Next time one of you (((Nazi))) larpers call the Irish this shit, remember the pic.
Divide and conquer=potato nigger
Yeah that's Jew shill D&C 101.
Also if you ever see the meme that Irish are 'liberal' or 'leftie' is bullshit too.
Firstly, they don't want white unity so they want to alienate the Irish or those of Irish descent from the alt-right or whatever you want to call it, secondly they want the Irish to be a leftie pet like the nigs and hate other whites because of historical treatment. (like the kikes and muh holocaust).
oh and I know there are quite a few of Irish descent on Sup Forums as I've seen it in threads. I know 'Irish' is on the list of JIDF targets its obvious since the threads are so consistent.
Thing is I will never side with Muslims, nigs and lefties and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it.
The Irish are a bunch of worthless cucks. All you fags do is cry all day about "muh potatoes" and make up excuses for why your country is so shit. You're just as annoying as niggers
Cheers m8. Thing is I'm an old guy and I know this "it's only memeing" and "just for the bantz" designed to demoralise young people on here,,and I see it working.
Any chance you get..spread this message and make memes.
Also spread the word man.
I'd rather be reunified with the UK than have the greater Israel of America continue shitting over everyone.
Didn't take long for a mutt Jew to show up
Not even memeing when I saw that the Irish are 99% responsible for the concept of "white trash" in the USA.
You all are sub-IQ, boozing, whoring, lazy, Catholic scum who are only good at shitting up the white gene pool with your 9 kids you can't afford to take care of that grow up in broken and abusive homes and become only slightly better than your average nigger. The families that have 15 year old knocked up daughters always are fucking Murphy, Kelly, Walsh, and assorted O'Nigger.
Before you call me some larping German asshole, you should know that my mother's side as mostly Irish and all they do is meth and degenerate shit and are so cancerous I had to cut them out of my life.
Thanks for the ADHD, crippling anxiety, and proclivity to addictive behavior Mom.
Potato I don't's the "white nigger" shit I'm talking about.
They must fucking fear us to be ramming that meme so hard..remember that before you join in on the jewing
Every time an americunt mutt Jew
We notice cunt
>Lowest average IQ of the white race
>Not niggers
Pick one. The irish are essentially niggers in that they have poor impulse control along with the significantly lower IQ on average (upper 80s), which leads to their massive problems with substance abuse wherever they go, and the 5+ kids per family even if they are dirt poor.
Britain is pretty far gone desu I don't know if even Brexit can fix the mess here. But yeah, the American SJW influence is cancer too, and the EU.
Lefties always pretend they speak for whole groups and everyone is on their side, whether it's 'all youth are lefties' or 'all Irish are lefties'.
Hello Kikestein
Keep proving the point mutt Jew GOLDBURGER
Prove me wrong, you worthless clover nigger.
This, look at any political comic about the Irish pre-1930. They are worse than niggers because at least niggers make good slaves. No one wants the Irish shitting up their country and demanding to be treated like upstanding white citizens.
Do you not realize that we have almost no Jews outside of major poz'd cities? I am from the breadbasket and didn't even meet a Jew until I was like 16. Also my city is like 95% white and except for the few nigger ghettos, the absolute rest of our problems when it comes to drugs and shit are fucking Mcs.
The Irish lefties are so prominent due to Jewish media manipulation..again it's clear by the image in the OP..the bullshit they are pulling.
Prodestant propaghanda you dickhead
>They use their fields mostly for pasture. Little is cultivated and even less is sown. The problem here is not the quality of the soil but rather the lack of industry on the part of those who should cultivate it. This laziness means that the different types of minerals with which hidden veins of the earth are full are neither mined nor exploited in any way. They do not devote themselves to the manufacture of flax or wool, nor to the practice of any mechanical or mercantile act. Dedicated only to leisure and laziness, this is a truly barbarous people. They depend on animals for their livelihood and they live like animals.
>t. Gerald of Wales 1185
What does this behavior remind you of? Ireland is one of the lushest fertile lands and an amazing climate yet all your niggers could do is stack rocks up in a circle and dance around naked eating fruit and, when you felt like putting the bare minimum into agriculture, potatoes.
All your castles and impressive structures were built by invading Anglos and Francs, and your only argument against letting the British un-fuck your country has and always will be MUH OCCUPATION WE WUZ DRUIDS AND SHIIIIEEEEET
Fucking kill yourself anarchist scum.
Fucking Jew
That's all your flag reps to even have em in the kike house now.
Keep on Jewish. This thread is helping expose you divisive mutt cunts
>my only argument against being an honorary nigger is NUH UH YOU ARE A JEEEEW
Yep. Like I said, they try to use the Irish like a wedge. When actually alot of Irish Catholics in America are conservative and it was 50/50 amongst them in voting for Trump. Remember McCathyism? Nothing leftie about that.
I don't know if you've noticed the buzztier feed 'Irish' sites they try to push leftie stuff on like Irishcentral.
Don't forget they took out JFK too.
Americunt mutt Jew every time
You'd think it was a concerted effort!
>unironically posting JFK
>the man that started the 1965 immigration bullshit and was a huge lefty president who lied about ethnic displacement
Is this what happens when they take your foreskin.
You worthless jewmutt GOLDBURGER
Keep that firey blood boiling, McNigger. Maybe go have a pint and beat your wife.
Get gassed kike
All this photo did was give me an erection, try harder with your boogeyman arguments
So you hate kikes but buy into kike memes like le white trash?