got some decent feedback and apparently not many people are talking about the incidents
so what do you think?
I'll try and keep posting content
I made a political
It's OK, you don't have to
I would put the TV caption something along the lines of "Donald Trump's hate filled racist agenda hurts and oppresses people."
Or something like that. The left is always going on about how moral they are but never see the horrible things they do as wrong in the least.
Not bad.
That's pretty good user, I quite like it
Using this kind of juxtaposition you could make loads of comics.
e.g Some talking head saying cops in the US are violent and want to eat babies etc. with BLM chanting their dead cops chant.
That's just one and off the top of my head. The sky's the limit.
is this your first?
if you have another one, feel free to post
that's supposed to be meryl streep, that was a line from her speech
This is really good.
Jesus? For real? God damn these fucking liberals are fucking morons. Rosie o Donald wants martial law and this bitch wants people to be excused for rioting and hate crimes.
Well I personally feel the line you have falls kind of weak given the context. its implying that they did it because she siad it was ok, when the line i had given before leaves it open to be them seeing what they see on the news and completly not realizing what they are doing is exatly what they accuse DT of doing.
Sorry I don't have much more
Trying to get into a habit of producing, what with the media goldmine lately
Here's an old one i like to post in February
You've got talent, son.
I recommend you start marketing yourself and get a gig at a local paper.
>muh 6000000 gorillion injuns
fucking kill yourself
March 12, 1991
Nice art
>muh muh
Indians did nothing wrong.
This should piss off a few niggers so I'm all for it.
good job lad, make more
and get a pseudonym
just doesn't look right without the ben garrison
they died, that is wrong enough
How long have you been drawing? These look professional. Could easily be in some right-wing magazine.
op do you still have long hair?
excellent comic.
You need to Africanize the features more for r/Pol though.
this famalamadingdong
And the guys who killed them killed each other so that paddies, wops and wogs could take over the US.
What a timeline.
Pretty good, user
Negroes are too OH LAWDY in appearance if you're aiming for a mainstream publication. Gotta find that fine line of drawing them where they don't look full BIX NOOD, yet don't look like a bunch of Morgan Freemans.
It's perfect then
Thanks it's the one thing I'm really good at, but I've spent my early 20's stuck in a baww-can't-bother-to-market-myself rut
Trying to turn that around
Take it as you will, but I just want alex jones to pay me minimum wage to make propaganda all day
it isn't yours, so direct your buffoonery elsewhere young chappy
I mean wih how retarded and blind to their own hypocrisy the left is today, a comic writer can get so much funny material from them easily.
I like it, post more when you make them, I can see these being spread around frequently. Not Ben G tier, but pretty high up for sure.
pretty good my man.
I like everything about it,
Please tell me that you that Typhus killed the vast majority of Indians and that the rest were either killed in assaults on white settlements or via assimilation and racemixing with the same white people?
>I've spent my early 20's stuck in a baww-can't-bother-to-market-myself rut
>Trying to turn that around
Don't worry, you're turning your life around. We all are. It is literally our time.
You are still young, maybe it was just a learning progress.