Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
I don't get it.
>muh niggurs
Be honest, OP. Did you know who the fuck lewis was 6 months ago? Can you name a single legislative thing he's done ever?
Deep nigger bants.
???? Why did they put a black background behind Lewis and give him lighter skin?
>get's beaten up at a PROTEST where others were RIOTING
>gets to pull the race card for the rest of his life
Nobody sees a problem here?
That is quite a dark aura for an icon
>guy coasting on muh doktah kaaannnngg for 60 years
>can't bring down crime in district
>always KANG-ing when confronted with the issue
Have you ever heard John Lewis speak at any of the hearings? He's a race baiting retard.
Why is this man an icon, again? What did he achieved in his nigger life?
He stood next to some guy who was more famous than he was.
Wow impresive. That's why the president of the country can't talk to him! You are really a cuck country.
How Sup Forums will look like when trump will give TPP a different name and then pass it??
Let's not forget trump outsourced jobs his entire life, and most of his closest advisers are pro TPP
H-holy shit..
John Lewis is some old nigger who race baits all the time and tries to get guns out of hard working Americans' hands. I'm not going to grovel at his feet just because he marched with some niggers for civil rights in the 60s
"Uncle Jon" Lewis is a completely cucked shill,
Any turdburglar watching CSPAN for 5 min will see this obviously.
Using him as an example of anything is proof of idiocy.
Sage bait threads, SAGE THEM!
I defy anyone to prove to me that this thing is even human.
Is he the one who is always bringing up irrelevant shit and people sort of humor his questions before moving on?
god damn look at that gorilla nose. also this is very lame "I con" HAHAHAHAHA!!! fucking faggots.
Gas yourself
That doesn't even look like John Lewis. He looks like a nigger version of lenin
They won't even attempt to draw him accurately for fear of being called racist because he is a literal clone of nigger caricatures from old cartoons
That's Cummings, but both look and act exactly the same: uppity braindead democrap niggers.
I feel bad for a civil rights leader like Lewis. He drank so much of Hillary's Kool Aid that he lost his mind with Trump winning.
Same with McCain, but he lost his mind and soul running for president and selling out to the Republicans. Trump didn't nearly sell out running anywhere near as much as McCain did.
Trump's nose really is fucking nigger like isn't it. I wonder why.
but who keeps punching the poor man in the eyes?
i had NEVER heard of baldy mcbitchy before a few days ago. neither did the vast majority of bitchy whiners who suddenly want to pretend he's worth a damn, either.
meanwhile, i have heard about donald trump PLENTY before he was preisdent trump.
John Lewis isn't a fucking icon. He's just another shit stain in the House of Representatives.
Leftist satire, irony, humor, and sarcasm is such complete and utter shit. In the cultural realm, the left is entirely dead, all they can do is make the occasional decent album, beyond music they can't do anything!