work of thousands of acclaimed historians, you people sure don't know shit about basic facts.

>You forgot to make the holocoaster

You mean that meme literally no one knew or cared about other than you guys? How does this prove the holocaust never happened?

Prove it


Over 100 people filed insurance claims after 9/11 for family members who didn't exist.

As we all know, 9/11 never happened either.

"National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty"


no, its wrong because churchill does in fact mention the holocaust in his book. Stop shitposting to try and cover up the fact that you are losing the argument user.

and saying "muh rabbits" doesnt really work since you are the one who brought it up and Im the one calling you out for how that makes no sense

Literally 442 citations.


>Millions of "survivors"
>Red cross didn't mention any extermination in their inspection reports.
>German efficiency.

really made me think

Did you even bother to read articles I linked?
Stalin's anti-Semitism is literally indisputable.
You're quoting something as if Stalin wasn't a fucking manipulator and liar.

The red cross excuse is bullshit that was exposed by the red cross themselves back in the 70s

>Stalin is a manipulator and a liar
>definitely wouldn't lie about the holocaust to manipulate the world

But WHY would he fake Holocaust?
What did he stand to gain from that?
>frame Germans for crimes
Germans literally killed 20 million Soviet civilians, you think that wasn't enough?

I didn't bring rabbits into question, that was you. And the original image was from Learn to check IDs during your blind denying rampage, silly jew.

thing is, Stalins "lie" is a story that is corroborated by millions of other eye witnesses. And not just victims, but people who perpetrated it as well, like Kurt Gerstein (he was an SS officer before you get triggered by -stein) as well as the fact that other allied powers were finding camps like that as well.

lmao I already stated why you idiot, if you don't want to read or even try then why should anyone even bother with you?

>opposes people 'invading' their homeland (immigrating with the consent of a democratically elected government)
>Nazis actually invaded other countries and killed a large amount of people who they deemed inferior
>s-stop bullying n-nazis guise

Yeah i'm sure the Germs didn't show them a carefully propped up camp. I mean do you think the Germans would actually have shown the red cross what they were doing? They showed them bullshit to look good. They do the same in communist countries today.

They also wrote an article about this. Step your game up

Fuck off JIDF

Nice proof, I can see the paper is made out of at least 10 dead Jews.

>other allied powers
>death camps only on soviet side

Lol what. Read actual accounts of the holocaust, peoples stories never match up and neither do the pictures of these "gas chambers". Wow tortured nazis after WW2 admitted that it happened. REALLY MAKES YOU THINK

The civilian thing would be way harder to attack the nazis for. It happens in tons of wars from both sides so the impact of it is kinda lost. Plus then stalin could be accused of forcing his citizens to fight and thus be killed. It would be much safer to use the holocaust