Can anyone explain to me why they would do this?
Can anyone explain to me why they would do this?
Because niggers.
Only thing i can add is: at least they don't breed.
Because the avg nigger is fucking stupid as a box of rocks.
>i aint finna stand hurr and turn dis knob all day, im finna sell deez water balloons for $1 each my niggas
Nigga, I ain't got time to be twisting knobs all day. I need that shit now.
Why did the scorpion sting the toad sentencing them both to death
>it's in their nature
Wanted a certain skin and were too lazy to spin the dial and leave the unwanteds.
thats what a literal 70 iq does to you
Perhaps it was broken
Watch this video and read this text. It explains mostly everything about niggers.
>there will always be black people
It's a timeless story
Still doing these in my local free clinic.
it's part of their reproductive cycle
black men cannot achieve an erection until they have caused property damage
>Break free shit
The only solution is to build a giant walled off nigger city we throw them all in, we can call it little africa.
Obviously mad christian stole all of them because condoms are sin
Why are you doing this? We dont need more people.
Scorpions don't die after they sting something.
That's fucking stupid and illegal to do that shit in drug nigger welfage gimme dat towns.
Do it at largely white hipster locals i want these fucking millennials to raise a fucking kid.
By breaking the machine, he ensures that no other male will have access to sex.
Pretty alpha desu
user, the tale he's referencing is of a toad giving a ride across water to a scorpion, who stings the toad drowning them both because it is in its nature.
it takes too long to take them one by one user
For the keks and research mostly.
Well the it's hard to bait whites because they know better. The only people I ever see take them are niggers and muslims.
I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean by that reaction.
Have you seen what is in your back garden Germany. Have you even looked out the window.
Do you actually use a stable or do you just pin prick the rubbers
White countries dont have an overpopulation issue tard
white people buy condoms at the deug store. go to a drug store or target in a nice neighborhood.
don't mess with free clinics, their literal intended purpose is less niggers.
In the story the scorpion asks the frog to take it across a river. The frog hesitates but, eventually gives in. Midway the scorpion stings the frog killing them both.
Did i just get baited?
No I use staples I don't hide it and it's always gone the next day.
I've tried several locations whites do not use the condoms unless given to them by someone in their circle or they buy it. It's really fucking hard to do it otherwise. Blacks on the other hand...
the nurse probably throws it away just pin prick it bro
t. creampie fetish
"The fried chicken ran out"
I love this man
What do you say when you see a TV levitating in the dark ?
Drop it, nigga.
negro and gypsy
hehe oh germany.. you have so much to learn about your new situation.
>the fried chicken ran out
top kek
Nigs just steal. They can't help it.
They can help it. They just don't have any reason to.
A pony figure in the shelf in the video...
Anyways, that's almost sad they're this stupid.
The whole judiciary system?
>They can help it.
That's call projection bias. You assume this because you do. This is the biggest problem with white liberals. They assume everyone has equal capacity and self-control, when it's regulated by intelligence and a developed brain.
They've never seen such cool baloons
Made me watch, pretty funny.
Hopefully when law and order finally collapses disciplined and well organised whites who are able to think more than one step ahead will have the advantage in the race war even though they are outnumbered.
To bait and bite is in our nature
a timeless classic
jesus christ I haven't laughed this hard in ages
because they're niggers. niggers are hardwired to steal.
Probably a condom emergency and no time to figure out how those knobs work, just rip the bitch open and hurry.
Reading this is just making me angrier.
Das raycis.
Why would they put a lock on it?
That's fucking depressing
To prevent people from tampering with the condoms.
C'mon sickle cell, work that magic
Around scorpions, don't _________?
>ran out of fried chicken
>I want these millennialsites to raise kids
No user, you dont
so nobody tampers with the condoms moron. What if some retard wants to poke holes in them for a prank?
it's funny because it's true
>cops used to carry spare unregistered firearms so the people they shot were never unarmed
>the sense of professionalism of police has gone down
Fucking 10/10
Keep hope user, not for long. CMON AIDS
>the ones smart enough to use a rubber are still this dumb
really makes you think
top fucking kek
never change Sup Forums
Fucking liar. It's from RFSU which is Swedish. It even says Guldlådan in the pic name.
this. liberals live by projection bias.
>smart enough to use rubber
he probably thought its a fucking candy vending machine ya twat
Let me condense the tale for you:
>Scorpion needs ride over river
>Asks Toad
>Toad says he doesn't trust Scorpion not to sting him
>Scorpion says he won't because they will both drown if he does
>Toad asks why would Scorpion do that, killing them both
>Because it is my nature, says Scorpion
I assumed they needed them to wrap their 8 balls, not for their intended use.
You told them hell wasn't real. This is why you burn first.
To be fair, these fucking things break all the time
nah they're just shit people who will keep doing whatever they want until they think they can get away with it.
of course their overconfidence from previous success combined with their limited cognitive ability usually leads to death or imprisonment in the long run.
>sprinkle a lil bit o crack on him.
Open and shut case, Johnson
Well duh it's from Google images why would I risk my identity in this place? Fucking think cyprus.
what does finna even mean
You've obviously never driven around England
Fitting to
It's the same as saying "I want to". Im finna make dat $$$ ya no wut m sayn?
I'll never understand nignogs to be honest
Fixing to; about to
Driving around the city, spending more on gas than whatever they'd save on chicken. Bravo.
I got you covered familia
Im going out on a limb here but... Niggers?
>blacks are 13% of the population
>whites are outnumbered
We have the numerical advantage, in population, average IQ, and guns and ammunition, as well as the better training.
fixing to.
>go to college
>use condom machine
>2 bucks for regular sized
>XL magnum condoms 25 cents
Why was this?
It's the Chad discount. It dissuades average men from having sex. All women are entitled to Chad.
The truth hurts.
>paying for little africa
Rope is cheap and reusable.
I go UWF and I actually know who did this hahahahahhahahahahha this shit is old as fuck though. Never thought I'd see it on Sup Forums of all places
The school is like 45% black and sucks major ass. They're out to nickel and dime you at every corner. I paid $1200 for 6 books and online access codes this semester...
Real whites not hispanics and Indians pretending to be 100% white