NASA: Trust us, Goys!
So why do you trust NASA?
NASA: Trust us, Goys!
So why do you trust NASA?
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second picuture is from Resident Evil, not nasa
In other news, OP is still a cum guzzling faggot.
Prove it.
Then explain this image.
If you think the earth is flat, how did it form?
All I want to know is why don't all these flatfags pool their resources together and take a little trip to the supposed ice wall around Earth? The implications of a flat Earth are so massive, and the conspiracy so large that these people would be heralded as heroes forever.
They put in the colours manually.
It's the same with galaxy pictures etc, they paint in the colours based on what the gas clouds are made off
You could even make it out that you're going to put an end to all these flat Earth conspiracies by traveling all the way out there, so if your whole ship gets JFK'd it just adds fuel to the fire of there being legitimacy to the flat Earth claims.
>no proof
but user, the bible says so
>get banned for announcing a sage the other day
>/x/ bullshit doesn't get banned
do your job cum guzzling mods
Red herring. I'm not a flat Earther. But even if I was, you still have to explain the inconsistencies in these NASA images.
Who is NASA? We had a space program but is was dismantled some time ago. Now it's muslum outreach I think.
Thhe bible also says that a global flood occurred but there are trees that have been around for over 6000 years
Its almost like Earth is constantly changing as is the camera technology being used at the time
It's not only about the colours, it's about the inconsistent shape and size of the continents and the clouds, amongst other things.
But we have to trust NASA, because they will never lie to us. After all, they are smart and we are dumb.
but user, the methods of dating are wrong
off the top of my head
Different lens
Different Exposure
Different zoom
Different camera
Different composite pictures
>no proof
Why bother explaining something to someone with the intellect of a middle school kid?
One of the pictures he posted isn't even one picture but a composite of several swaths and that's why it's distorted like that.
but user, haven't you watched dr Hovind lectures?
Objects don't change because of camera technology. So you are saying iPhone 1 and iPhone 7 makes different pictures of the Earth because they use different technology? Is this your best explanation for these inconsistencies? Seriously?
Keep trusting NASA, Goys!
If he wrote a book with that in it and labeled it a religious text would it suddenly be proof?
Almost every single ancient culture tells of a global flood. At the end of the ice age 10-12k years ago, the sea level rose like a hundred meters in a matter of a few centuries. Locally I'm sure it would have seemed as if areas had been flooded very rapidly. I think that constitutes a global flood tbqh.
Logicked debunks them user, but I avoid watching kent like he avoids taxes.
No. Im saying the landscape is constantly changing.
I just want to believe that logic and reasoning can prevail. Is that so bad?
In space where there are thousands of miles between the camera and the object there shouldn't be such discrepancies in the final images. These discrepancies are most visible when using wide angle lenses and if the object is nearby.
LOL what a globe looks round no matter where you take the picture at ? That's all I'm seeing proven. OP is a huge faggot
I'm not referring to the landscape. Landscape changes due to seasonal influences. But the size and shape of continents don't change regardless of seasonal influences.
>Almost ever culture tells of a flood
Almost every comicbook tells of super heroes
Look at the rock layers no GLOBAL flood occured how ever it wouldn't be suprisiung if the water level did rise to cover the Alaskan Russian land bridge
So my wide angle lens and my highh exposure make no difference?
Look at the size of the USA in that picture. On the left it's small, on the right it's big. It seems NASA uses photoshop.
Of course wide angle lens makes a difference, but the difference is most noticable if the object is nearby. However, these images are supposedly taken thousands of miles away from the Earth, therefore they should all more or less look the same with regard to the shape and size of the continents. Also, why does NASA show images of the Earth, but no videos of the Earth spinning?
the ISS is 205 miles up you tard.
I formally believe you are retarded
>landscape doesn't change
Lmao how bluepilled can you get? The continents are always exoanding, you can see this for yourself.
Those images weren't taken by the ISS, but by sattelites, supposedly.
The continents are expanding? Within a few decades?
Do you watch videos of grass growing?
You do know there is about a 21,000 mile difference between the closest satellites and the furthest, right?
>taken by satalites
Why do you hate NASA?
They expand every second. Seriosuly try this experiment. Leave a plastic bag or something or something on the ground and that shit will take off
>inb4 wind
Hur dur earf is a sphere wif magical winds! Yeah right. Have you ever been in a convertable? Notice how it gets "windy?" That's what wind is. The continents are just expanding fast on that particulsr day because of excess heat somewhere on the plate.
>photos courtesy of NASA.
That's not a fucking source toothpaste flagged retard
I disagree. Your analogy about comic books is incomprehensible though it was clearly mean to be patronizing. We are talking about the corroborating histories of unrelated ancient cultures and their legends not children's entertainment.
The geological community is in total agreement that the ice age ended before 10,000 BC and massive glaciers melted (in some cases rapidly) leading to substantial increases in sea level (bigger than anything we are currently discussing or projecting).
You can't see past your current use of language and way of thinking when you read the ancients describing global floods. They simply meant the water level rose extremely and rapidly, not that water covered every speck of Earth. They thought much differently than we do and if they had witnessed whole landmasses being flooded in their lifetimes, it would indeed seem like a "global flood." You cannot take the ancients literally, up until the fucking Medieval period numbers were being used rhetorically.
Like when they would call comets great stars or gods in the sky. Of course a great star cannot form and then disappear, that's nonsense, but when we see numerous and unrelated ancient cultures describing a "great star" at the same time, it's safe to say there was a comet during that period. This is the same, and there *was* a "global flood." But people take the legends literally (lack of perspective) and they miss the actual meaning.
>all images are official NASA pictures of Earth
Wow what a source. What a fucking source. Don't believe NASA guys but believe me when I tell you these are straight from NASA.
Are you saying that different satellites make different images of the size and shape of the continents, but not of the size and shape of the Earth? If the continents change shape (see the USA on the left and right), then so should the Earth change shape as well. But in these pictures the Earth's shape is always round without any distortion, therefore the explanation that these images are taken by different satellites at different distances doesn't hold up.
Also, why doesn't NASA release videos of the Earth spinning?
So that's why i look so ugly every time i take a picture of myself
Earth may still be round, just massive areas that the owners don't want us to see.
Are you actually autistic?
What about the pictures from Netherlands' satellites and space explorers?
Oh wait...
Wind has nothing to do with the USA being smaller on the left and bigger on the right.
>all images are official NASA pictures of Earth
Yes, you shoudn't take pictures of yourself with a wide angle unless you want to look ugly. Use a telelens next time.
We don't waste money on space exploration.
We use money on taking care of our refugees.
Agreed, if toothpaste can't prove they're all NASA's pics or whichever space agency he wants to run with, his argument falls apart.
Prove they aren't manipulated or as stated above, from a vidya game.
>Company paid with public funds trying to convince the populace the earth isn't flat.
>When sailing, or in a plane, or in a nice open field you can actually see the curvature of the earth.
Well what goes up must come down, right? The planet contracts and expands. Haven't you ever had some days where an hour feels likd 5 and vice versa? It's because the planet expands and contracts and makes days longer and shorter.
The planet is a living thing, this is the true redpill.
This is a perspective effect known as "foreshortening"
In addition they might very well all be from NASA. However, NASA DOES MANIPULATE PHOTOS in order for the Earth to look "better" and more prettyful for textbooks and posters and what not.
If OP gave us the source for every image we could probably explain every inconsistency such as "this photo was in fact doctored to enhance it" or "this was taken with this lens in this manner" or "this is a untouched image of the earth." NASA also will used curved lenses which set flat earthers into an autistic rage, but they do it for style.
>Space is a waste
>Regugees aren't
Well even if you ignore everything else, this confirms you as a retard or a troll. I'm out.
The curvature appears using a wide angle lens.
Also, you have to prove the images are from a video game.
Because I'm a dreamer
Or maybe you're just ugly.
Flat earth is just a meme to see how far people can be pushed on something.
There are a handful of people who are thinking
>I bet we can get some motherfucker to even believe the word is flat aka the most outrageous shit you could imagine.
There are also a whole bunch of folks who pretend to be flat earthers just for the laughs because people get really triggered and try to prove it isn't flat and shit.
Why isn't the shape of the Earth not affected if there is foreshortening? Your explanation isn't consistent.
What about the height above the ground? That will change the size of the continent from the cameras perspective.
I almost believed in flat earth because of your pic
>inb4 it is a different globe
I watched his yesterday. they say it's actual footage, but in reality just an animation pieced together from a few photos. all sources and editors are cites at the end.
Maybe someone is lying to you.
But it definitely isn't Lord Steven Christ:
wait really
why can they not just take a good camera out in space and take a picture and it be naturally colored
I know 2 people IRL that are dead serious about the flat earth.
Whenever they bring it up I ignore it, even though I've done a fair bit of research on it and enjoy good debates.
The flat earth theory is a good signaler of someones IQ though. You can accurately prepdict at least a sub 50 if they're not trolling.
>I just want to believe logic and reasoning will prevail
Holy cringe. Do you speak like that in real life as well? Based on that sentence, it wouldn't surprise me if you did things like copy and paste text from your philosophy 101 book to help win arguments on Sup Forums.
It's not the Jews.
Round is round even when it's round.
But the earth is a sphere, so the edges are deeper than the center. Kinda like how your nose is closer to the camera than your ears are.
We don't have to prove anything because you didn't provide a proper source
Because it's a fucking sphere
Yeah I mean there might be a sub-prime handful that fall for it I guess.
I will admit for something that is so clearly apparent, it is entertaining just to see for argument's sake if you could theoretically prove it to someone who was being contrarian about it that the earth was indeed flat. Yet most of them are pure trolls so there is no reward in the venture.
And why would the shape of the earth change? What would it change into? It's a fucking sphere retard
This is where OP disappears.
why is this allowed to stay up when Thoth threads get deleted, I don't even have an issue with this kind of retardation it's just /x/ could really use the traffic
they are better about getting rid of racemixing threads now at least
world is flat ama
tfw your desk becomes a sphere
Why would NASA use a wide angle lense close to the Earth? That would distort the image, similar to GoPro wide angle lenses people use. It distorts size and shape of objects, so why would NASA use that if they want to show the Earth?
Yes there should you dolt. Please go take an optics class, your ignorance is not equal to NASA's expertise.
Why is there 6 months of sunlight at the north pole?
>the ISS is 205 miles up you tard.
their indoor clips are made in a vomit plane. There is no space and Earth is flat under a dome (codeword: Van Allen belts)
Who is the tard now?
Is there anything sadder than a spherecuck desperately clinging to his ball earth worldview while people laugh at him?
Because NASA also takes pictures for posters, textbooks, etc items that have value.
Ask yourself instead why people want that image, NASA is just meeting the need of someone's want.
But the Earth isn't round, it's pear-shaped according to NASA. However, on these images we see the Earth is round.
The earth rotates you fucking retard
One picture is taken at a lower orbit you fucking idiot. The fact that these threads last as long as they do, is a true testament to Sup Forums's intelligence.
P.S. Climate change is real and caused primarily from human activity.
What does this even mean?
The firmament rotates not Earth.
Reminder that Scholo Spherestein is paying people to post shit like this
They were taken at different distances, just like these photos. You sure are retarded.
>Scholo Spherestein