The Fire Rises!

>More than 181,000 people, most so-called “economic migrants” with little chance of being allowed to stay in Europe, attempted to cross the central Mediterranean last year from Libya, Africa’s nearest stretch of coast to Italy. About 4,500 died or disappeared.

>“Come next spring, the number of people crossing over the Mediterranean will reach record levels,” Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, whose country holds the European Union’s presidency, predicted. “The choice is trying to do something now, or meeting urgently in April, May … and try to do a deal then.”

>Niger, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Mali and Chad are all on the EU’s radar, and dealing with them is proving expensive. But the bloc’s arrangement with Turkey has shown that the best way of stemming migrant flows is to stop people taking to the sea. Libya and Egypt are the main migrant departure points, and pacts with them would probably have the biggest immediate impact.

Here we go again...

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We need to make a go fund me that buys 3 anons a boat with sufficient firepower to sink all those little inflatable shit crafts.

LordPoseidon, please rise up and protect the lands of Europe...

...and assist brother Kek as you see fit.

Gaddafi predicted this but they laughed at him as they murdered him

I ber Oto Melara could give us some guns in good faith.

Protecting Italy is of their interest.

One of those old PT-boats from WWII would do the trick just fine too.

It wouldnt take a lot of firepower to sink them. Problem is making sure Soros and his pets dont go after you.


Qaddafi's murder was the moment of red-pill for me.

We threw him to the dogs like savages, and our leaders gloated.

I though to my younger self 'even the Nazis had a fair trial at Nuremburg- civilisation is going backwards!'

How naive I was.



>Make camps in Libya
>take all migrants there
>destroy boats used by smugglers
>do this for a year
Problem solved

>not instantly gunning down invaders at the border
Where did it all go so wrong?

You would not believe how people get offended and argue with you when you offer to them practical solutions that would turn out better for everybody.

Just get a scuba tank and a sharp knife

Just for saying this proves that the moral compass of russians are in better shape than most europeans out there.




Hillary laughing like a cunt about it

Yikes checked and fosho kekd

One of you flags needs to be sacrificed to send a message. Kek wills it

Yup, the current refugee crisis pales compared to what's still to come.

And Africans are way more savage than Arabs.

Borders that aren't enforced are just lines on a map. Laws that aren't enforced are just ink on paper.

That being said; I don't blame them. Going from Africa to Europe is like sneaking into heaven; relatively speaking.

>Libya, Africa’s nearest stretch of coast to Italy
>breitbart's education

Sweden is already gone forever and people still dont care.

>even the Nazis had a fair trial at Nuremburg
>applying new laws retroactively
kek, it was a purgue

No dude. All you have to do is stop the NGO boats. It would not be hard to sabatoge them in italian ports.

Send them back. Taking them in will only worsen the problem for both parties

I don't blame them either. I would do the same.

Except I would expect to be gunned down at the border because that's what countries do. Protect its citizens.

Unless the leaders are stupid out of touch faggots like the European leaders.

>EU leaders
404 not found

And dont you there to say shit about them. You have been warned:

>Speaking at a party conference in Saarlouis, the chancellor called on Germans to show respect for other people’s opinions, but said right wing groups opposed to mass migration have no right to “exclude” anyone from the benefit of belonging to the nation.

>The chancellor, under whose rule German police have raided homes and made hundreds of arrests for online posts critical of mass migration, urged people to back values of ‘freedom and democracy’.

>Merkel said freedom of speech and religion, freedom of the press and freedom of travel are “not gifts that you don’t have to work for”. “Sometimes you have to make it clear that you are in favour of freedom” she added, warning, “I am convinced that we are again living in such a time”.

>Public anger at the decision to house the influx of newcomers at taxpayers expense triggered a crackdown on ‘hate speech’, with the state using an organisation run by a former Stasi agent to patrol Facebook in bid to stamp out “xenophobic” comments.

Fucken Mein Scheiße Upein.

I mean an important country

the grave grows deeper my friends

Like all the terrorist attacks and crimes in Germany, France, England?

It didn't have to come to this but they wanted more death.

I just want it to stop. All of us to unite and just say no. Sorry your country sucks shit, you can't adapt, and only exist due to the weak hearts of greater nations. Hate it for you, not really, but fuck off. Stop bringing them in and stop allowing them to come in. This shit never used to happen until they realized the world was willing to get fucked up the ass and accept it.

With politicians like laughning bitches we can not do any worse

>free speech
>fuck immigrants get them out
HATE SPEECH better pay a 1000 shekel fine or go to jail


Goodbye Germany

New laws applied retroactively is not justice. Let alone a fair trial. The entire Nuremburg circus was meant to serve a SINGLE purpose, and that was the elimination of German elites, to serve the goal of turning Germany into an agrarian society that would be easily controlled by outside powers.

Pretty much this. No solution really works for the migrant crisis if you are only attempting to resolve the crisis itself, and not the (((ones))) behind it first.

Wow, look at all those women and children!

In 50 years, all geography books in schools around the world will show only the eastern countries as being Europe.

The rest, with exception og UK will become something else.

If you think about it, we'll probably be telling tales of how the world used to be to the kids some day, and they'll think
>wow wtf it wasn't really like that, was it?

Lets us hope our white friends still in Africa manage to survive till that day.
I am really sorry for them.

>with exception og UK
UK is one of the worse countries in that regard.
They are full of pakis, indians and other subspecies from their commonwealth excolonies already.

These fucking globalist scum fucks will pay soon.

After a just trial, they should all be put in cryogenic stasis in a Marvel-like prison on the moon.

They will serve as an example to all wanna be totalitarians

I still can't get my head around it of how much the world has changed after WWI.

So many Empires, Kingdoms and such crumbled at the same time...

Can yuo imagine a today world with the British Empire (not that pussy ass Commonwealth), Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian and so on?

It would be awesome having that mindset with today's technology.

It's ironic really that if they had just shot the first few boats out of the water it would have saved thousands more lives from drowning horribly. Same with all the children that went missing during the mass border invasion.

>tfw shooting refugees on sight is actually the more humane option.

Bring it fuckers. We'll be ready for you.

any good places I can read up about the trial and the context, chief?

>tfw border ranger units being established specifically to keep migrants out
>their numbers are growing

Reminder that traitorous NGO's and rogue government agents are themselves organizing, financing, and literally shipping migrants to Europe.

Militia style or they are part of the goverment?

They're police.

The ME/African targets receive text messages, social media, and regular media propaganda that tells them how the people of Germany or other EU countries want them to migrate. They tell these people they will get jobs and free healthcare.

Then, the criminal government elements facilitate the transport of these people, for the express purpose of undermining EU nations and culture.

French consulate officials selling boats to human traffickers:

Most migrants are NOT coming from war zones, they are simply responding to propaganda that his telling them to go because it's a utopia.

Hungary is based as fuck

Thank you leaf. Have some kebab removers swearing in.

Hungary and Poland are the Europe's only hope now.

Yes, which is kind of sad if you think it through.

Sounds like a waste of resources to me. Despite being a shitty economic system, communists knew the best way to deal with those that would compromise their chosen society was a bullet to the back of the skull.

I wish guns were as popular here as they are over there in America.