>"Once you go black, we don't want you back!"
And how are you geniuses going to know she "went black" if she doesn't tell you?
Well!? How ya gonna know, genius!?
>"Once you go black, we don't want you back!"
And how are you geniuses going to know she "went black" if she doesn't tell you?
Well!? How ya gonna know, genius!?
Delete and V& OP
violation of Sup Forums rules
girls put their entire lives on social media. its really easy to find out if they burn coal
What do white women do before and after sex with the average nog? Its not like meaningful conversation, or being taken out for breakfast, is an option.
i pretend to be a liberal with girls I'm not sure about. Bring up the topic, get the truth out of them, and if they burnt coal I tell them they're disgusting monkey fuckers and leave.
most are their dealers. a lot of them do it for free drugs. the rest meet them in low-class clubs
not even meming
the white girls that get with them are literally the lowest class of white
the half Fillipina half English proto-gf has told me that she has never seen an attractive black person in real life
*black man
she has said there are plenty attractive black women, but she rarely sees attractive black men in media, and never in real life
on a more serious note. White women broadcast the fact that they fuck niggers. Thats the whole point.
I dont know, man. A lot of rich, albiet empty headed women have a history of fucking barely literate black men.
>girls put their entire lives on social media. its really easy to find out if they burn coal
No they don't. I know a black dude who was fooling around with a white girl for months and she wouldn't introduce him to any of her family/friends. He stopped bothering with her because it was clear from her facebook page that her family was of the "Duck Dynasty", "Larry the Cable Guy", "Merica!" variety.
You will never know she was seeing Tyrone because she met you.
In the age of literally every coal burner posting her exploits to 6 different social media platforms, how will you bigots ever know?!
why would we have to ask? i thought they never went back.
Girl has no muscle tone or class, they are welcome to her.
Well you obviously just don't date nonvirgins.
If you're enough of a cuck to date some woman that's fucked around, you're enough of a cuck to be slurping Tyrone's cum out of her pussy.
the black niglet is a dead giveaway
drugs and daddy issues
they get introduced to the nignogs at parties and through drug connections
her dad is rich but that means he had to work a lot and never connected with her
so she fucks black guys to say "daddy please notice me"
she thinks it's out of spite but she's really doing it for attention
God I hate women
Interrupting highway trafic should be a crime. Its illegal to stop your car and get out in my country, even if it is to save a duck, cat or even a child.
This is my first post on Sup Forums ever and I just wanna say hello to you.
this desu
>Well you obviously just don't date nonvirgins.
And how you gonna know she's a virgin? No girl is going to answer that question, virgin or not. They're going to look at you like you're some kinda creep (that's if you're lucky, because more than likely, they'll slap you or throw their drink in your face) and walk away. You'll never get a date.
And what if she doesn't have any biracial kids, had an abortion, or put the child up for adoption before she met you?
>Well!? How ya gonna know, genius!?
If mere suspicion is enough to ruin a mans life, then it's only fair and equal for suspicion to ruin a womans life too.
worship satan
They're pretty easy to spot OP, for one I don't date white trash.
her friend, the black dudes, and the person secretly filimg her all stop walking when she stops walking. That is the power of the ass
Who gives a fuck? For every white women who prefers non-white lovers there are hundreds, thousands that do. Getting buttdevastated over this is like being mad when a woman gets a sex change operation. All it means to me is she was never meant to be with someone like me.
>Isn't Racist
Its very easy to tell who burns coal or not
>responding to a literal cuck
>because more than likely, they'll slap you or throw their drink in your face) and walk away. You'll never get a date.
And there's your answer right there. Move on to the next, nothing lost and everything gained.
Women have been fooled into believing they're somehow special and worth being chased just for being women and they don't have to do anything and can just be spoiled little princesses their entire life.
Don't date girls who like black music... that will narrow it down a huge amount
>how are you going to know
Black eye
Mulatto child
Really not that tough, OP
Fat. That's all I saw was some disgusting cellulose porker. One niglet and she'll be a whale.
>And there's your answer right there. Move on to the next, nothing lost and everything gained.
I'd be surprised how many women fuck a nigger crap out a picaninny then look for white dudes.
>They're pretty easy to spot OP, for one I don't date white trash.
And what if the lady you're dating is a refined woman with a degree in Art History and she was dating a refined black man that was like a PhD candidate in Physics or something? You'd never know unless she told you.
>implying a girl who has gone black wont tell you in an attempt to virtue signal
i'm a pleb wagecuck and just today, whilst joking around on the topic of pureness one of my teenage coworkers said she's never been past 'hooking up' and her friend affirmed it. it's a common subject and it's pretty easy to confirm actually. another girl that i talked to that had broken up with (and later got back with) her first boyfriend also casually dropped how she would never race mix even though she likes negro music and fashion
i'm not a social butterfly in the least but it's still really easy to read women and tell the difference between lying and protesting an incorrect assumption
are you gonna post a gif of the slut getting smacked by the kid on the bike or something or is it just gonna be them standing around and therefore having no relevance to your thread?
and why do you think everyone on Sup Forums is a genius who gives a shit about this subject?
>black man that was like a PhD candidate in Physics
the average IQ of a Physics PHD holder is ~130
the average IQ of Africans is 70
the average IQ of African Americans is 80-85
the chance that any given black man is 3-4 standard deviations from the mean IQ is so incredibly low that it's not even worth considering
ok so now the black kids aren't even in the webm anymore
i wonder what race the sexual stalker with a camera is, though...
I want to see together their faces.i would also like to see the fat girl without the top.
easy, you trick them into thinking your totally fine with it. Pretend that you fucked an asian chick or something and then ask her if she fucked outside her race.
that got my beef stewing
where do you work?
Woman are such a fucking meme.
>PhD in physics
Pick one. In my lifetime I've never seen a black physicist
Source: I'm a physicist and sometimes I I have to go abroad
Heroin and meth.
Feminism has allowed that fat cow in the pink to think she's allowed to wear a thong publicly.
How do girls walk with their cheeks independently moving? Do they unclench their assholes to do that
What if she dumps you because you fucked an asian chick, though?
attitude and opinions
>Do they unclench their assholes
is yours permanently clenched?
Women talk she will tell someone or we will find out sooner or later wheb she slips up. Found out my ex of two years used to date niggers tosswd her shit out in the street thaymt very day and never spoke to her again. She is dead to me. Got checked for std's immedatly as well thank god I came back clean.
lol, they're both hot you perma-cuck. Obviously the blonde is hotter but if you wouldn't fuck both, you're a fag
I think so. My butt is concave like hank hill's
this is getting pretty common down south
sadly most white guys no longer care as long as jamal scores a few touchdowns for the home team
>dem early stages of cellulite
Don't lump me in with these sacks of shit! When's the last time you saw a nigger Satanist?
Ave Satanas, faggot.
Sounds to me like you did her a favor.
There's no winning with the azn girl game. Azns constantly think you're fetishizing them and if you're not you will leave them for a white girl.
The crazy hasn't been worth the fun in my experience.