The anti-Trump crowd is tearing itself apart because of racial conflicts
The anti-Trump crowd is tearing itself apart because of racial conflicts
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All of them have to go back.
The left always eats itself given time.
>tfw race nihilist masterrace
We predicted this would happen the minute we discussed the thier plan to march
Gee what a suprise.
Almost as if (((they))) want to diversify white countries for the very same reason.
i hope to gas them all equally some day
the democrat party is basically the NO WHITE PEOPLE party
it started with men, now its spreading to women also
>grown women who make 'raycizm iz bad!!' the absolute core of their ideology bickering about white women speaking too much and 'muh PoC' not speaking enough
what a sad group of retards, i hope they all die
Please be happening
Please be the moment the left literally eats itself alive
Please mighty holiest of Gods, if it be inevitable, please let the left devour itself into irrelevance while they are not seated on the pillars of governance.
This post bears repeating.
That's what you get when your only fucking platform is identity politics. They are slowly and unintentionally redpilling subgroups of their own.
And they don't even care. It's amazing and far more effective than throwing facts at them could ever do.
The Left Wing's nightmare hasn't even begun yet and they are already eating themselves alive.
Didn't that shit happen with Occupy Wall Street? Kek be praised.
>constantly stress the importance of identity politics
>still expect solidarity to erupt from disunity
the "progressive" left, everyone!
I can't wait until they pick the new DNC chairmen and it's a fucking radical black muslim
This is what happens when your ideology is so bullshit that it has no internal consistency or integrity.
>In some ways, the discord is by design.
I don't know who's jewin who anymore
They are too stupid to realize it though, and realize that biological disparity is a real thing.
This timeline is the BEST timeline
They are inpatient to conquer USA, the whole Trump thing is taking too long.
I'm also a sex nihilist, joke's on you nerd
Wait, this march occurs the day AFTER inauguration? kek, what the fuck is the point then? It just makes it clear that they're not trying to stop anything or make a point.
That article was a decent read, interesting to note that they interviewed white feminists who said they wouldn't be going to the march anymore because they didn't feel welcome.
I loved all the non-capitalists freaking out because they couldn't charge their iPhones.
This is even funnier because it's a massive scale "you aren't a REAL" fill in the blank with a pet minority group.
u mad that organizations run way better without any of the toxic sexual tension that men introduce?
They don't have that level of self awareness.
Progressivism is a religion, not an ideology. I guess you could say it's both.
>The post, written by a black activist from Brooklyn who is a march volunteer, advised “white allies” to listen more and talk less. It also chided those who, it said, were only now waking up to racism because of the election.
>“You don’t just get to join because now you’re scared, too,” read the post. “I was born scared.”
Unlike you, we work through our differences and resolve them. Everything is raring to go for the protests.
I had hoped they would begin to fight each other while they protesting, would have been way funnier.
who would have thought that we weren't being hateful when we said multiculturalism really doesn't work?
or that women can't organize?
I hope an islamic piece truck drives in on one of those anti trump marches.
The left are basically identical to the sith from star wars. They fight amongst each other for power eventually destroying themselves from within.
I don't get these idiots
>race is a social construct
>whites people are genetically evil and blacks are genetically better
Aren't you going to march with the National Council of Negro Women, Inc.?
b but I thought lefties were enlightened and tolerant.
This is happening near my university in New Orleans, Louisiana during the inauguration.
What should I do, Sup Forums? Is David Duke gonna be there?
>You merely adopted the scared-ness
batman ripoff
call her out on that
This will continue until no white person but a few madmen and Jews votes democrat.
This is what happens when the real core of your ideology is to form a bizarro coalition for the "acceptance" of anything that is not the classical west.
Yeah I wanna see how that works out. Everything goes to shit and they shift all the blame on a Black Muslim
its not immigration or multiculturalism
its just an invasion and they will soon outnumber whites
rip that poster off.
>White people say something racially charged back
>"W-white people please stop being r-r-raycisss"
Can they really not understand why hating and being racist towards a group of people in power would come back at them?
They spent decades teaching the non-whites that white people are evil
And then they expected to stay in control of the left? lol
This was inevitable.
Research the New Orleans Workers Group they are your enemies.
Communist agitators
Not in Chicago, at the rate they're going
*deep breath*
I remember when Finnish feminists organised some sort of event and there was a room for "racialized people" only.
They were super pissed because everybody in the event was white.
>trying to poo in loo.
huffpo's editorial board is so white it's blinding.
what will happen when the republican party is 100% white and the democrat party is 100% non white?
honest question, civil war?
>A young white woman from Baltimore wrote with bitterness that white women who might have been victims of rape and abuse were being “asked to check their privilege"
chicago is a good example of what can happen
from 90% white to 30% white (maybe)
the next few decades will be interesting (in a bad way)
>the right never eats itself
Why don't you notice that both sides are equally fucked?
part of being a leftist is being critically lacking in foresight
Glorious implosions.
A black hole of power will remain in it's wake...
If that happens the Dems are dead. Not a single state is majority nonwhite if you remove the illegals from California.
There's undoubtedly a counter protest planned, look for an event on Facebook and even if there isn't one, go there to see if there's a counter protest anyways.
>tfw race surrealist masterace
I'm not sure where you're reading the second part. Stop projecting for once.
That's pretty much already the case in Georgia where all of the white farm and labor voters have been purged from the state Democratic party. Expect this side effect of intersectionality to spread making the party smaller instead of larger like they intended.
And my university too.
What did they mean by this?
Don't kid yourself user, it would be ANYTHING but the black muslim haha. Even if he straight up threatened to kill a woman on stage for looking at him it would somehow be the white patriarchy's fault that he did.
keep memeing #nowhitedemocrats I think its working
>flash forward two weeks
>even never-Trump libmoms are now redpilled
They're planted all around campus.
it will happen
and whites are a minority under 5 years old
so its coming
id bet white people will realize we were basically conned by mass immigration
Beginning an anarchist revolt.
Like you resolved Occupy Wallstreet?
Good one
Then you have something to do today kiddo. Take an hour and get to work
What, you thought this was a motherfucking game?
i thought race is not real, what are they getting upset about?
Now THAT was a dick move if there ever was one.
where the hell are they going? Like seriously. Do they even know where their destination is?
I expect a sizable number of non whites to remain Republicans. The cucks don't see that coming, but 20-30 years from now I expect more of them than white Democrats.
Also the way the local elections work and the electoral college for the president would mean that Republicans have complete control. Besides perhaps California no state has a non white majority. From a military/ressources/stretegic standpoint it would soon get very ugly for the Democuck side.
oh look, there's the post I had in mind:
pic related, it's (You)
Sensible chuckle.
This is what happens when your ideology is based on exalting whoever is the most "oppressed". Every identity group within it eventually turns on whoever is seen as the most privileged until that group is alienated and leaves. It kills itself.
>id bet white people will realize we were basically conned by mass immigration
You'll still have 1/3rd whites minimum who approve of the racial replacement of whites
And there will always be states that remain "whiter", where whites can ignore whats happening everywhere else.
We accomplished more than anyone ever thought we would, but unfortunately there is a limit, as seen by who I sympatize and agree totally with.
texas and florida will flip blue soon and never come back (demographics)
really republicans are fucked in 10-30 years
but either way they are fucked
i doubt racial politics will end well for us here....
I'm telling you, they'd do it to keep themselves from looking responsible. These are not honest people we're looking at here
Feelings are all about now and is what drives them. They don't think too far into the future or how different feedback loops will cause them greater harm than whatever they're protesting against. Feminism and the decline in female happiness is an example of this.
I'm not surprised.
White liberals will find out that their white guilt doesn't mean shit to their angry minority "friends".
They are not anarchists. Why would real anarchists be against cutting regulations in half?
Gee it's almost like (((someone))) tried to destroy the left by making it about leftist identity politics, instead of class or workers.
Part 2 of my other post.
It's a self-hating white liberal telling other whites to use their "white privilege".
> Protest a white woman having her views silenced by not getting elected, by silencing the views of all white women
Really motors my boats
>>“You don’t just get to join because now you’re scared, too,
Literally the "i listened to this band before it was cool" move of civics discourse and entirely indicative of the social posturing and virtue signalling of identity politics.
Is there anyway that i, as a white nationalist, can help white shitlibs recognize their privelege and cede their voices to bodies of color?
I think it would be more productive to white nationalsim than anything else I could do.
agreed, maybe i will go to ireland or something, i have duel citizenship
This is THE EXACT same reason the left broke to pieces after the 1960s. Too many special snowflakes, they continuously fracture into minority group within minrity groups
They approve right up until the moment the negative consequences start to effect them personally. Then they become redpilled, though much too late to undo the damage.