Running a poll, Sup Forums
Running a poll, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>There some kids that unironically believe in free market
>there are some people that unironically believe that abortions=killing kids
>there are some retards that unironically believe that healthcare isn't a right and taxation is theft
Reminder that if you aren't voting socdem you are either sjw, kid, fascist or retard
>grouping nationalism with fascism
Your a fucking retard.
>Social democrat
Fucking normies
>there are people browsing this board right now who identify as social democrat
fuck you commie. Also socdem is for the free market
Zionism is just white nationalism for the Jewish people
have a no bump
Fucking goolash / vodka niggers I swear
>Sup Forums
why would you even put that there OP?
I just invented my own at this point: Libertarian Anti Free Market (Anti-Materialist) Educationalism.
Where would the Pirate Party be on this list?
Why isn't everyone an Educationalist?
looks like someone's proxyfagging and pushing apolitical to the top
OP here, I should probably meantion I didn't make the poll, I just wanted to skew the results. It's actually on /r/eu4
>inb4 plebbit
Even better kek
Top kek
I kek'd
>be ruski
>communism v capitalism (USA)
>ruskis lose Cold War because labor participation and efficiently stagnate and nosedive
You can't have an thriving economy where people have no reason to participate in the labor force or invent new technologies because its just taken away. They'll just stop working
Alright, let's do one for real.
faggot clicking apolitical.....
Hey, apolitical has the most votes that means apolitical won, just like Hilary!
I was not being rhetorical..
Seriously, why isn't everyone an Educationalist?
Marxist-Leninist Socialist, supported Bernie during primaries but he's not really Marxist like me
>not voting a-political
>making decisions based on a prepackaged ideology instead of deciding on an issue by issue basis
and you call yourselves redpilled
Social Democrat.
Crazy how the Alt-Right memery has gone full throttle here.