Finland isn't real

The country we all know as """""Finland"""" isn't real. It was invented sometime during the early-mid twentieth century via a joint Russian-Japanese conspiracy.

The landmass of Finland isn't there, in it's place is the Scandinavian Sea/North Baltic Sea. Finland was originally invented sometime around the early-to-mid twentieth century when the Japanese, who were looking for a way to circumvent fishing regulations made a deal the Russia that would establish an artificial or "ghost" country that would allow Japan to fish undisturbed.

The UN eventually caught on to the scheme but due to Cold War antagonism and the immense profits being generated it was easy to bribe them and bring them into the conspiracy. Around the time the UN caught on (the early 1950's), the USSR deported countless dissidents that would otherwise be sent to Siberia to a region known as "East Sweden". These deportees were brainwashed into speaking a convoluted language made up by the Japanese and made to believe the underwhelming and fictional history of "Finland".

The conspiracy continues to this day as millions of dollars worth of fish are shipped through Russia to Japan under the guise of "Nokia products". Nokia it's self is a Japanese front company.

Rake yourself

Denmark and Sweden would have noticed the Japanese fishing boats passing through the Oresund.

>Commercial fisheries

Not an argument


fug :---D

Leaf please

fugg :DDDdd

My family is from Oula, Finland.

low quality b8

Go rake yourself

Nice meme.

Can confirm


/k/ here. I get regular shipments of surplus out of Helsinki. it's there.

is that the canada is a legitimate country meme?

Here come the Russo-Japanese shills

Nice proxies.

The landmass exists, but the country doesn't.

how do we Make Sweden Great Again!?

Remove kebab and remove (((stockholmers)))!

Nah, I was in Finalnd once. My uncle owns land and house there, beatiful place.

is it near a military base?

""""Finnish"""" people and cities exist in East Sweden but their language, history, and culture is a lie.


I dont know.


>leaf education suppose to be better than me but leaf are leafs anyway

This. The "native" language of Ă–stra Rikshalvan was created by a Swedish linguist, trying to create the most fucked up language possible.


Russia made this country, so it does exist, and will exist.

Finland is a meme

how the ancient finns formed

you mean Oulu?

My Family is from Finland and I'm still in contact with sime extended family that live in Kuopio.
Stupid fucking leaf.

We have tracked your location and the special forces has been dispatched. Sweet dreams



No, Sweden created it.

stop trying to bring a stupid reddit meme here

Other way, matrinially we're aryan, patrilneally invading force from volga river.

>t. Ole Guleboj

All that beautiful water. Imagine going on a halfweek drinking cruise to Norway


I wish I had leaf education so I would have learned how to have anal sex sooner

It was autonomous with Russia first.
>aryan, patrilneally invading force from volga river.
Sorry but no.
Aryan as a Group where people from south Siberia.
Haplogroup R1A, the spread to Afghanistan, North India, Persia and finally Europe.

Finns belong to the Urgic people mainly.

You have genetical similarities to Baltic and Hungarian people, a little bit to Turks too. (The Asian turks)

If it isn't real, then how did i go to vacation there 3 years ago?

This is literally the best solution to all Scandinavian problems.

Maybe the northern parts could survive but I dunno, never been there, probably better to be safe than sorry