Boogie2988 hate thread

Give a good reason why this lying salad dodging fat slob shouldn't be thrown in a concentration camp to be gassed to death by his own farts.

>pro tip: you can't

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I'm fat but also an advocate for the white race. You need me. And the only reason i have gained so much weight is that the Jews put a ton of shit into our food. Goering was fat too...

Boogie1488 parody channel when?

Parked bus.

Ghost, go kill yourself.

All you have to do is eat less, user.

It's the opposite of doing something.

Goering was a fat drugged clown, not a competent soldier

More importantly, zionism is just white nationalism for the Jewish people

>being so fat your wooden chair breaks and you give your ass a hematoma from the impact with the floor then being too embarrassed to see a doctor but telling millions of people about it on twitter anyway

You can't blame the jews for you not working out fatty