What can you actually answer to this?
What can you actually answer to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want an arab christian gf desu, from syria.....
You can't get AIDS from a goat?
The Saharan desert.
what is grey supposed to represent in the first section? No data available?
Islam is good in this aspect.
That it must really suck to live in Nigeria, Chad, or Ethiopia. I mean, Muslims AND Aids? Fuck that
That africa shoukd be nuked from cape to cairo
muslims are not good at tracking data
give it time to spread
It means islam is the right religion and wants best for humanity , but some faggot misunderstand it , take verses of the quran outta context , and consider punishments too harsh without knowing other choices or why the punishment of that kind is necessary
And the only argument cucks have is prophet muhammad pbuh is a bedofail
That's the best argument for Islam I've ever seen
senpai, this is a bait thread. I wasn't actually expecting serious answers.
please tell me how much europe is islamic .-.
i don't see the bait side of it , do you call every failed thread a "bait" ?
So funny xDDDD
the problem is, Sup Forums has no idea about islam. they have a clue on the jews issue, and on cultural marxism, but most guys on Sup Forums have no idea about true islam.
Fuck off sandnigger, this is a western board
niggers are faggots
>i don't see the bait side of it
posting a pro-islam thread on Sup Forums in order to fish replies is kinda bait-like, I'd say.
Not that discussion isn't good either, though.
Muslim countries aren't taking data on AIDS
Nope , doesn't say so in the rules.
It means that Islam has got one thing right, and that is the best way to treat sodomites, something that tolerant and virtuous west has forgotten.
actually they do , and you have no answer for the question so you try to be edgy and funnny
I can answer that this graph is fake news
Egypt has HIV epidemec
>Southern Africa
>More then 20% of People have Aids
Islam is anti degeneracy
>out of 80 million
still less than 2%
Muslims only like to sleep with little white girls.
It is, mr. goatse
Niggers are the ones with AIDS and niggers are too undisciplined/lazy to be Muslims
Race is the primary factor here.
It's a problem and we need to fix it. SA should export their aids patients north, but that's difficult due to lack of transportation infrastructure.
Nigeriens and Somalians are blacker than the ace of spades & they're muslim & mostly AIDS free
The problem is Muslims themselves are unsophisticated animals and nobody wants their society to turn into a low economy, violence ridden shit hole like every Islamic country.
yea fantastic graphs baka
well islam aint a race , so a white "superior male" can turn into muslim and you wouldn't call him an animal , you would only call him a cuck , idiots on Sup Forums call muslims un educated
uncivilized subhumans , while they cant argue without using an insult for every 2 words , hypocrisy and retardation , kys fatknights , you cant do anything against muslims in public so you whine like little bitches here ,
>inb4 we can nuke you
no you cant fatso , you have no authority to do such decisions , so now you can peacefully cry yourself to sleep
Check the rate of spread
300% up in 10 years
Shit is spreading out of control there, while in most western countries hiv is stagnant or reclining
Aids will destroy Africa in a century if nothing changes
>low economy, violence ridden shit hole like every Islamic country.
Not most of the maghreb, at least...
Morocco and Algeria have had less terror attacks than most european countries.
Tunisia has some terrorism problems, Libya went from highest human development index in Europe to complete shithole because of NATO bombings, Egypt is kinda shitty, Syria is a complete shithole because of western-backed rebels and ISIS creeping in from Iraq, Iraq is a complete shithole due to US intervention and crazy islamist Iran attacking them, Lebanon is kind of safe thanks to their paramilitary hezbollah army protecting the country.
Gulf countries are shit, but they don't have much violence and their economy is booming.
no no, the problem is islam.
What a shit religion, only retards follow it. This is why muslims are all inbred.
John Paul II.
Yeah, we dropped the ball in the 2 world wars killing each others by the millions and falling into social nihilism.
North Africa is a distinct entity from the Islamic world, but it sure doesn't fill into your narrative because you think every civilization that isn't yours is one dimensional.
No race mixing between arabs and blacks might explain that. There's a reason niggers were sold by muslim pedos
What do you mean? Are you suggesting that a society that requires women to be chaste is going to have less transmission of STDs? STOP THE PRESSES!
just look at that
All of Indonesia, the ME and North Africa are complete shit, don't kid yourself kiddo.
muslims dont fuck niggers.. they enslave them..
Seems like Chad fucked Stacey too much.
I mean, they're not first world level (although Libya was and Iraq was in the 70's), but they're still pretty alright for developing nations.
Never claimed it was Canada either.
Yeah but your people sold them to the US as slaves so.... Nevermind
checked , also you figured it out yourself , good for you , unlike these stupid usual Sup Forums retards
hey kike
Go to bed baradei
AIDS came from the south of Africa, Islam came from North of Africa.
What do you mean by complete shit ? or is it that you already given up on arguments based on facts and civilized talking and resort to insults ?
really making you think senpai, ain't i?
how from 700 150+ killed and 650+ prisoned?
Nobody accuses Islam of being a sexually deviant and degenerate culture, it's actually one of its only strengths.
you are the true meaning of a cuck
your mama jew.. im Christian.
And sub Saharan Africans are?
>Choose between aids and islam
It tells me that Africa should be wiped from the face of the earth
Dude , you are seriously retarded or have some kind of mental disease
>islam came from north africa
it come from saudia arabia you stupid imbecile
It's really sad that the barbary lions are basically extinct today. There's projects to revive the species from zoo animals all around the world confirmed to be barbary lions, though.
fuck u jordan
Sure lmao , kike sad to be a kike detected
Lions are giving people aids?
Hard to get AIDS from an eight year old virgin.
Shhh , its okay to be a loser
the stone the fuckers and don't pass around. lol
This. It's like the children need recognition for getting SOMETHING right. Meanwhile the west develops drugs to cure almost everything and solve almost all problems. (apart from brownies, so far)
>Woman has AIDS
>gets killed
>no AIDS
That sure is hard , but what does this have to do with that topic ? is it because you think our prophet did it ? well lets say he did for the sake of the discussion , one person doing it does not mean everyone does too
niggers fuck baboons while mudshit like you fuck goats
goats dont carry aids so far
the only explanation
Says the brazilian , brazil is the capital of the world for crime
Only nu Sup Forums and reddit invaders hate Islam.
Sup Forums was always a muslim board.
"said the sandnigger in anger.."
But muslims don't fuck goats ? oh wait we are on Sup Forums where people that cant discuss things normally use stereotypes as facts and evidence
you're losing this board just like western lands. i'm a muslim myself, we're taking over this place bro.
I know this thread is specific to Africa but since we've broadened the topic to Islam in general I'll leave this little gem.
Although Islam is abominable it does have some good points.
>modified pic
the cia created aids to combat nigger populations, whats the problem?
kike got angry
It's muslim India. I think we can both agree that it's more of an exception than anything else.
>m-muslims don't fuck goats
Nice taqiyya shitskin
There's "less" AIDS in the Muslim parts because any man that has the disease and tries to get medical help gets executed for being a fag and any women that contact the disease are expected to silently waste away under their burkas.
Also mudshit countries are notorious for shitty record keeping and data collecting.
>North Africa
>execution for anything
Are you retarded? Sharia law isn't in place there (except in some parts of Libya because your bombings fucked it up so much a sizable portion of the country is under radical islamists' hands).
I don't know about the subsaharian nig parts, though.
Literally the only countries where this would happen are the gulf monarchies.
Notice how they said pakistan ? its not because of the fact they are muslims , its because maybe in their culture they do that , which is a bad thing