How dedicated to the white race are you?

well lets see how dedicated Sup Forums is to preserving the white race with this hypothetical scenario:

You have a choice between three women to marry and impregnate. remember you are stuck with the one you choose for life.

1. Half Black, half white female. 36DD 22 yrs old Wants plenty of babies.

2. Your cousin. White with blond hair and blue eyes. 26 yrs old. 32D Cooks, cleans, is good with kids. Looks great. Is smart and funny. Wants maybe one or two kids.

3. Your sister. White with beautiful, long black hair, and great looks to boot. 30E in bra size. 24 yrs old with Not the best at cleaning but cooks really good. Not much of a intellectual, but can hold a candid conversation. Wants at least one kid.

So who do you choose? remember its all about the white race guys.

A jew.

if its all about the white race then 1 and 2 are out of the picture because 1 is white genocide and 2 isnt determined to have kids

3 is the best option you have in these cases, but is still bad because muh inbred

stupid thread, saged

so you would choose a jew over any of those three?

but inbreeding doesn't always cause birth defects. So you may luck out in choosing your sister.

Nice fetish thread, OP.

I chose a coal burner wife who spawned a niglet. A daughter at least, not a son.

I have 2 full white children, looking to add another.

This is another option.

not a fetish. i really want to see how dedicated you guys are to your so called race. I think most would choose number 1 just to avoid the incest. At the end of the day most of the Sup Forumstards are not truly dedicated.

>are stuck with the one you choose for life.


what? So are saying you would choose number 1?