What does Sup Forums think of Rand Paul?
What does Sup Forums think of Rand Paul?
He was our guy, he was supposed be the chosen one
I think you should have listened
Now it's too late
rand is the ebst senator and i wish he was my senator
He's a cuck. The end.
He needs to sort his hair out if he wants to be taken seriously
Don't fucking post in my thread unless you're contributing.
We'll never get another Ron Paul. Goddamnit America.
also a flip flopper and traitor
he is not without his flaws but he would have been a million times better than that fucking buffoon trump
trumpfags dont listen to this because blah blah blah low energy manlet build wall XDDDDD now watch as trump accomplishes maybe 1% of all the pie in the sky bullshit he promised
Ron paul is a huge fag now
fuck him
Honestly my favorite senator by far. He also gets along with Trump. According to his twitter Trump told him he would push Rand's alternative for Obamacare.
He's not excusing them, he's pointing out that interventionism was a direct cause. Which it was.
>t. ezz-eldine mahmoud el-khashab
In all honesty I am looking froward to Trump and Rand working together to audit the Fed!
He's right; it's the kikes who are the real problem. Muslims are only an issue because of kikes.
He used to be /ourguy/ until Trump entered the race.
Trump's main promises:
>Bring back jobs from other countries.
>Build the wall
>Deporting illegals
>Repeal Obamacare
>Rebuild infrastructure
>Harder vetting for incoming immigrants.
>Cut taxes and regulations on businesses
>No federal taxes for people below poverty level.
>Lower taxes for everyone else.
The hardest promise he has to fulfill will be the wall. He is already working on that though. His promises are very easily obtainable.
Ron Paul is literally the exact same he has always been, anti authoritarian and pro isolationist. He's redpilled and understand the us interfering mindlessly in the middle east causes more problems. The mass influx of muslims into europe as was caused by neo cons and neo libs trying to intervene in the middle east and topple dictatorships and opeing a vacuum for islamic extremists. He's trying to say islam wasnt an issue until we allowed this vacuum to open up and Islamists to take power
Maybe Islam and Muslims are just the tools being used by the rich and powerful for their own agenda. What if we removed them from the equation? Would the Islamic threat slide back into irrelevance?
He has some strange economic beliefs but for the most part he is a good man who just wants whats best for his country, not just for his donors.
not an argument
trump is an idiot and the establishment republicans in the congressional GOP are going to have their hand up his arse using him as a ventriloquists dummy for the next four years
>bring back manufacturing jobs from fucking china and mexico in an age of ever increasing automation
like i said, a buffoon
he has no idea how to do any of the things you describe, he just promised the world and enough people lapped it up
But he's right. The reason muslims hate us is because support Israel and bomb the shit out of them
>says not an argument
>responds with non-argument
stupid ass
If you want to talk about puppets then Hillary would've been worse and that is an argument.
He would have been president after Ron Paul if the GOP hadn't fucked them over so much.
I totally get you
>implying he isn't right
Islam is still a barbaric religion and they still need to be stamped out of existance or neutralized right now, but he's also right. The circumstances are not mutually exclusive.
>bring back manufacturing jobs from fucking china and mexico in an age of ever increasing automation
I take it you've never actually worked manufacturing. There are a ton of non-multinational corporations who simply don't have the capital to design and buy that expensive automated machinery outright. No industry will be completely eradicated due to automation. Streamlined, yes.
Thanks Ron. You truly are a friend. This is not sarcastic.
>bring back manufacturing jobs from fucking china and mexico in an age of ever increasing automation
You fucking redditors have strong opinions about topics you know very little about. Even with automation, bringing back those plants to the US would bring in some jobs because machines aren't capable of building cars completely autonomously yet. Also, since those companies are now operating out of the US they can be taxed to bring in more revenue for the government. Think about that before you start with that tired "muh automation" reddit bullshit.
Him and his father are my political heros
He's ok. Trump should give him a cabinet job.
He's right though. The CIA calls it "blowback".
He's only acknowledging the fact that if you spend decades overthrowing governments and installing brutal dictators in exchange for favors, eventually the people of those nations are going to notice it and hate you for it.
Every foreign intervention by the U.S in the Middle East has been to mitigate the disastrous consequences to their own previous interventions in the Middle East.
This is all part of a larger plan; create the problem, offer the solution.
Destroy the Middle east and sow even more discord than their would be among them otherwise. This creates the current migrant crisis. Offer the solution: import millions of violent, angry Muslims into your Western nations which caused the problem in the first place. This creates another problem, which will come to fruition soon; civil unrest between native Europeans and the Muslims that have been imported. This unrest will be used as the pretext for the expansion of government power over the people and a limiting of their already dwindling liberties, and the implementation of a police state, possibly using an international police force from the U.N or NATO.
It's an endless cycle of causing problems, and offering liberty-killing solutions to those problems, until eventually there is no liberty left and you live in a totalitarian state.
How is he isolationist? He's for freely trading and doing business with any nation who would like to do so. He's just not for jumping headlong into war and CIA deep state fuckery.
How is having a foreign policy like the vast majority of other nations "pro-isolationist"?
Can't stall the Paul!
If Rand Paul does not repeal the Individual Mandate in his ACA replace act, I will consider him a fucking corrupt traitor and globalist shill.
The last chance for America.
He will be our guy after Trump Makes America Great Again
Isolationism doesn't equal protectionism. Ron is a libertarian, he advocates for political/military isolation while at the same time maintaining close economic connections through trade deals. These two are not mutually exclusive.