>German policeman wearing dog suit to deal with islamist extremists who are afraid of dogs
also post your countrys policemen/soldiers/etc
>German policeman wearing dog suit to deal with islamist extremists who are afraid of dogs
also post your countrys policemen/soldiers/etc
As a furfag
This pleases me greatly
fake news
>yfw German Police have to turn furry to combat Islam
>This timeline..
So German police wears American flag?
always the same
Is yiffing XENOPHOBIC?
>According to professor Shlomo Weinstein, yiffing was invented by the alt-right to alienate Muslims and Angela Merkel.
This is ridiculous
Germany was a mistake
>Germans go full furfag mode to remove kebab
>They can hide behind ''Fursection!'' if the government tries to prevent this
>'Ficki ficki' crime by refugees stops near instantly as the punishment for it becomes a relentless yiffing by the furry police
I fucking love this timeline.
This region is completely fucked. Years of liberal policies and massive amounts of Shitskins. I already was like 20 times infront of a judge because I witnessed some crimes in my 80% shitskin school or on the streets of my 57% shitskins neighborhood.
And what do the germans do? They wear fursuits and let themself fuck by animals in the ass. One time I saw a furry wedding in Düsseldorf, I still have mental scars.
Source? I want this to be real.
Are furries, dare I say it, /our autists/?
>OP not posting a source
What are they sliding?
Krauts are pathetic
>the frog is speaking
Don't criticize anyone when your own ass is filled up with black cocks.
Why don't they just grab a bunch of pigs, wound them so they bleed, and then release them in muslim districts?
stop posting old maps
stop pointing fingers to, it's spreading just fine into Latin lands
>all those furries in Minsk