Why are there so many Muslims in Moscow?

Why are there so many Muslims in Moscow?

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>2.5 million Muslims

Holy shit thats 25% of Moscow's population

So much for Russia being an exemplar to the decadent West.

>8,000 mosques in Russia

Confirmed for most cucked formerly white nation.

wtf I hate Russia now

Russia has be multi-ethnic for hundreds of years. Muslims have been in Russia for a long long time.

Wow. The mayor is a cuck.

It says 1 million Muslim residents and then 1.5 million more Muslim migrants. Who is opening the flood gates for Muslim migrants to enter Russia?

So what western countries are left that are mainly white?
Bonus points: countries where I could move to without jumping through flaming hoops




It's Putin.

Putin is the biggest cuck.


A country with weak, alcoholic men and a declining birthrate. Maybe Muslims can actually be productive unlike Vlad, who's passed out in the alley.

>4 mosques in mosqow

>8000 mosques in Ramussia
U wot m8

Blame that faggot Putin

I'm no Mudslime but 1 mosque per 625,000 people does not sound very sufficient to me.

>Trying to save my bloodline

Say it with him: "Islam is a religion of peace"

Is it really illegal to draw Mohammad cartoons in Russia?


Islam is the second largest religion in Russia, and is legally protected as a "traditional Russian religion".

Less (moscow pop is about 14m iirc), but still a lot.
Say thanks to your idol Putin.

Putin is literally worse than Merkel when it comes to the Muslim problem. He invites millions of them into Russia as cheap labor for the oligarchs.

>but why would the rich capital city of a massive country be cosmopolitan? that makes no sense!

It has more Muslims than any EU city.

He dosent invite them idiot. He just owns their spawning pool. Khaches are one of the most loyal groups to Putin. As long as their Alpha and Putin lapdog Kadyrow recieves enough reparations that is.

Because Russia is a Muslim country

It's also the biggest city in Europe, besides the one other city. Guess which one is the biggest city in Europe!

>Muslims are loyal to Putin

That's not something to be proud of desu

Because Tatarstan, Chechnya and Dagestan, that's why.

>american reading comprehension

By both percentage and total population, it has the most Muslims.

2.5 million Muslims in Moscow, with a total population of 11.92 million...

Moscow is 21% Muslim.

Because half of Central Asia and Caucasus live there.

Doesn't matter. The muslims in Russia are held in line -- they don't get away with deviance.

Did Putin really say this? What a massively cucked faggot.

> implying muslims aren't one of the biggest criminal groups in Russia


Putin is worse than Merkel.

They won't allow more than 4 mosques in Moscow either. Most of Russia's Muslims are from Muslim populations inside Russia. Putin uses them a lot as external force. For instance in Syria he sends Chechens and dagestanis (Muslims). He was also known to send Muslims to Ukraine to fight during the civil war there.

Muslims in Russia also don't have a very high birth rate. Most Muslim areas are barely above replacement levels so they might be an exploding population they're not undergoing a population explosion.

Also Russia has taken a huge effort to get the Christian and ethnic Russian population birth rates up so in many areas they're now experiencing net growth. I think the average for Russia jos is around 1.8 and still rising. Plus Russia took in millions of ethnic Russians from other nations recently.

bc russia is the new mongol empire. ofc its a muslim country


Dagestan and Chechnya coming to Moscow and Saint Petersburg to show off their cheap used cars with pitch black windows and subwoofers installed in the gasoline tank for maximized listening experience for the whole block. Seriously, Moscow for them is like honeypot. Also shit ton of illegals from Uzbekistan and Tadzhikistan. Large city - more shitty jobs to get.
He is. When Luzhkov fucked off Sobtanin came from somewhere and decided that he doesn't have enough cash to weight down his pocket. So he lets a lot of shit slide, while simultaneously fucking up our roads by (((repairing))) them every year.
Whatever you say, Mikola. If Putin didn't keep Kadyrov on the leash we would be flooded with shitskins, while having another Chechen war 9: electric boogaloo.
He didn't invite them. They were part of the Soviet Union, so they shared their slice of bread with everybody else. During the fall they became independent and SUDDENLY realised that they don't have any kind of industry or means to sustain themselves. Basically Uzbekistan for Russia is like Mexico for USA.
Oligarchs don't care for cheap labour. While they certainly enjoy not paying their workers - they get a much bigger profit by inflating budgets, elongating the projects and cutting costs on materials. Hiring illegals troublesome and not worth it.
Also this.

>He didn't invite them.

2.5 million Muslims in Moscow, of which 1.5 million are migrants.

Someone is inviting them.

You're welcome. They are still operating btw.

Russia is a Muslim country

> Muslims in Russia also don't have a very high birth rate


Only people who have higher birth rates than muslims are native asians in russia.

Your post is total bullshit.

Did you actually bother to read what I wrote? They know Russia is huge and have enough money to sustain leeches like them, since that's what they were doing while being part of USSR. USSR fell - no more investments in their shithole of a country - no food. So they just come back, most of them illegally, some come legally but just don't leave, and work.
Moscow is just one of the regional centers. Other centers are no exceptions - Novosibirsk, Saint Petersburg, etc - they get their fair share as well. Large city - more jobs - less likely to get caught. It's easy.

Bcuz Russia happens to be located near tartar mongloid land...
>the ruskies have protected Eu liberal scum for centuries

>pic a reply from airvpn on how to hide VPN from non-freedom loving sites like Sup Forums

Y'all fuckers really believed that Russia is white and Slavic?
Russia is a modern day incarnation of Golden Horde, it was conceived as a state by Muslims. Russia mostly lies in Asia, and it's population are Asians and Muslims.

Reminder that the Kievan Rus was a client state of the Mongol Horde and revolted creating the Russian Empire. Wallahi ya habibis/

You faggots act like Islam is something new.
Wow what retards.

>They know Russia is huge and have enough money to sustain leeches like them
Lol, implying the real leeches are no homoslavs who just booze 24/7 and can't hold anything but the shittiest job cause it's too hard for them to appear there sober for more than 1 day in a row.
Muslims are the only potent working class in Russia, while slavshits are too fucked up on krokodil to get up and look for a job.

Nigga chechnyas birth rate is declining yearly and according to your own link is currently 2.228 for the ethnic group and 2.8 for the region ( and it has dropped even more since that table was made as Chechnya received a 7% decline in birth rates in 2016 a trend that is still continuing).

Seriously nigga you literally linked to something show a population trend I just told you. The rest of Russia is undergoing increases in birth and the Muslim population is declining. Dagestan will likely be less than 2 this year (declining population) and Chechnya will continue to slow down.

Working muslim - money goes out of the country
Working bydlo - money stays in Russia

Kievan Rus was destroyed by Mongol Horde. The successor of Kievan Rus was Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, which was most eastern truly European Kingdom in that time.

Putin even said that Orthodoxy is closer to Islam than to Catholicism lol. You guys have no idea how cucked Russia is.

> chechnyas birth rate is declining

It is still second highest fertility rate, you moron and above replacement levels.

> Dagestan will likely be less than 2 this year (declining population)

Dagestan has increased from 90's and stayed stable at 2.0-2.2

Gee, I wonder what ethnicity is decreasing in the area:

Show me one russian majority region that has those kind of fertility rates. You can't because rest of the births are by asians.

Working muslim - money goes out of the country (if at all) minus rent, minus food, minus transport and everyday spendings
Working bydlo - 404 not found

Spotted khach.

Why are you surprised? Russia has been multicultural for a long time. Their imperialism is not the product of nationalism or religion.

Why don't you go down to your apartment block basement? Don't forget to bring FMS just in case.
Because you can't just jump the subway barricades or slide beneath the bus handles.

Money still goes out of the country, while a lot of bydlos work shitty jobs like constructions, factory security, etc.
Most illegals are either doing home repairs (untaxed), street sweeping (hired by your apartment block controlling company, also untaxed since officially it's some dead granny) or construction (heard about huge busts of illegals living in undocumented containers on the construction premises? Guess whether their pay was taxed or not).
Bear in mind that I'm talking about illegals, not just any shitskin immigrant.

>It is still second highest fertility rate, you moron and above replacement levels.

Do they not teach trendlines in Finland. It is undergoing constant declines in percentage. Second highest and dropping. In comparison Russia has been having an increase in ethnic Russian birth rates.

>Show me one russian majority region that has those kind of fertility rates

Of hand I know Nenets had a rapidly growing Russian population. Next after wars population rates grow rapidly then stabilize. The war boom from Dagestan and Chechnya is over and they are declining in rates. Chechnya is dropping massively. In comparison the ethnic Russian populations birth rates are rising. You can't get a birth rate to raise as quickly as Russia did without the largest ethnicity having a rapid birth rate increase. Ethnic Russian birth rates are rising this is why Russia is at about the US's fertility rate now. There's a good chance by 2020 it is above 1.9 and it will largely be due to an increase in ethnic Russian children.