What will happen if Trump gets JFK'd?

What will happen if Trump gets JFK'd?

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He finally stops Tweeting

Mike "If it's cock you crave, you're in for an early grave" Pence will rise and it will be even more glorious


Mike Pence.

shit is gonna be gold



He wont

The most volatile dead-mans switch will activate, and maybe the most one sided civil war.

You mean Mike "Traditional cuckservitive" Pence?

Trump threatened the Fed. He's a dead man walking. Hell, the only reason he's still breathing is that he sold all his children to the Jews.

Pence takes over Lightning Quick

If he does then pence starts 2nd holocaust

Civil war will happen

Nothing will happen. You will get a shitstorm on Sup Forums saying DUDE WAR CIVIL WAR OMG!!!!!!! before we go on with 4 uneventful years of Pence

Literal civil war and/or military coup

You'd get at least a few large right wing groups going complete batshit and killing a few thousand people.

He will become a hero and his vice-president will get a carte blache to do anything. If lefties start riots he will have popular support for harsh actions.

although the shooter would probably be white. whites would bomb the middle east to oblivion.

Either nigger purge or elite purge.


No you wouldn't.

not to mention if it happened in DC on inauguration you'd see the largest riot in American history with everybody on both sides trapped in a crowded area for days.

Casualties would be fucking huge.

Then you'd have Mike "Electric Fence" Pence to worry about for the next four years.


Mike "Faradays for the gays" Pence is in charge then.

memes for years to come


pol will unify with both kek checking and thoth checking

I propose that we annihilate the CIA and the NSA in the clean up following the aftermath of one of the most bloody civil wars in history.

Once those dirty fucks are gone I recommend we shut down the spooks in general and focus on a more open republic that stops giving our politicians places to hide.

This is exactly what I am talking about. This wouldnt happen

I like to believe that the Bog Twins have a contingency plan just in case

Trump was impossible five years ago. What makes you think an event as huge as him being JFK'd wouldn't push our already crumbling society over the edge?

Bad Things

Nothing. Pence takes over and the plan continues.

Then what ? Pence would hold an harder stance than Trump on many subjects, killing him would be retarded

The electricity bill will be enormous.

So they were ready to fight with Bundy, but they wouldn't start shooting if Trump was literally BTFO by the elites? Somebody somewhere would crack.

Mike 'amps for camps' Pence will become President and the sjws will be even more butthurt

How did they both fuck their faces up? I'd understand one, but you'd think the other one would wake up after seeing his twin's face get destroyed. Unless they had surgery at the exact same time, which would be gay as fuck?

I like you

In the 60's people trusted the government and had little awareness to the elites and their effects on the world.

This time it's different. You can only get away with killing a president once, after that all bets are off, freedom is compromised.

I expect armed marches on Washington.

underrated post

Whites will chimp out.

Oh boy, Sverige ja, you haven't seen whites chimp out in your lifetime. Prepare to see levels of genocide that will make Serbia proud.


Pence comes in and makes America even better.

That's all covered in the "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" plan comrade.

1. Pence is sworn in
2. endless theories on how many gunmen were involved and who was behind it

Pence, who is worse than Trump, becomes your new emperor.

>civil wars never happen it is unprecedented!
>major crisies and destructive wars will never occur again because I have confirmation bias with a myopic view of history

He won't be JFK'd faggots, stop daydreaming.

>using a female empowered pepe

OP you are a faggot. Woimen cannot open fucking jars and yet you bought into the msm version of female. Rethink your place in the universe.

nigger blood

jew blood

death In Full HD

He didnt threaten the fed. Hes just going manipulate the system and get the ignorant people to shut up about the bankers, Audit into gold standard does not solve the root of the problem. The fed needs to be dismantled as we end fractional reserve banking, print a flat currency backed by the government to fix our money system.

Pence is just trumps link to the evangelicals who are colluding with the jews to start a holy war. Killing people does not change anything when they are puppets themselves. JFK was going to expose their plots and take back america thus curb stomping the new globalist NWO.

Mike "Get the itch, flip the switch" Pence for 4 years :^)

exactly. It's amazing how deluded people are. Recent history isn't a reliable guide to the future in any way. We've seen that in this election.

Sup Forums is never wrong

I really hope a gigantic civil war.

Can we stop this fucking Pence insurance meme.

Pence is not going to audit the fed or CIA if Trump gets killed. He is part of the establishment. Trump only picked him for establishment cred.

Stop it I'm getting a hard on!!!!



>annihilate the CIA and the NSA
all countries need black bag operations (offensive & defensive) to survive. China would eat our lunch even more than now if we didn't. I guess if it got so bad that those agencies disappeared, you'd have a total civil war and China invading Hawaii and completely controlling the Pacific Ocean.

I thought the whole point of the Daily Stormer was that whites don't group think and don't riot.

Chaos for the Chaos God

Look I get he isn't technically president yet, but that's the part that scares my inner tinfoil. The entire media machine will only refer to him as president ELECT. Even when they talk about his policies it's "this is what the president ELECT plans to do." Yea he's not the president yet but the way they avoid calling him the future president is weird.

Who's going to fight? And who's going to lead? Obama's affirmative action niggers? Who will fund it?

Civil War 2.0 with the South winning this time. Also Jeb as president.

Just got to heaven- too many Mexicans! It's time to Make the Afterlife Great Again!

>China invades Hawaii
>we would never know that happened if there were no CIA/NSA

I can't even the civil war part


More lewd Pepettes

I've noticed this too. When Obama won the media called him President Obama from day one.

Now there is 5 days left until Trump ascends and they'e not used the proper title once.

we would know.
I saying if it got so bad that that happened, other conditions would so far gone that we wouldn't be able to do anything about it or we wouldn't care.

We would have a reason to remove Jews

That's what they've always done you retard

What is a JFK? Just Fucking Killed?

>Post yfw Trump gets assassinated.
>It's ALL over the news, absolutely monumental.
>Liberals are rejoicing, Detroit gets burned down again for no reason.
>Facebook memes all over the place and dumbshits thinking Hillary is now president.
>But then...
>Trump tweets.


Liberal media will blame white people and spin it as a good thing.

They'll say that the alt right maybe people so afraid that of course they were going to lash out.

Short answer? The blood of the elites would run in the streets.

The population is too woke for them to successfully pull off another 9/11 or JFK.

I wish Twitter had a feature that let you set up tweets which would post themselves on the specified date. If they did, Trump would load up his twitter with shit that would post for years after his death.

Tell him to come to Detroit, where he will be safe from everyone.

so you're saying world peace is dependent on the disruptive activities of our secretive organizations?

>if things were that far gone
yeah, no shit but I can't credit the CIA with keeping it from getting there

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

One of our presidents who was assassinated.

massive amounts of shitskins pour into Sweden


>not sure if b8 .jpg
it's an assassinated president's initials

There are people still in Detroit? Isn't it a ghost town?


John F Kennedy

>I will allow this since you still probably know more about US history than anyone here knows about Hungarian history

Just leaf this place

Detroit is HUGE, the downtown areas may seem barren but we have still got a good side.

Oh. Was he one of the Dead Kennedys? I liked that band

Will he keep the record?

If Trump gets JFK'd the kikes get 110'ed.


He will be glorified like JFK. There will be movies made and all his speeches will be shown on history Channel.
People will travel to the Trump Tower that will have a museum in the basement and a souveniershop at the end of the tour.
He will be another american hero, worshipped and loved.
The memorial wall will be build in the south of the US and russia will be nuked because they hacked the assassin

>an even higher nigger population due to lack of abortions
>even more glorious
Pick 1

>sees flag
Go back to sucking sandnigger dick, Sven.

CNN will need to be overtaken and each anchor and reporter there executed one by one on live TV.

It's the only way lefties will get the message.

He shrugs off the bullet and laughs directly into the camera.

>so you're saying world peace is dependent on the disruptive activities of our secretive organizations?
as long as spying activity is carried out by other countries and terrorists, yes it it.

And during a civil war, you'd still have black bag stuff going down, it would just be focused internally by each side (the American revolution and Civil War all had spies rings)

>t. Detroit nigger

You're not fooling anyone, Tyrone.

Spend 20 mins of your wretched existence listening to what the man had to say, cuckchan


Listen to how hope-filled and naive this man was in 1961, 2 years before his assassination, as he warns the public of the great danger it still fails to recognize today.

All while pointing at the assassin and saying "YOU ARE FAKE ASSASSINS."