Northeast US

Why are Northwestern states (New England in particular) democratic strongholds, even through they have the highest percentage of white people?

because they don't have to interact with non-whites and never feel the effects of diversity while at the same time wanting to feel good about being "tolerant"

all white areas a full of bleeding heart liberals who dont have to deal with nigs on a daily bases, so they use it as a means to virtue signal among other whites to seem morally superior.

because when life is really good people become liberals

Because white guilt is real, user.
The media in democratic states pin white people as the devils, so in turn, white people abandon themselves and true morals and vote dem because they're afraid to be labeled as racists.

Also check my fucking ID
jesus christ

same reason Europe is more left-wing than the US. They were (up until recently) 99% white, so they don't really have to deal with areas infested with crime. They are easy prey for indoctrination propagating white guilt, especially in college.

Small hubs of liberal strongholds like Portland, Boston, Nashua and so on.
Get out of the big cities, and it's pretty fucking red.

Basically this

PA is a rare breed. Finally flipped, FeelsGoodMan

white people living alone -> democrats
white people living with niggers -> republican

It's a cultural thing as well. If you're from hardcore democratic north east, to you it seems as though pretty much the rest of the country is living in a crazy alternate version of reality.

Meanwhile the rest of the country thinks you're living in your own little imaginary world.

But then again is that really true
I live in WA
Seattle is a liberal hell hole. Fully of crime, black people, and homelessness. Yet they still keep voting democrat.

I blame the media for portraying blacks as victims in everything they do.

How are the states of Virginia, NC and SC??

My states of choice thus far are Pennsylvania, Texas or Washington.

It really is exactly this.

They don't know what we know because they haven't seen what we've seen.

Because when you live in friendly, stable, white communities you tend to be very sheltered from the harsh realities in other parts of the country.

Minnesota unfortunately falls into this category. There's still too many sheltered white communities where middle aged housewives are bleeding heart liberals because they've never experienced what life is outside their neighborhood or vacation spot.

Pretty good. That's a huge amount of area though, and you could find like damn near any kind of a place you want in any of those states. At that point you have to ask yourself what kind of weather or scenery or whatever you like best.

If you really could chose any place you want to live, then you pretty much have to go spend some time in each region to see what feels right.


For the same reason southern states vote Republican despite having significant minority populations. We actually have to live around minorities.

Media had played a big role forming that.

as someone who lives here stay in the eastern part of the state.
Go in the Tacoma/Lakewood/Seattle area and you're fucked by liberals and niggers

Thanks. See I was wondering about them because they have a high population of Blacks but still have rather good HDI, that confused me.

If I get my lottery green card I'm either going to Pittsburgh where my relatives live or to DFW, TX. How are those places?

I choose Washington because of the godly nature, but I'm well aware of how infested with SJW's it is. Shame that they're all in the comfy Western part. How is the nature in the Eastern part, dry preries and shit?

There's a lot to like about Pittsburgh if you want to live in or near a city that is a little too small and in the middle of nowhere to be a total clusterfuck. What's nice is that 5 minutes travel in one direction puts you in the middle of crazy fagland and 5 minutes in the other direction has you thinking you stepped 30 years into the past, so there's a lot to chose from. And like any other place, if you don't want to live in the black area then you don't live in the black area. The major downside is that Pittsburgh is a major target for multiculturalism and rapefugees, so it might be a very different place in the next 10 years.

I've never been to DFW, but I hear a lot of good things about it. For me, Texas is just too hot. Great to visit, but I like my snowy winters and stuff.

Texas is too hot, but I heard that the people are pretty based and DFW probably has a lot of software engineering jobs.

Most American Serbs live in the Midwest, and there's also quite a lot of them in Pennsylvania. I've done my research and Pennsylvania kind of resembles Serbia, nature wise. People are obviously mostly of German ancestry. I just want a safe place for my kids with lots of mountains, forests and rivers nearby to relax.

As for snowy and cold winters, God....the past two weeks here have been brutal. Temperatures around -20 to -35, fuckloads of snow. Thankfully it happened during the vacations so it didn't cause many problems and you could admire the pretty winter vista from your warm room.

It's save-the-world hyper-Protestant Puritanism. These people are judgmental moral scolds and nags who are never happy unless they are looking down their noses at lesser humans who need to be saved by the noble efforts of the Enlightened.

They would deny it, but there is a straight line that runs from the witch-burning preachers of the 1600s, to the missionaries and abolitionists of the 1700s-1800s, to the suffragettes of the early 20th century, to the civil rights marchers and anti-nuclear activists of the late 20th century, to the social justice warriors of today.

It is impossible for them to be more or less satisfied with the way things are, as you see in Catholic cultures. The world needs to be saved by them, and if it won't accept their view of salvation, they'll ram salvation down our throats by violence.

My cousin is one of these people. She comes from one of the oldest and proudest founding families in Boston, with seven or eight ancestors on the Mayflower. But if she had the power to machine-gun every white person on earth, she'd do it just to show all the other worthless lesbian bitches at her rainbow-flag Episcopal coven how diverse and tolerant she is.

>My states of choice thus far are Pennsylvania, Texas or Washington.

Not bad. Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho are also worth a look.

Yeah, Texans on the whole tend to be pretty great. Pittsburgh is also a major growing technology zone. Sounds like both choices would fit you, but if you want mountains, forests, rivers, and a nice quiet place for your kids, it's hard to go wrong with Central or Western PA.

Pittsburgh usually doesn't get crazy winters, but there's usually enough snow and enough hills that it makes sense why so many people owned Subarus back when that was the cheap easy way to get AWD. Lots of pockets of old fashioned immigrants, churches everywhere, etc. although that is a dying breed.

I was also thinking of Utah.

Montana and Wyomind look like they have the best nature, but they seem a little desolate (which is not a bad thing) and I'm still kind of young so I want to live ruraly but be close enough to some cool city.

That's good to hear, thanks for the info Ameribro.

Places like rural Maine and pretty much everywhere north of Manchester NH are fairly red.

I speak as a New Hampshitter.
Most if not everybody I interact with is fairly redpilled.

Catholicism is notoriously Democrat and New England is more Catholic than protestant in modern times.

Anglo ancestry.

Tacoma is even worse, but politically more center. If you think Seattle is a hell hole you haven't been to NYC or a major midwest/Socal City

do not talk about us

why do chicagoans keep shooting each other and voting democrat?

are the democrats running the city really as corrupt as the rumours say?

Did you see the footage from that c-town chimpout back in August? That teaches you everything you need to know about the pavement apes.

Who is the mayor of Chicago? Obama's former chief a staff, a gay jew and sun of an Israeli bus bomber, brother of the architect of Obamacare's death panel (IPAB).

Do the math.

>because they don't have to interact with non-whites and never feel the effects of diversity


I live in the northeast. We have minority ghettos. Just go to any area that has a major hospital, and it will be surrounded by spics and blacks. I live in a mostly white town but I happen to live in the mixed part of town. Trust me, we do have exposure.

It's weird to even describe states as "liberal strongholds". Even in Massachusetts, apparently one of the most liberal states, it's still like 40% Republican. That's not that much of a minority. While cities are invariably liberal breeding centers, there is still tons of farmland and just rural areas full of conservative or Republican voters. I don't get how people think the country is literally divided into distinct "blue" and "red" states when even "liberal strongholds" like Massachusetts have a large number of Republicans.
