What are you, a fucking first aid kit?
Get a better flag Switzerland
Nice bait thread
Yeah put a leaf on it
>H-how about we choose a red flag with a white center?
>Nope, that's taken by Peru.
>So what do we do?
Shut up Peru reflected about the line y=x
Says red and white finland
We were first to pick this flag tho. Everyone else's use of the design is basically cultural appropriation. Fucking bigot shitlords all of them
Literally the best flag.
youre just jealous that our flag has history predating even the crusades
Hey medkits, xoxols like you! Isn't that great :D
Templar knight heritage... :3
Says blue and yellow poland
Says black, yellow and, red russia
only square flag in the world, fucking leaf
The Swiss flag originates from the war flag of the Holy Roman Empire.
If you insult the Swiss flag, you insult the Holy Roman Empire
>If you insult the Swiss flag, you insult the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire was full of fags so YOU SHOULD insult it
>a fucking leaf
>a fucking white flag
youre just jealous that our flag looks better
So much edginess
Has Jamal been ignoring you?
My flag is the best looking flag in the world, 2nd place is for Estonia
jk, we like you, france
>we like you, france
no we dont
the french part of switzerland is like our commiefornia full of french socialist fags
Says red and blue italian flag
Excuse me?
i like you too for being a non-failed version of what France government should be like
wow, this is the most beautiful 2/10 i've seen my whole life
>his flag is only 223 years old
I think you're right! We must change our flag for the sake of inclusion of our muslim brothers! Ins'allah!
dont be upset cuz ur not in the top 10 flags :DDD
switzerland has a nice flag
No bully med kit please.
i like your style ! allah akbar brother, islam will dominate the world by 2018
>a fucking globe
Says a flag with fucking words on it, we dont want to fucking read your flag.
water floating on oil breaks the laws of physics
Sorry ?
The only degenerate thing in Genève is prostitution, and albanian workers.
Btw you could say the same about German in the Alemanic Switzerland.
But anyway u are good.
Nope, england was first. And you just reverted the colours
i like their flag. its very unique
Not sure whether to kek or feel sad about that
>t. french immigrant
Get the fuck out
WRONG, our flag descended from the heavens when we were battling the filthy Baltics in the Battle of Lyndanisse of 1219.
'fuck outta here faggot
matches my swiss army knife
See for yourself, fucking nigger.
Change your flag already, bigot
That's where I live. Feels good to be a mountain Jew.
Really though, the flag of england is older. Just look it up, friendly danes
How is it that you are stil 94% white?
T-that is almost ethnostate levels
>Really though, the flag of england is older
uuuhm, tell that to god, sweetie.
They haven't taken their fair share yet. But they will; we all know they're hoarding the gold and refusing to share it, because they're racists.
Because we've kept at least a little bit of racism and nationalism in our folk spirit as opposed to the rest of Scandinavia.
>"According to the ICRC, the emblem adopted was formed by reversing the colours of the Swiss flag. This was officially recorded in the 1906 revision of the Convention."
Anyone who uses the swiss flag on an ambulance, medikit or hospital is doing it wrong.
here some fun excerpts:
>Battle of Morgarten 1,500 infantry and archers (Swiss) vs 5,500 infantry and 2,500 heavy cavalry (Austria)
>these were mainly well-trained and -equipped knights.
>According to Karl von Elgger, the Confederates, unfamiliar with the customs of battles between knights, brutally butchered retreating troops and everyone unable to flee. He records that some infantry preferred to drown themselves in the lake rather than face the brutality of the Swiss.
>Battle of Sempach
>The Austrian force formed a wide rank and threatened to surround the outnumbered confederates.
>According to the account by Tschudi, seeing the small strength of the confederate force, the nobles were concerned that if they sent the mercenaries in front, as would have been common practice, they might not see any action at all, as the mercenaries would finish the job on their own. Therefore, they insisted on taking the front ranks.
>The Swiss did break through the Austrian ranks and routed the enemy army completely. Duke Leopold and with him a large number of nobles and knights were slain
>The oldest accounts of the battle are unambiguous in the judgement that the Swiss victory was against all odds and expectations, and is attributed to the grace of God.
>The Swiss Guard has its origins in 1506 when Pope Julius II hired them as "bodyguards"; however the group of soldiers was large enough to be considered an army.
>The pope enlisted them, seeing as he believed they were best at the time.
Before we became neutral in the early 16th century we were actually very badass. That's where our flag originates from. See pic related, military flags used to be squares. Due to the long history and military origin of our flag it is a square.
Look at this duude huhu wait till you see the
Ooo hehehuu nononono ohhhhh
What is the rarest flag caught on Sup Forums you have? Mine is Marshall Islands (16 posts made)
Yes. White is so pure. It shows off your innocence and naivete. That is why the mudslimes invade. Path of le'ast resistance.
it's one of the worst looking "village" of the Valais if you can still call it a village.
We're at 85%
will be 75% soon though just like France Britain and Germany.
65% of births in britain are white British. Those are us tier numbers. Although there is 10% slav
I actually like the old Russian flag (until 1991) and the 1934-45 German flags the best
Good country cause it's right wing.
Needs new flag though lol.
>>Battle of Sempach
Fucking Winkelried
> "I will open a passage into the line; protect, dear countrymen and confederates, my wife and children..."
Why don't we have men like these anymore?
You had quite a few colonies as well though, so I guess it can't be helped. I'm afraid we'll be more or less overrun too within the next couple of decades though.
Yeah it's such a shame that we aren't as badass as we used to be.
or look at this:
The French invaded Switzerland and turned it into an ally known as the "Helvetic Republic." The interference with localism and traditional liberties was deeply resented, although some modernizing reforms took place. Resistance was strongest in the more traditional Catholic bastions, with armed uprisings breaking out in spring 1798 in the central part of Switzerland. The French Army suppressed the uprisings but support for revolutionary ideals steadily declined, as the Swiss resented their loss of local democracy, the new taxes, the centralization and the hostility to religion.
>the Swiss resented their loss of local democracy, the new taxes, the centralization and the hostility to religion
>>the Swiss resented their loss of local democracy, the new taxes, the centralization and the hostility to religion
>Bonaparte characterised Switzerland as federal "by nature"
I wish we would still be like that. But socialism has caught up even on us.
pasta, great, thanks, shill, sly, much anal seepage
fml wat a waste of space is canada
Agreed. You guys are squares.
the flag is fine
fuck off
Died killing Spanish for the Pope so the blood lines ended.