post them
Jap posting
fuck off leaf
What's your end game leaf?
fuck off leaf
fuck off, leaf
kek luv u leaf
hello captain rodgers
how´s the deploy going
Fuck off Leaf
dunno, japs make funny shitposts
>all this english teachers
The japs are mad, KEK
That's not a good enough explanation you branch clinging yard clutter fuck.
Maximum /comfy/
You mean "reaf".
k, u fags didnt get the memo
Fuck off burger
>fucking Sup Forums endgame
dumb burger
>is a burger himself
rip this thread
fuck off leaf
get funny then you can laugh at other people, leaf. I swear to god the day of the rake can't come soon enough
Canadian Arrogance is why I fucking hate being a Cuntnadian.
We changed our anthem to be more gender Neutral (woopeee), and ran Ontario into the ground with massive hydro bills. We can't decide on what to do with Jets for the military, so we'll send them to fucking Libya with a terrible budget and then bitch in 8 years about how we're wasting money on a war (sorry, CONFLICT) that doesn't involve us.
Fuck out of Sup Forums leaf