Damn, a secular culture and a country which hosts the holy Aachen...
How to fix german women ?
"if we lose this war it would be the end of the german people"
-t. hitler
i live in miami and found this legitimately cringy
don't they teach this dance aka the coal-burner mating call in grade school there?
Yeah if this is where Germany is at they are done. I don't even think grinding like this would be allowed in a run-down urban school in the US.
Certainly wouldn't be allowed to happen as an official classroom activity in any normal school.
I wonder which country influenced these fine Russian girls to behave this way.
hey, that looks familiar.
Germany has just a few short years to figure this out and remove the muslims or she's honestly dead. I hope it can pull out of this nosedive, but, it's looking worse and worse each day.
nah germany is too far gone at this point. it's slowly transitioning into South Africe 2.0
sweden has 1-2 years left though.
I think it looks better by the day. German presidential election is only a month away friend.
Iza a german. Dun seena merican gal shake her booty. Betta fuck some niggaz cuz holocost lel
They don't give a fuck about shade and shape of their country, why should anyone else do that.
Faster they collapse sooner we'll be able to 'liberate' these lands from unwanted forces an send immigrants to their home.
So what are YOU doing to save the white race?
and the french ones ...
they voted for the "conservative" "christian democrats" and it got them here
That's Brazil and old bait.
> First : become a quant to get a lot amount of money
> Two : Find (buy ?) a conservative housekeeper waifu
> Three : make 4 white children
are we western yet
If I walked in on that I would kick her face as hard as I could
You're honorary westerners
nuke that shit hole
How is Orthodoxy in Greece ?
what is the teacher doing????
Can we gas the germans this time?
fapping duh
but seriously, this isnt in germany right? looks like a 3rd world country.
You think this shit doesn't happen in the US?
How the fuck would I know its not like this happens to me.
Should women have the vote? Why?
So progressive!
[desire to remove intensifies]
Your muslims aren't your fault, western europe never helped us when we fought with kebabs.
>Not beehave.
>webm unrelated
it looks like Trannyland but I could be wrong
Is this really Germany?
I don't believe it...
what the fuck do you need to watch/hear while growing up to end up with that kind of fantasy
>let St. Denis, where the founders of white Europe lie, degenerate into a nigger infested banlieu
no u
>says she is going to marry a black guy who impregnates her and then leaves her to be a single mom
lol this is a fantasy? Trust me you can get that very easily
That is actually brazil
However, ironically that girl is likely from german stock. The cuck genes are strong with the huns
I open this webm every time just to see the based mom saving her daughter again.
isn't it hilarious how anime watching manchildren debate about fixing western women?
How do you get along with your new muslim mayor?
This can't be real
Its Brazil
>lol this is a fantasy?
It's a fantasy of female hypergamy.
She wants physically capable father for her child, and she wants his paycheck, but she doesn't want him in her house or having any say in the child's life at all.
She basically wants a sperm donor who pays for her existence and leaves her free to fuck around.
This absolutely cannot be real.
And if it is, we need a MAD nuclear war immediately.
look at all that racism
Fucking christ. A sea of third worlders.
Thank god I don't live in such an area.
German schools.
it isn't, there is no such thing as "8th grade" in Germany, the school system works in a different way here in west-eu
Can you imagine the amount of pun some nignog can get there?
Ultimately the welfare state could save Germany from complete takeover by collapsing when immigrants are at, say, 20%. They would all chimp out, DESTROY the cities, there could easily be a fucking civil war. Germans would finally be redpilled when it happens in their neighborhood, the immigrants would stop coming in and they would reproduce slower because they can't get welfare. Lots of native Germans would immigrate to the United States and become a new wave of conservatives, and they would become like the Jews in wanting to get their homeland back and remove the kebabs.
It would be sort of like Russia and Napoleon, salvation by destruction.
latins and caribbeans learn it from neighborhood parties and family etc. its their culture. i learned to dance with them at jamaican, soca, and salsa parties / clubs.
t. russian raised in south fl
seeing a lanky awkward white girl try to shake her flat ass after she practiced in her europoor flat from watching on youtube...just cringy and awkward
That black guy is having the time of his life
>seeing a lanky awkward white girl try to shake her flat ass after she practiced in her europoor flat from watching on youtube...just cringy and awkward
implying its not awkward when those primitive third worlders do it
I think at this point Eastern European countries should stop bickering over petty shit and realize that they're about to get fucked big time. Either by Russians or by Westerners. Create the Eastern European Union already and stop looking at Brussels, Moscow, or Washington for "enlightened guidance" since you'll find none.
Just nuke the krautland.
when they cant help but be attracted to a tall blue eyed white man and wind their big brown asses on you.. no it isnt awkward
>absolutely fucking shit helmet
Hope you get hit by a cellphone user
I wanna kill some mudslimes
sadly not possible
the one to lead us was poland, yet they chose to suck american cock instead
the funniest part is in a war we would be the main battlegrounds
This is an American classroom, what are you talking about?
yaaawn. been there done that. thanks tho
You are completely right, I made this map myself
> draw me like one of your French girls
God, i wish i was the president of Croatia or the prime minister, i would change Croatia for good
In that case, get a good helmet, motorcycle guy.
>kill the people of colour
>ban rap music and black 'culture'
Europeans will be wonderful once more.
> nigger
> paycheck
pick one, bong
> Transylvania
> part of Hungary
that cunt is going to destroy us
aha...in germany theres up to 12th or even 13th grade.
quit spreading lies you fucking muzzie
all of britian is like that except for a few spots in the country
the country is fucked and we should cut ties imminently
That webm is form Brazil, frogfag
>knew a German girl and she said her dream was having a brown baby
She ended up with a German white guy though. They started dating when she was 14 and he was 18 and they eventually got married.
Germany died on June 22nd 1941.
We're still living in the aftermath..
fear the hun gypsie
Ok. I'm very afraid.
When the turks whiter than us.jpg
This is a school in Brazil. Why does Sup Forums fall for this kind of shitty bait? Or do you WANT it to be true and just roll with it? Sick
>tfw living in Aachen
Our politicians have failed us. The major powers could have prevented this by turning Germany into a nuclear wasteland.
We don't fall for this, just we want to get angry. Don't kill the show.
>tfw living in Aachen, too
i did the next best thing and didnt buy a bike after getting rid my last one
>In soviet russia you have no choices only jockes
Not interested in riding anymore?
What's the reason?
Mainstream media/social media
>independent Catalonia
>no independent Euskadi
for reasons mentioned in your first post, sir
This map is not prefect yet.
Well... it's your decision. Hope you come back eventually.
The German people don't get to vote in the presidential election, it's done for them by the Bundestag.
Of course there is