>Mike Enoch was doxxed
>his wife is 1/4th Jewish
>this is literally fine by Hitler's standards to breed with
Why can't stormfags into history?
>Mike Enoch was doxxed
>his wife is 1/4th Jewish
>this is literally fine by Hitler's standards to breed with
Why can't stormfags into history?
Stormfags think THIS is too jewish
>Hook nose
I'm gonna miss him. It's a shame.
I fuckin hate stormfags. They ruin everything
The problem is the videos
By the way, this guy is not very good looking. His face looks like a hairy potato. I doubt he could do any better.
She 200% pro jew
Dude, everything else about he but the nose is white. Not just white but literal Germanic tier.
The fact that the stormtards are flipping their shit over this is concrete proof how retarded they are.
>Married to one of the most prominent fascist bloggers of the current year
You can lie to your wife about a lot of shit, but come the fuck on. There is no way she didn't know. My money is on self hating Jew.
Fat and/or disgustingly ugly people should have nothing to do with the far right in a PR capacity.
Same goes for people like that Styxhexen guy on Youtube.
You need cool, aesthetically pleasing people if you want to influence more people to the cause.
Just purely based off his voice and 2 years of listening, I expected Mike Enoch to be a kind of big, chubby guy with dark hair and a full beard.
That's not really the face I pictured though.
He has a gruff voice and is intelligent. That face looks like it would have a soft spoken kinda dumb voice.
To be honest I hate to say it but looks like partial downs syndrome.
honestly, I'm not bothered she's 1/4th jewish, its that sh identifies as jewish, and is a huge degenerate leftist whore, her instagram was nasty
that being said, mike is likely to be exiled from his job and family over this and antifa are liekly to fuck with him IRL, so I'm not going to take part in attacking him like 8pol
Honestly if the nose was a little less hooked, it could be mistaken for a pronounced Scottish/Irish/Anglo nose.
t. big nosed goy
>He's ugly
Like talking to literal children.
Zionism is just white nationalism for the Jewish people
>Aesthetically pleasing people
>The golden one will lead us through the ragnarok
Idk about that one, kek.
only 50% of zionism is about self determination, the other is about subjugating goyim
you can't willfully ignore that the jews holy scripture declares that they are the maters of the earth and that the goy exists to do their labor and bidding
I think the main issue is that she's at least publicly a hyper jew, who pushes degeneracy for a living.
That said, it's totally immature and inappropriate that this lynch mob is forming after everything he's done for the alt right IN SPITE of his wife. The left would *never* publicly disavow one of their own.
Imo, everyone needs to just shut the fuck up until they can figure out how to move forward.
read this thread
Again, I don't support these guys who are attacking TRS, because they are doing Antifas work for them, and I'm sure Antifa are hear stiring in fighting.
That said, everything said about the situation with mike is more or less co0nfirmed, save that he himself is jewish (i really doubt that), also, its liekly goul sold everyone out.
If it weren't for the nose I literally couldn't tell the difference. Then again there are probably some fags who are more sensitive to Jewish phenotypical features than I am so idk
Quick rundown on TRS:
>claim they are relevant at spreading the message yet their site is ranked 40,090th
>claim they expand the base yet screencaps show them planning shilling efforts on 4pol and 8pol
>claim they expand the base, yet all they do is preaching to the choir
>take credit for literally everything that 4pol and 8pol create
>cause controversy yelling "Heil Trump!" and doing the Nazi salute at conference
>knew full well the place was full of cameras and it was going to go viral
>attack the Trump coalition for not being pure enough
>turns out it's owned by a cuck married to a kike
>owner may be a kike himself
>wife works promoting diversity hires
>wife was the leader of the Jewish organization "B'nai B'rith Youth"
>wife performed in anti-Christian "this is how we Jew it" event
>B'nai B'rith Youth has ties to Mossad, ADL and SLPC
>wife worked for NBC
>The Atlantic is a subsidiary of NBC
>The Atlantic is the outlet that was doing a documentary on Spencer
>that's how they were recorded doing the "Heil Trump!" stunt that went viral
Ghoul is running a you tube channel. He can't possibly give a fuck about being doxxed because he asked for it
>The heil Trump thing
>The last thing white nationalists want to do is be white nationalists
I don't get this either.
and then he deleted everything after his dox to protect his uni job
He should shape himself up to his original form.
His wife works for an NBC subsidiary who owns the Atlantic who broke the video of Spencer at NPI. Enoch was on stage right before him but not in the vid. She was president of her B'nai B'rith chapter, they publish article with the ADL and come in 9/11 talk. His wife is literally Mossad.
Jews everywhere here
Good goy, we don't want these problematic nazis making (((us))) look racist, right?
he never showed his face dude, his face has nothing to do with PR
he was literally doxxed
the only real problem is his wife being a radical leftist, which could compromise things as she may get access to who knows what
Not our fault you downie faggots have shitty opsec. What did you think was going to happen?
you got outsmarted by fuckin ANTIFA (LMAO)
She is a bit like black broads that are 1/64 Amerindian and extrapolate it into a banner bearing identity simply because it is more unique.
Over your left shoulder.
Was skeptical with infinity-chan at the start of all this, but I'm starting to think TRS really was controlled opposition. If you honestly think sand-niggers crashed planes in the WTC you might as well be a neocon cuckservative.
>le ebil stormfags
This cunt was role-playing as a stormfag, you wankers.
> If you honestly think sand-niggers crashed planes in the WTC
what is bizarre about sandniggers blowing up stuff?
remove your tinfoil hat
Antifachan for you. I guess they were even fapping to Svens kids. They're creepy fucking losers.
anyone that no-platforms nationalists is antifa
It was a podcast tho.
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Soon you die Juif.
how did his wife go from a member to a leader?
She's socially aggressive. She probably asked him to marry her, seriously.
> lives in New York
> constantly talks about the behavior of Jews surrounding him
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The math doesn't work. The planes weighed less then 1/1000 of the structures they hit, the collisions occurred at subsonic speeds, the planes were constructed out of lightweight materials and carried no high explosives, yet resulted in a rapid, catastrophic structural failure. A conventional demolition of such a structure would have used hundreds of tons of high explosives releasing hundreds of times more megajoules of energy than a plane crash, and it has to all be at specific load-bearing points or even that won't bring it down. Either the structures were criminally shoddy or the Jewish owners of the WTC are part of a conspiracy.
Hitler was too tolerant and look what happened to him.
I wonder why?
100% Jewish
Press S to spit of tds grave
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20 yeux dans nos tĂȘtes.
So Enoch purposefully inspired hailgate.
I'd probably benis her desu ifunowatimsayin
Whine!> NATS terminal(#)5147
I'm thinking she filmed the video.
>TRS proven to be a honeypot
>""""alt-right"""" LARPing spergs can't accept it
>somehow to means anyone calling them out is an 8gag antifa shill???
hopefully this leads to the disappearance of garbage TRS/Spencer threads shitting up Sup Forums
Nah nobody listens to you freaks. Go back to Antifachan and jerk off to Sven kids.
better to go mgtow than to marry one of them.
lol TRS is a fucking cult
>Hitler was okay with people being 1/4 Jewish
That was his problem. Should've gassed them all.