She's 3 years old, full blooded Caucasian, I'm scared to death that my degenerate tendencies will lead her down the wrong path, looking for advice from Sup Forums to keep her away from sluthood, niggerdom, and obeseity... how do I red pill her?
I'm letting Sup Forums raise my daughter
Have her grow up i a small town/county in the Midwest. Stay away from towns more than 25,000 and higher than 5% non-white.
Is she white? (Germanic or slav)
Why only one white child? Why not 5? The most redpiloed number of kids
Homeschool her OP.
We live in an extremely wealthy suburb of nyc, our municipality is virtually all white/jewish/Asian
White baby #2 is on the way
Correct, Desu.
Small town allow for traditional morals and manner to be enforced.
The real red pill?
You have to be the better man than any dude that tries to hit on her. If you set the bar high...opening doors, being emotionally available, sympathizing with her while challenging her...
That means any guy she considers to date has to do all of those things, and more.
Be the better man, so that your daughter doesn't fall for the wrong one.
Basically a crap shoot. Any single friend can be a bad influence and you'd never find out until it's too late. There's very little you can do, especially with the internet.
Keeping her away from social situations will make things worse. The girls that go craziest and most sexually active are the ones that are the most sheltered.
It's a fine balance, and you can't push it too far in any one direction.
Alright man, assuming you waited until marriage to have sex and assuming your wife stayed a virgin until marriage, then that's good. Make sure you have a strong patriarchy in your household and make sure your wife is the homemaker, have her take care of the kids while you go out and work. Do not send your daughter to public schools, have her home schooled. The reason why you don't send her to public schools is because they have degenerate influences and shit education. Make sure there is strong traditional values in your household, your daughter should learn how to cook and should be helping your wife cook by 10 years old. Teach your daughter to be feminine but not a whore, make sure she dresses modest, do not buy her booty shorts, yoga pants, tight dresses, very short dresses, short shirts where belly bottom is visible.
Make sure culture is taught in the household, drill into her mind that traditional values is good. It would also help if you go church as well, teach her the importance of religion and culture. Do not send your daughter off to college, she doesn't need college, women aren't supposed to go to college, they are mothers. Your wife should teach your daughter to be a loving mother and homemaker. Do not have her watch degenerate tv or movies. Do not buy her a phone until maybe 15. Once around her teens you should tell her that social media is degenerate and by then she would 100% agree with you.
>inb4 homeschool will get you a social outcast
Not really, homeschool activities exist.
Oh and I forgot to mention, STAY AWAY from big cities, move to a small town in the GOAT states like Wyoming, the Dakotas, Montana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, you know what I'm talking about. Places were there are still morals.
>inb4 no jobs
You can be a farmer and have a comfy life style if you're up for it. NEETS need not apply
Or you can become a police officer or sheriff's deputy or even a state trooper.
>suburb in NYC
Move out now, your daughters are in danger of degenerate influences. Those suburbs contain rich spoiled degenerates.
Plus it's Jew York City, the worst fucking place to raise a family.
Struggling with the same thing, but in California (Bay Area). Can't move to small town because no way to earn $$.
Maybe try regular church attendance so that as adults they at least know what nondegenerate life looks like.
Read my posts, live minimalistic if you have to, get the fuck out of Commiefornia, worst state to raise a family. All the daughters in Commiefornia turn out to be Stacey's when they're older and ride the cock carousel because of degenerate influences.
Have her browse Sup Forums every day.
Moving unfortunately isn't an option
/pol is her bedtime story at night
You have to move out read my posts, it's inevitable that your daughter becomes degenerate in NYC. If you decide to send her to public schools and even though you do teach her to be modest, traditional, she will become a degenerate due to degenerate influences that make her want to rebel against you.
Is private school an option?
Yes but homeschooling is the best option, please don't tell me you have a career woman as a wife.
Part time babysitter, I'm the bread winner
There you go, your wife can be the homemaker but the first step is getting out of Jew York city
Honestly? Just be a good father, but don't force it too much. Let it grow organically with a little "shove" here and there, otherwise she'll buck big time to get back at you and will commit a mistake.
1) What do you do if you don't mind me asking
2) If you're a father who lives in a wealthy NYC suburb, with a second child on the way... why the fuck are you on Sup Forums? You've got things good in life and you come to this shithole?
NYC is a shithole he should get out
let her lurk pol. it will be an interesting experiment.
Nothing to do with what I asked mate
honestly you really can't unless you home school and never let her talk to anyone else. everyones telling you to mold her into some passive housewife but that only makes it easier for someone to sweep in and corrupt her due to her being naïve.
Yeah she will rebel if she has degenerate influences. Oh and you can have social events with homeschooling
>I'm letting Sup Forums raise my daughter
Try pulling from pic related
Homeschooling does not always work. I use to have a coworker who was homeschooled and she is the biggest whore I know
degenerate influences can also come from online too. there's really no way to avoid it.
Tell her about the jews, tell her every day, say that your degenerative behaivior is because of the jews or better stop it.
The women in 1915 were equally scum.
They went around publicly shaming young men who weren't fighting in WWI (for health reasons or otherwise) and openly encouraged them to commit suicide.
[citation needed]
Sunday church doesn't work, that is a legitimate advice, women don't pay respect to religion that much, just try to raise her with christian values, but don't try to make her religious, it won't work. Second make her interested in history and buy her video game consoles. Also learn her how to read now.
>a japanese giving advice about raising women
reincarnation proved
>Is she white? (Germanic or slav)
You have to show her that she is worth more than her own impulses and not allow her to sink into the thought that we are above nature in anyway, but that we do have a choice in the matter and that fact is what will truly define her character.
>In August 1914, at the start of the First World War, Admiral Charles Fitzgerald founded the Order of the White Feather with support from the prominent author Mrs Humphrey Ward. The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.
>This was joined by some prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary universal draft, which included those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.
Send her to me. I will teach her the ways of the herd.
She had degenerate influences and bad parenting, probably progressive parenting that allowed her to do whatever she wanted
Well that's why you show her Sup Forums in her teens and she will recognize the redpills that she learned early on. Banning her from social media helps too.
OP, if people knew how to raise children so they didn't end up as pathetic losers, how would you explain Sup Forums?
Always ask yourself, what would Donald Trump do?
I live in a small town just like that as described. Women are still whores who party every weekend getting trashed on booze and varying degrees of drugs depending on their dignity.
>created nothing
Hm, that's interesting.
do you guys really have to keep replying to these X is non-white bait threads, he's even albanian too the hook could not be any larger.
>I'm scared to death that my degenerate tendencies will lead her down the wrong path
First step, stop raping her.
Dude don't jsut force ideologies upon your child in hopes that they won't become degenerate. Thats how they become degenerate or dysfunctional.
Learn how to be a good parent and trust that you can raise her to make good choices and to be able to pick herself up when she makes mistakes.
Youve gotten all the advice you need, leave the city, try to keep her away from a liberal education. Help her build an identity of having values that way she doesnt turn into a whore the second the option presents itself.