Really makes the ticker flicker.
Really makes the ticker flicker
Yeah, thanks for handing us the bill for that, asshole
>Cure for cancer
Choose one
so what you're saying he had insurance?
Sometimes you just have to let people die. And Megh's father is one of them.
Good one but fake.
With our insurance system one Tylenol costs $100 without insurance
It's almost as if drug companies price gouge because we let them
that's medicaid not obamacare you fucking dolt.
We don't do anything to them because
>muh capitalism
>muh big government
Oligarchies are fun, though. Right?
huh. its almost like the hospital is required to treat a life threatening illness
>costs $0.75 to make drugs
>claim it costs $1003.49
>OK Goy, for you special price, just $3!
>Make 300% profits and the Goyim think you're a charity
So remind me again why I have to pay the drugs for people with unhealthy habits and the genetically weak?
Fuck this socialist Money grab called ACA, Trump will repeal the individual mandate and Make America Great Again
>but fake.
You mean the left part is fake?
The right part is shopped to show what society has to pay, that's the point.
There is nothing special about it though. Its just putting the losers who didn't want insurance on it, they now MUST have it by law so they now see how good it is. If they did get insurance ironically it would have been cheaper before Obamacare.
Soooooo? They system is robbing your father through maintaining his ignorance of how illness functions.
You're body won't operate properly if you do not exercising, not eating fruits/vegetables, not taking the vitamin supplements Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12, and fish oil at a minimum daily. A healthy body is one full of bacteria. You have to look at the human body as a vessel that you use to ferment. The ferments your body makes have different effects. If your vessel is sterile, you're not going to ferment shit and eventally come down with cancer etc and die.
I'm against Healthcare because I truly believe if an informed person becomes sick he/she should bear responsibilty for the actions. Fuck paying for a moron to eat at McDonalds.
Are liberals really so dumb they don't understand that they opay nothing because OTHER PEOPLE have to pay for it? Or are they really this entitled?
I actually choose to work less for a couple of weeks so I can get on Medicaid. It was either that, get a $2000 fine or get insurance with shitty coverage.
Thanks Obama!
>If you eat healthy, you don't get cancer. It's that simple!
>I'm 20 and I don't have cancer, lolz. You must just be a fat.
>not factoring years of research
>not factoring years of clinical trials and FDA fees
>not knowing if medicine wasn't profitable there wouldnt be very much of it
Why does everyone only focus on the symptoms of massive healthcare costs? Healthcare costs 1/3 of the total federal budget, but Diabetes prescriptions alone cost more than 100 billion dollars a year. 23 million people with diabetes, 73 million at risk and the government literally subsidizes diabetes by allowing most food stamps to be spent on soda and other high fructose corn syrup shit. And this is just ONE example of one-hand-washes-the-other bullshit.
OK, you're probably a Jew but I was just pointing out that medical bills are pulled out of their asses.
They can make up any figure they want because nobody end up paying them anyways.
>the genetically weak
Because it's the cheaper alternative than him becoming a criminal in order to pay for his medical bills.
You're retarded
The working class is paying for this not insurance companies or the rich
And these prices are ridiculous and a result of government supported monopolies to begin with
The real solution is ending the drug and insurance cartels.
They charge $100 for one Tylenol pill in hospitals
The price is due to cartels not production costs
This is why it costs so much
My mom went through chemo treatment six years ago. OP pic related was just ONE prescription she needed. It's really very simple: without private health insurance, within weeks after she'd have been dead.
Gee, it's almost as if health insurance in America works even if you're lower middle-class like my family. Who'd a thunk?
>obamacare is the same thing as private medical insurance
>being this ignorant of your own country's medical policy
I'm British and I know how your care system works better than YOU.
Normal people get health insurance, which is expensive enough as it is. Everyone pays into their "pool" in their provider, and when you need it, you can take out of that pool.
What Obamacare does is says to those people who already have insurance "hey, we are going to slap a huge tax on top of you, which you get nothing for, so we can pay for the insurance of all these poorfags who have never paid into health insurance in their life."
It's like American's dont understand basic economics.
What medication is that? I bet if you look for it on Goodrx that its probably close to the $3 mark anyway
>It's almost like I said the same thing.
No one should pay for your father's bad choices and consequences. You are cancer of this world. Your father if he had any modesty he would pay back the taxpayers with donations. 1000$ is cheap!
>its my responsibility to pay for this guys healthcare
Theft plain and simple.
Problem is I am paying for his cancer treatment. My whole family have taken a hit for the second year in a row on our insurance premium. I actually had a great plan through work where the employer did not charge the employee for insurance, just any family and dependents added on would cost. Seven years it was like this until last year they could no longer justify the cost due to rising premiums because of Obamacare.
It's a socialist program, we are paying the bill. I don't know this guy with cancer and I don't want to pay for his chemo even in part. Obamacare isn't even universal health care nor is it single payer. It's fucking awful in every way
>yfw murrifats have to pay $300 for a bandaid
I can't post on social media about my healthcare situation, but I am a 19 YO American whose family has been uninsured after Obama Care had been passed.
We all work, except for me since I'm trying to find a job after I moved to a university which I can no longer pay for because of the IRS.
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'"
-Andrew Ryan
Really makes you think wondering why the price is so high to begin with
Stupid fuck!
I'm 31 years old and cured my Idiopathic Hypersomnia, dementia-like symptoms, and high blood pressure. I eat a certain wayand, have homebrew food recipes, and exercise 6 days a week.
Funny is when the doctors tell you that you're fucked and they can't do anything except give you Adderall.
It's to pressure people into having insurance.
bring your own, simple and cheaper. So is dumb enough to pay it from the hospitals anyway? Oh yeah... .Sorry....
confirmed for idiot
it's proving a point
Don't reply to me ever again, you stupid leaf
Can someone tell me in a nutshell why is Obamacare such a terrible thing?
I honestly don't know.
Muh socialism basically. We enjoy free healthcare here in Australia and it's awesome.
This debate has been going on for 8 years and nobody has ever managed to answer that.
>and when you need it, you can take out of that pool.
Ay, but good luck with convincing them you need, senpai.
>not realizing the ACA raised taxes on the wealthy
You're fighting for their shekels for them, goy.
Sounds like you were depressed. You ate like shit and slept like shit and now you don't. Try curing cancer the same way.
Used to be a lot cheaper for insurance. Like $80/mo for a single guy, that's 1 days worth of work/earnings on minimum wage. Now it's more expensive so people got butthurt.
And now with Obamacare he can have 12 months to live and one million in medical bills footed by others.
And that's why in some cases last year insuring a family of 4 was $1,200 per month, but this year jumped to $2,000. You have a bunch of retards with unhealthy lifestyles that are now fully insured.
In the UK your social healthcare is taking a similar hit due to inbred muslims breeding mutant spawn.
>still better than the NHS
A lot of modern dysfunction stems from the fact that people live longer than they should and don't make room for the next generation to flourish.
She speaks english so she must be competent in some way. Her dad is older than her, so he must have worked or had a job. Why didn't they have insurance and why do I have to PAY FOR MY SHIT AND NOW THEIRS?
I wish I could punch you through the monitor. DC or Marvel should invent a hero that can.
>Really makes the ticker flicker.
It really does.
this person is still going to die from cancer, only its going to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars more, which will be paid for by tax payers
does the US not have private health insurance?
It comes down to (1) optics, people see a higher insurance bill every month so they got butthurt and (2) the psychology of people paying health insurance for millions of people who can't afford it. Poor people, mostly niggers and Mexican shits that hop the border, get free healthcare and this enrages a lot of racist drumpf supporters.
>Why didn't they have insurance
Likely because they couldn't afford it.
Because you live in a society. Societies take care of their parts to lead to a more beneficial world for all. Take your isolationist ideologies and go find some shitty island somewhere.
>I wish I could punch you through the monitor.
Dat impotent rage
Don't get sick, it's really that simple. For generations people haven't been getting sick, now all of a sudden Obama comes into office and people get sick? Bullshit
27 year old male here. My insurance went from $100/mo to $375/mo and the deductible tripled. God help me if I get sick.
Basically what Obamacare did was completely fuck over people who don't work for big corporations that negotiate their own insurance pools from companies like Cygna. It's the single most anti-small business, anti-independent living, anti-job growth piece of legislation that's been passed in roughly 50 years. The program is such a disaster that in many states the insurance companies are refusing to even offer health plans.
doesnt obama care cost something like $1000 month just to have?
If you have $12,000 EXTRA each year then you probably have a job that has provides insurance that would cover this shit.
People earning less than 12k a year is actually really common, no way they could afford obongo (doesn't)care.
Healthcare wouldn't cost ridiculous amounts if we got government out of it. Dumb fucking liberals.
Not really, just buy private insurance
Any institution in which the government is willing to pay the difference will have companies that charge out the ass because the market price is invisible to the average person when loans/insurance are all but guaranteed.
I don't see you out rioting in the streets because the country we live in is toxic as fuck.
You're just like the people that bitch about autism bux.
Don't want to foot the bill? Then do something to stop 1 in 50 children from developing autism.
5 years before the child was conceived you probably said "so what if some kid gets autism in the future, not my problem". Still not your problem? or is it their turn to say "not my problem"?
Lol, you sound like a dumb ass. I exercised 6 days a week and switch my diet to vegetarian. That didn't do anything for me.
What helped is when I said fuck the system and used myself as a lab rat instead of letting system use me as a lab rat. If I hadn't, I would've died over 6 years ago. Using the scientific method, I found out certain bacteria and enzymes cause(d) my illness, which I can eat specfic foods to induce it.
Science motherfucker! Do you understand it?
>In the UK your social healthcare is taking a similar hit due to inbred muslims breeding mutant spawn.
True, but it's hardly comparable to what's happening in America. In Britain, because the NHS is taxed, you are always covered if you're working and it's like $5k a year total, far cheaper than your $1000/month in the USA
Secondly, when we use the NHS, our premium doesn't skyrocket because it's a tax. If you're an American, and you take out of your plan, you will have a hard time getting a new insurer, or paying for your increased bills.
In Britain, the problem with the NHS is there are too many muslims and immigrants using it, which is causing strain on the system. Our costs are limited to an NHS budget though, so individual costs are pretty much the same. Also, because our care is centralized, it's very efficient. There isn't monoplolies running around charging extortionate amounts to insurance companies, so the cost of care is kept in check, which is why we can have everyone in the country covered by free care, while paying MASSIVELY lower amounts for that total care.
Your American healthcare system is truly the most retarded in the world. Sure, you might have some of the best doctors because they are wildly overpaid and attracted by the extortionate medical bills, but for general healthcare and emergency treatment, in britain, it's always free because you pay taxes, like everyone else.
Japan confirmed for not knowing how medical costs work in the US OR Britain
What's infuriating is that it worked JUST FUCKING FINE before obamacare came along.
The people who defend obamacare aren't the ones buying their own health insurance. They have never priced out a plan and looked at the differences in coverage and cost. My dad argues "oh but think of all those poor people who can finally get coverage" but then I explain to him that given the costs, they may actually be better off just paying out of pocket, plus MY rates go up astronomically.
The US needs to stop the policy of punishing it's own citizens for not being ghetto welfare fuckups. This country absolutely hates people in the $50-$100k income range, particularly those that own businesses or are independent, non-corporate payroll employees.
>Using the scientific method, I found out certain bacteria and enzymes cause(d) my illness, which I can eat specfic foods to induce it.
Sure you did
Sup Forums
Where everybody is a scientist.
You cant fix in a day something that has been chronically living with bad habits.
You got it, the small company I work for got hammered. I pay 450/month for a single young adult.
But user, vaccines are applauded by these same people.
It definitely didn't work "just fucking fine" because there's a ton of government meddling in the system already that drive up costs for everyone, but it was still a hell of a lot better than obamacare.
If we went back to a legitimate free market system you'd have to be in some real bad shit not to be able to afford it. But instead we're pushing this "it's a right not a privilege" nonsense that leaves no room for honest discourse in an economic rather than moral frame.
Along with Obamacare being repealed; USC 15 has to be applied to all medical industries.
For too long they've remained exempt.
Meanwhile in the so-called middle class
My insurance through work deductible is $4000 therefore I effectively have no insurance unless I rack up more than that in medical bills.
Pre-ACA I was able to have 3 surgeries in the same year on my old insurance. I paid less than $500.
Fuck you, poorfags
I should be fined for being poor because people are sick and dying, apparently. Almond status: activated.
you my friend are a little slow
This. There is no profit in cures.
My friend owns his own business and just turned 26. He married his fiancee before the actual wedding to cling to her insurance. He's still a democrap.
>Obamacare is a step in the right direction
>bitches now
>expects someone to take care of him when hes old
Kill yourself now.
>Don't pay med bill
>but pay taxes for obamacare
Actually, I can induce the cognitive effects within 15 minutes, which it takes roughly 4 days to wear off.
You mean the average American habit.
>because they are wildly overpaid and attracted by the extortionate medical bills,
This is the problem in the US. Their is zero consumer pressure outside of over-the-counter meds. Even for low-immediate care. Everyone charges a fortune. Even fucking dentists. Everywhere else in the world even 1st world nations with bloated socialist care pay half what we do.
It's price collusion. USC 15,
That's right, with zero lab equipment except an excel spreadsheet, blood pressure machine, and lots of time for research and experimentation.
Just goes to show how stupid most scientists are.
My friend's mom would have at least lived longer if it wasnt for obamacare. She had good health insurance provided by her employer that all the employees paied into then obamacare hit and her employer stop the coverage for everyone. Then cancer happened "something her prior health plan would have covered" but now that obamacare exists she had to choose between feeding herself and her family or paying for shitty health coverage.
Tl:dr she died
People with regular insurance have literally unpayable deductibles now.
Britain choose to have a cheap health care system.
America choose to have an expensive health care system.
But none of this has anything to do with universal coverage or not.
That's what is so stupid about this whole debate.
Smith and Wesson retirement plan. Shoot myself once im too old/sick/weak to take care of myself cause fuck being a burden to others.
Walk into a drug store and ask how much a medication costs, tell them you're pricing it out. After they tell you the price, ask if there are discounts for people without insurance- the price will drop over 80% guaranteed. NO ONE pays retail price, that's for insurance companies to haggle with pharmacies and hospitals. Generic drugs run $4-10 a bottle per month. The only person getting screwed by these prices is the US taxpayer who pays medicare tax and depends on government workers to haggle with pharmacies.
Well gut bacteria is shown to be incredibly influential to overall health, and even mental state.
No fucking shit. Government getting involved with higher education caused the same problems.
>gubbment starts handing out money for college
>schools respond by increasing the costs because they know its easy money
>taxpayers have no say so on where their money is spent so said programs just casue more problems
>pharmaceutical lobby Jews plz go
>what is "max out of pocket"?
Unless you're a total fucking retard who believes everything they hear from leftist media he won't loose his healthcare. Depending on how sick/how disabled he will get medicare/"state" care/disability to pay for health insurance and as long as he keeps whatever plan he has now active they can't just kick him from the plan until next year.
Also these fucking degenerates on the ACA who pay 50$/mnth for healthcare while I pay 360$/mnth while my copays and deductibles keep going up and up and up, fuck them.
It sucks being an actuary sometimes. Red pills everywhere
I think a big problem with it being free is that people go to their GP or A&E for EVERYTHING
They go for the sniffles, they go because they threw up, they go because they grazed their knee in the garden, they go because they got a bit of sand in their eye ect
We need to put a system in place where someone gets one or two A&E visits a year, and one or two GP visits a year. After that, they have to pay £10 each time with it rising every 5 years with inflation. You also get an itemised bill of how much you have cost the NHS in time spent with the doctor, medication, bedspace ect and list things that the money could have been used for in a genuine medical emergency such as how many heart transplants on children it could have been used for.
If you go to your GP and they see your reason for being there as a genuine reason, or a nurse in A&E assesses you being there as a genuine reason, it doesn't count towards your free visits. If you are told to visit your GP after an amount of time, those follow up appointments don't count towards your limit.
People such as those over 65, the pregnant, children up to 6, and those with terminal illnesses have no limit on visits.
Unfortunately, I think one major problem with this could be people underestimating the severity of their ailment or injury, and not going to A&E or booking an appointment.
I choose chemo
Was about to say get some niggers, that will change things. But then I remember you've got obos... Fuck, my argument is dead.
my dad's insurance went from $350 to $867 when obamacare came out. my dad is paying for this retard's medicine. he was probably a smoker and deserves his cancer
Also, look at these degenerates.
Some degenerate filth with Hep C who probably shoots heroine while some cunt says she is glad her taxes are going to people like this but I guarantee she gets all of her taxes back in April meaning SHE PAYS NO TAXES.
Leftists need to just fucking walk off of a cliff.