Daily White Thread

Original White Land.

If your ancestry or nationality doesn't originate from here, I've got bad news for you.

>inb4 sneaky jews complaining about how "OH THEY AREN'T WHITE", and riling up half the thread against itself.

Europe, we must stand united as one against the Jewish/Shitskin/Nigger/Muslim threat.

General subhuman hatred thread, discussion, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Europe, we must stand united as one

Remember when all those white people tried to kill, enslave, conquer, and even exterminate one another. But now for some reason they are all 'brothers'.

I 'member.

Caucasian-Nordic, moved here 3 years ago.

We must stop remembering the past, and see what the future has for us. If we keep fighting, we'll become the Islamic Union of Arabic States.
This isn't right.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>Everyone in europe is white :) United we stand for our culture, accomplishments and common heritage.
Never change Sup Forums


Chose one

Typical kike response

Member when the US invaded Europe ?


you're not european

Zionism is just white nationalism for the Jewish people

>I wonder who could possibly be behind this post.

>Because one can't be from Europe while simultaneously moving to North America for studies.

"If you don't originate from these."

You are a Kike tool.

Nah. 'If' you 'defeat' them you will turn against each other like dogs because the whole nexus of your movement is resistance to an external, hallucinogenic boogeyman.

You mean liberated?

Reform the EU, replace all the libtards with patriotic parties and we're gonna make it I am sure.
Also 1 common European language would be of great benefit.

first for Apollo

Shut up, cunt
Your country is the laughing stock of Europe
Everyone fucking hates you
Germans are the most pathetic losers in the entire world

I could give less then one shit to what happens next once the Kikes Sandniggers and Coons are gone from this world.

We could have wars all we want, for there will be no other real thread.

Survival of the White Race is the primary concern.

What the actual fuck are you even talking about?

Lol. Did you know that the Turks sent you a bunch of food during your potato famine while your english 'brothers' were starving you to death?

>We could have wars all we want, for there will be no other real thread.
>Nuclear, biological weapons
>Not a threat at all ;)

>White Race
Remember when the Irish were not considered white?

Don't you have a muslim mayor in your sharia capital to serve? Stop shitposting, bongistan.

>Why the fuck do you think I'm Irish?

Literally never said I'm Irish, British, or anything from Western Europe.

Ilham, I...

Just wondering, why isn't antisemitism against the law? Shouldn't free speech and the right to criticize go above that?

And if a jew was treated differently like in a job related setting, why doesn't that fall under regular discrimination based on religion?

>Colchis master race, my boy. Western-Georgia stronk.

Mountain jew drinking mountain dew

>he's so ashamed of his country he pretends to be Georgian

Kek, found the Syrian refugee we imported last week.

t. "Caucasian-Nordic Karabakh refugee, came here 3 years ago"

The Ultimate Red Pill.


sipping coffee, saying hi :)

Arabs are white

Stay mad, shitskin.

this one too


albania white too desu

Most of Europe teach English as a second language

Remove kebabs.

Even Pashtuns and Ksatriya are whiter



Whites are considered superior simply because the scientific method emerged within western civilization some 500 years ago. Science made whites wealthier, healthier and stronger than the rest of world. It was an incredible achievement, however, it had little to with genetics and you are functionally retarded if you believe that it was the sole factor. If that were the case, then western science and philosophy would have been incomprehensible to the rest of us and clearly it is not the case.

Any Americans or Canadians moving back to Europe like myself ?

Is there a street shitting gene?

no everyone keeps local language and make english second language everywhere.

fuck English, English is a satelite language for America and America is kike controlled. Europe should break free from America's influence and control. We need a new language, preferably with a new alphabet.


Make Europe Great Again

English should be maybe the World language as it is really easy, but we should have an own pan-European language.

Ressurect latin

White Power!

where do you go in europe?

holy moly.. this coffee is great =) *sip sip sip*


correct assesment, racial soul is what matters non''white'' spirit can be anywhere in that map, even in britain.

preferably neither in latin, nor in cyrillic script. A whole new civilization. Based on European continentalism, science, space exploration and colonization.

and the world would've been much farther than it is today, maybe even on mars already or even beyound if we wheren't leached and cucked by religion.
think about it.

jewish religion from the middle-east, translated by marcus into a religion for non jews to dominate the rest of the world. because they fear the white european people

The majority of wars between whites is due to Jewish or another outsider race's manipulations

You should all speak Greek desu
It's nice


>But now for some reason they are all 'brothers'.

Common threads and common causes then to build common bonds.

We are uniting against an identifiable threat which poses a significant risk to our people and lands.

Why do pro whites fetishise the Nazis who were responsible for killing about 50 million white people?

The Nazis weren't pro white, they were pro German.

And don't play the collateral damage from war meme card. Poles, Russians, and other Slavs were deliberately targeted for elimination.

I highly doubt that. You could make the case that the pagan religions of Europe would have endlessly fought each other until an outside force conquered them. It almost happened with the Mongols and the Moors. It certainly happened in India with the Mughals and Timurids. I would say that Christianity served Europe extremely well in terms of unifying a highly diverse geographic entity while leaving a certain degree of political and cultural autonomy for individualism to flourish.

well.. i'm of to dinner, have a nice evening, morning or noon where ever you all from untill next time oor maybe after dinner.


As long as your solution to the problem is not a huge superstate with free movement of people then I agree.

christianity died on the cross because he trew some bankers and jews out of his church, he was given to the romans to pay for their own safety, europe has no busness in middle eastern affairs, jezus has no busness in europe, and ejews even lesser.

Literal this. Moreso they destroyed any chance of nationalism in the future. You can't be a nationalist nowadays without being called literally Hitler.
Btw God save the Queen

How would your parents feel if they found out you were dishonoring Azerbaijan like this, pretending to be Georgian?

Good evening my fellow White brethren!



fuck white people you're dying out in your own countries on your own continents hahahahahhahaha

the romans and greeks banded together against the persian threat

deja vu

its a man of african-american descent

> Europe, we
Leaf, shoo.