Is there such a thing as a "good" Muslim Sup Forums?
Not counting dead/maimed/incarcerated.
Masala and Muhjidf seem cool.
Is there such a thing as a "good" Muslim Sup Forums?
Not counting dead/maimed/incarcerated.
Masala and Muhjidf seem cool.
Other urls found in this thread:
the somali minister of imigration in canada is against terrorism and wants to reduce immigration and is for assimilation
doubt he would be able to do anything cuz in trudeaus government everything is controlled from the center
The "good muslims" that you refer to are actually bad muslims in the sense that they dont follow their own religion properly.
The koran is very specific about how muslims are to treat non muslims, and they believe that heaven on earth will not happen until all non believers are either converted or killed.
When the media tells you "terrorists arent true muslims!!" They are lying to you. The terrorists are actually following that religions to a tee. Its the peaceful muslims that are either lying or not true believers.
If you want to know more, read the koran. You have been lied to about that religion. Its all in there.
There are no cool muslims. Just liars, non believers or terrorists.
Malik Obama
she means that if you just staight up call all muslims extremist niggers, theyl hate you back and join terrorist organisations, witch is actually true
christianity had a refor, islam didnt
Considering all right wingers have fully adopted the phrase "regressive left" originally memed by the guy on the right, yeah there is.
Sufis is a sect within Islam but they are very often considered heretics. They believe art to be the appropriate expression of one's religiosity.
>christianity had a reform
Protestants aren't Christian and never were.
I think all Canadians are beta faggots and call them out every time I see them posted.
That doesn't mean I fear some okie-doke blowing me up because I'm a meanie doodoo head.
Muslims can fuck off back to their sand lands if they want to practice that backwards death cult. Fuck them. I'm not even super religious but I'd join a new Crusades in a heartbeat.
University student here. Every single raghead I've met in college is a Chemistry major.
They tend to be nice to my face but deep down I know they want me dead.
So according to most Muslims, the only good Muslim is a bad one.
yes i am one
I assume you don't live in London.
Thank you for this. Someone that finally agrees with me.
>tfw I'm a devout Muslim yet hate 99% of Muslims
It's not self-hatred, it's just that Muslims (well, I guess it's mainly Middle Easterns, really) have been so coddled and turned into this sacred cow-like group free from any legitimate criticism that it's sickening.
It's so stupid when white liberals try to pander so hard to me, especially one of my college English professors. She always gave me special treatment and was patronizing as fuck. She was so surprised when I told her that I never experienced racism or discrimination and that everything that "held me back" or made me "struggle" in life wasn't from white privilege or discrimination, but rather my choices as an individual.
See, this was the very pic that made me look into her and make this thread.
She won the Prize for getting shot for not merely speaking but ACTING "against Islam". Something's been lost in translation.
Do the people who pass this around simply not know that or is there extra context I'm unaware of.
Also want to add how terribly stupid many people are when they resort to the typical "No True Scotsman!" in defense of Muslim terrorists. It's very hypocritical because many of the liberal Muslims living in the west don't even actively practice Islam. Many of them don't pray five times a day, never read a Qu'ran in their life, go to a mosque on a weekly basis and some of them even drink. A lot of them are Muslim by name only and I should know because I have the displeasure of interacting with these degenerates on a daily basis.
Any sauce on Malala wearing a western gale dress? Its for cultural/academic purposes.
>It's very hypocritical because many of the liberal Muslims living in the west don't even actively practice Islam
I meant to add it's very hypocritical because they will claim the terrorists as "fake Muslims" whjen those "fake" terrorist Muslims are more true to Islam than they are.
>Trudeau places PoC in high level of government
>said PoC is actually based
We need the same thing to happen when the next Pope is chosen so we can finally have a Crusade.
All Muslims are responsible as they are part of a system that supports extremists they are too stubborn and proud of the pedo tales to change it to fit it with modern times
I understand the point but don't see how or why Islam should be held to one true objective standard when there are so very many subdivisions and interpretations in just about any other group that big. Yes there are intrinsic problems requiring reform (hence why I referenced Maajid) but saying someone straight-up isn't a Muslin because they believe in human rights or whatever sounds ludicrous.
>If you want to know more, read the koran
Thanks for the smile user. Not that I don't appreciate it; just not the kind of advice I'd expect to see here.
They all follow the same book, see ISIS
>inb4 ISIS are not Islamic, their leader has a PHD in Islamic studies
No they're all apologists or extremists
any secular muslim is good in my book
Not all neo nazis are terrorists.
Did he go on to blow something up or is it just that he's a manlet?
For all the day of the rope shitposting going on here, has a Sup Forumsack ever actually killed someone?
A Muslim... unironically named muh jidf
We bombed that ISIS HQ in Syria.
Some Sup Forumsacks have. There are vets here. Also people who killed while defending their homes.
I was meming, his name's Maajid.
>Malala, a tool of her father and the left to propagate Islam
pick one
>saying someone straight-up isn't a Muslin because they believe in human rights or whatever sounds ludicrous.
taqiyya activated
Maybe they shouldn't follow a stupid backwards ideology that commands them to spread the word of Allah by the sword, then.
Initially I thought magic nawaz was one of the better ones, but he has to go back
>there are so very many subdivisions and interpretations
How many different ways can you interpret a text that explicitly tells you to cut someone's head off?
Paul Adul
malala is a zionist tool. her schools are ran by (((Madeline Albright's))) (((daughter))).
you know 500,000 dead Iraqi children were "worth it" (((Madeline Albright)))
Gee, I can't figure out why the Taliban might've had an issue with the type of education malala wants to bring. (though I don't agree with the method, culturally people in backwards Pakistan see 14 year olds as adults)
And the Bible states seafood is an abomination. There are many (not necessarily most, even) self-identified Muslims who don't believe it's a focal teaching and feel that it can be circumvented or contradicted by other teachings. But I reiterate: the fact that isn't ALL of them indicates a flaw in the faith & a need for reform.
>mudslime wants to be a cool political activist
>gets his daughter involved
>she gets shot
>he gets a free ticket out of that shithole
>now never has to go back
Yeah, great.