Post your reigh wing artwork on here for people to use.
Fashic Design
I'm loving the term "Fashic Design"
Feel free to improve my OC!
good shit
one without text on side
back to plebbit you cringey faggot
"diversity is unity" pls
LARPing 14 yr olds don't belong on Sup Forums
so fashy
Didn't realise that this was role play.
You must watch sone fucked up porn.
If people that young are getting into fascism, I'd be so happy.
Sup Forums isn't your blog you autistic newfag. Take your upside down A ''modern art'' tier shit to plebbit or dumblr.
''hur dur I turned duh A upside down so fashy xDDDDDDDDDDDDD''
I cringed desu.
I think you're just a grammar nazi. Not even a real one. What a faggot.
Its more likely that hes a teenage LARPing national (((socialist))) and because most teens are braindead they think that real fascists approve of materialism and socialism.
I like how a simple rotation of type triggers you so much.
This must mean its working.
You obviously don't want to turn the current world upside down.
Like this one
What is national socialism?
I don't have an artistic mind.
>my autistic abstract art is triggering people
No its just filling up the catalog with your shit that should go on your blog.
Its called sharing properganda, doesn't mean we can't have fun at the same time.
>shit art that Hitler or any fascist would have burned is being used as propaganda
remove the numbers and letters and it will be super rad
Just ignore the thread, its really not that difficult, unless your that autistic.
Age of new technology age for new form of art.
Im not German, I'm not a hitlerfag
>just ignore all the blogposts by redditors
Can't when they take up half the catalog. Gtfo faggot.
>any of the stuff in this thread
also get rekt slav.
Im already out, im just staying half in to wind you up princess
>my shitposts are triggering people
stay delusional newfag
What do you think? What should I change about it
This was my first attempt
topkek, you're just slav rapebabies
Your vocab has such variety. it's beautiful.
Gonna start dropshipping soon, can I keep some of this meme art and make a profit off it?
First try with the aesthetic stuff
You don't have the right not to
And this one
I wasn't the one that made it but I was able to fix it.
hi newfriend
Good stuff mon.
Have a Lera.
very nice work user.
Do people like mine?
Quick Guide in pic for those that want to know howw to do this stuff.
Thanks desu
Added fonts to guide
How'd I do?
Fucks sake, I clipped the last font.
Kek is pleased
Nice. Try adding this over it.
>7 is the most powerful magical number
Anyone have a mega of some effects/backgrounds?
the chosen one has arrived
This is my edit
Easy and simple fasce flag.
anywhere to find backgrounds? cheers
This is a flag I made awhile back just for fun
here is the png
here's one i made
Also Elegant coat of arms.
Donald trump is a kike loving civic nationalist so maybe remove him from the image?
colours are all wrong... such fail... again....
very nice. can I keep it?
What does the E stand for?
Probably Europe
Too busy. All of this stuff is awful honestly. Probably the worst graphic design I've ever seen. I give this trend a year or two.
not mine but i like
Added some VHS distortion, and a bit more colour tweaking
>1 post by this id
based fash artist