Just like that?

just like that?

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Wait what? The Matrix was an allegory for them coming out as trans? What? I've never heard of this theory before. I thought it was about them being Jew puppets trying to destroy religion to justify their blasphemous acts against God by mutilating their penis and make that seem justified to others?

One does not need a vagina to be a pussy.

Fucking degeneracy. At least he won't pass his genes.

Um... Xer genes.

I thought the matrix was an allegory for existence itself, not genitals.

Most people agree that reality isn't as real as it should be. There are certain limitations regarding physics, point of observation and space time.

fucking Amerifag living some backwater shitty place. Where the fuck have you been to not know that Matrix dudes are now trans..

fucking geralt

Oh, is that Lena Dunham? Good for 'her' I suppose.

I want to cut my hands off. Everyone says it's a bad idea and I know it is. When I take my respiradone the feeling goes away. Why don't they treat trannies with antipsychotics instead of bad ideas?


Fucking Finn can't comprehend english

what a beautiful strong woman

because fag acceptance succeeded.

Didn't the Wachowski brothers get sued for stealing the idea of the Matrix?

The question is if it's proven that reality weren't as real as it should be, i.e. we're living in a simulation, would that prove or disprove God.

Put down the bottle, Nu-Korean retard.

Sometimes I want to cut my eye out just so I can have a cool eyepatch.

The Matrix was stolen from Dark City...the twister sisters visited the filming many times and even reused many of the sets. The time freeze effect was stolen from Vincent Gallo's Buffalo'66 go-go bar scene.


I hate you

Fuck me, jesus.

If you're going "all in" with your delusion, why wouldn't you fucking save or take testosterone blockers.

Maybe I'm ignoring the bigger problem here (mental illness), but you'd think that you'd want to pass as a woman, and not look like some doughy neckbeard eunuch.

It wouldn't disprove god, it would confirm him imo, if reality wasn't real it would mean that heaven or where-ever god is, is the real real.

The thing is we can see space-time being bent by blackholes and stars, it should be possible to punch right through space-time and into a higher dimension.

I forgot about dark city, I'm going to watch that tonight. Thanks, user.

Redpill is from Total Recall you dumb cunt

>It wouldn't disprove god, it would confirm him imo

I agree, in a sense. Discovering that "real real" would only open up more questions to the infinite. As in, "Well if our real wasn't real, who's to say that that real IS real?"

It would neither prove nor disprove the existence of God, such a shit theory by them...

what is to say that the non-simulation world is a simulation etc etc.... or that god didn't exist in those worlds.

Fuck Canada

>Decide im trans
>Chop penis off before getting rid of 5 o clock shadow


To understand our reality you have to break it down into it's key dimensions. Point of observation = 3d space, space-time = the matrix / crystal we are stuck in. Higher dimensions are actually inside this won't it's just they are invisble and rolled up like a bunch of spaghetti.

Reality as you know it, is a crystal, you can zoom in or out all the way but eventually you will encounter a wall of fractals. This is called the macro or microcosm. You can't just go a certain direction, you have to zoom out or in really far.

This is a crude example of what it would be like. youtube.com/watch?v=iJio07EtKYc

It also barrows heavily from megazone 23

this movie touches on it too.


Red pill was from a Manson interview.

Still a man unless he can make babies all of a sudden

geralt bringing the fire i see

It's impossible for them to see through their own delusion and no one around them is capable of even thinking honestly for fear of hurting someone's feelings so there is quite literally no one in this guy's life who is honest enough to tell him he doesn't look at all female.

Hell, he doesn't even have anyone who will tell him he's NOT a female. Try getting honest assessment in that crowd, it's just not going to happen.

Right. That's what I'm implying. It's the same as an argument I had with someone sometime who said, basically, "If we ever made first contact with an alien species it would completely destroy religion." And my question is, "Why? What if they believed in God? Or they believed in Gods?"


these fags are illogical they pretend you can be born with the wrong sex and having a dick doesnt make you a male ...
why do they chop it at the first occasion then ?

I didn't have a vagina before. And it can not reproduce tho? I think we are safe.

I'm all for trannies being in a hospital, a mental hospital


Indeed, it's a completely backwards argument for someone to make.


I've never watched that clip, don't think I ever will.


Mobile fag here. Please describe webm in great detail

You reminded me of some commercial where a mom snaps her fingers and says "Just like that!"

>implying that's not my fetish

Thank you user

Fucking disgusting.

A man becomes a beautiful beautiful woman.

you allow this to happen by not fighting the jew

If he saved his sperm and now has a bagina
can he impregnate himself?
Can he be both mother and father of his child?

im more baffled than anything

what is happening


This scene is a brilliant transgender allegory, except the tranny would get hit by the train

More like a word for word rip-off of Neuromancer.

You can't do that because people only have a set number of chromosomes, you need the other half to make a baby.

I suppose it's possible, but the baby would look like a mutated chimp or something.

Okay, two points: One, science is getting disturbingly close to that and, two, lots of women have reproductive problems that prevent them from conceiving. It's a bad metric. In 10 years when they start putting artificial wombs in these people are you going to accept that they're women? X and Y chromosomes, that's the way to go.

Also, inb4 "but Klinefelter and Turner." Yeah, I know, but those are deviations from normal X/Y pairings.

Anyone who belives the faggots from matrix came up with the red-pill and blue-pill is completely retarded.

Pills that are used for daytime are usually in red and orange hues and nighttime pills are usually blue or green, its really that simple.

So you are telling me I could bread an army of mutants on my own?
Artificial intelligence when?


>in 10 years

In 10 years most of our countries will look like africa.

I have brown eyes, and sometimes I wish I could get that laser surgery that removes the melanin layer on your eyes, but only one one eye, so I'll have a brown eye and a blue eye

They basically dig/drill a hole out in your gooch area, skin your penis and turn it inside out or do some crazy shit with it, stuff it in the hole they made, then jam the hole with gauze and a dildo like object to stop it healing shut.

The doctor is taking out the gauze and dildo shaper, and its been a while since I watched but I recall fluid gushing out, which is no doubt insterstitial fluid / pus from the healing process.

Many months after they still have to insert a dildo-form to stop their "vag" fusing shut, they gradually taper off the amount of time they have it in.

Just because he had some doctors make a banana split out of his tiny dick doesn't mean he's suddenly got a working vagina.

>no womb
>no ovaries
>not the right chromosomes

It is a fucking delusion and it should be against the law to allow these things to call themselves women. In a few years time that thing will probably kill itself. Trans 'people' don't have a very long shelf life.

>the matrix invented red/blue pill

Fuck off with this shit, it was Alice in Wonderland

Technically you could, but I think reproductive organs only give off half the chromosomes, that's why we have to fuck in the first place. Interestingly, reproductive cells don't seem to be effected by the telomeres shortening, so in theory we could use sperm to live forever.

i see

Can you imagine being the waiter?
Just show up to work some Friday night, hoping to earn a few decent tips to help make rent by next Friday. Get to work, maybe flirt with the hostess a little bit.

"Hey," you think. "She seems like she's feeling it, tonight. Maybe I'll ask her to go for a drink when we get off..."

The manager comes over and says, "user, I'm putting you on the private party. 12 top."

"12 top," you think. "Fuck. At least it'll be a decent sized bill."

Open the door with your head down and walk to the table. "Hey everyone! Welcome to Shenanigans, my name's user, I'll be your waiter for the eveni..." You say as you lift your head and see this...

Dark City gave me some terrible nightmares and unsettling deja vu episodes as a kid.
Now I own a copy.

Pretty wise senpai.

Insufficient chromosomes REEEEE

If you stabbed yourself, then jerked off and filled the wound with your cum, will you get pregnant?
>Serbian 1995 fag

>I have a vagina :DDD
>and a mustache
>and my vagina doesn't actually work

First of all. I'd stab your mom with something else
If you know what I mean.

Makes me want to smoke desu.

Wasn't Keanu 'dating' a tranny not long ago?

Good, now He's far more likely to commit suicide.

Not sure whether to laugh or cry. Very fucked up. If the real men do not get serious, become afraid of nothing, and rise, conquer, and seize power, these degenerates will rule us. Degeneracy never stops unless it is disciplined by fascist domination or self-control through religion. These fools (and the children they could have had pre-mutilation) need us to dominate the degenerates. Let us not disappoint.

Once you realize that we have nothing left to lose, you realize that you have everything to gain. The feminists will repent once we are in power; they love bad boys and, either way, feminism will be a hate-crime against minorities, the disabled, blacks, etc and society (because it defunds the welfare systems that the dindus are dependent on) they will all be on work farms.

Deus Vult!


Don't. Allah forbids it.

What did I just watch?

Laser hair removal is a cheap and easy procedure, just needs to repeat it 4 or 5 times and then done.

Chopping off your dick is a horrendous operation, and many trannies kill themselves out of regret afterwards.

Why the fuck would you pick no. 2 before no. 1 ?

Forgot to mention, feminism is a hate crime because it defunds the welfare state because it opposes reproduction. It is an indirect form of genocide.


>reading comprehention



They stole the aesthetic and action scenes from Ghost in the Shell in particular and anime in general.

you have a highly complex and MAJOR wound

He can do what he wants. Keanu's above reproach.

what show/movie is this?

"I have a flayed, inverted penis that cannot produce female pheromones which I will have to forever take hormone pills for and use physical lube since I'm unable to produce any naturally of my own still because that's not how bodies work."

Anyone know about the story behind the wachoskis? Basically "Lana" got into crossdressing and started visiting this dominatrix. It completely took over his life, and he ended up wrecking 2 relationships to be with her.

His brother came out as trans not that long after he did - what are the odds of that happening? Two brothers suddenly deciding they are trans?

Whole thing is very odd.

The strain, TV show.

They were probably blowing each other.

As a waiter I would have to say that I would not do that shit

Literal fucking underages like you seem to be all over the board these days



jeb is a big fat mistake

"user, we didn't leave you a tip but a few of us left our number instead! Call us!"