Are you ashamed of being a millennial?

Are you ashamed of being a millennial?

It's just the year I was born.

I strive to work hard and be a good citizen in order to be a credit to my generation, rather than focusing on how most of us are a detriment to it.


But I am a GenX who is ashamed at how many Baby-Boomers were so foolish and unprepared with their finances and as such they either refuse to retire out of the marketplace or they receive benefits much higher than anything they ever put in.

IMHO, the Baby-Boomer gen is not the greatest. The gen before them, you know the ones who had to live thru the great depression and raise families on it, were far superior.

I am since coming to this board

I used to have friends and this place has ruined me

Thanks guys

No I'm grateful to fate or whatever that I was born in this era, it's an amazing time to be alive

Yes. This is what I set out to accomplish to redeem this narcissistic generation or at least lay down the foundation for the future generations to come

the boomers seemed to have forgotten a key idea of western civilization, that is the idea of passing on knowledge and preserving what has been passed on before them

our generation needs to pull their weight to make up for the boomers

That stock photo of millennials is better than the real thing.

Truly amazing

No, identifying with your generation is retarded.

>are you ashamed of being born in a certain range of years

>identifying with people your own age is retarded

Found the autist


I am sad though

I can't relate to my peer group because they're all fucktarded children

it's like, you're turning 26, why are you having a Cardcaptor themed birthday party

>google "cardcaptor"
>it's anime

That sounds like something that someone from Sup Forums is much more likely to do than a normie, familia

how can someone be ashamed for something they have no guilty for?

That's the problem, he's not a lard-lad dweeb with greasy glasses and semen on his t-shirt, he's an adequately attractive normie with a pretty wife and a podcast about the electronic music scene.

Then why does he watch Chinese cartoons designed for children?

I'm not a millennial.

Because he's a Millenial. Apparently that's just what they do.

No, because I don't follow the millenial archetype.
My gen is a fucking disgrace though.

How old are you then pham? 30+?

Younger than that and you're a millennial

But 30+ and you're Gen X I guess

>those clothes
>those colors

I think a lot of millennials are stupid and whine about nothing, but Gen X are a bunch of post-coked out degenerates, and boomers are just hippie faggots on pension. They're all bad.

This cast needs more diversity.

Plenty of adults have Star Wars and Star Trek themed birthday parties. Even Harry Potter birthday parties.

I'm 25 and have a family: I'm just glad I have that. Most my generation is empty and vapid

The last respectable generation is the Silent Generation. Since they lived through something that was actually difficult - WWII.

What do you do pham, if you don't mind me asking?

Curious how someone my age can already have a family