German hate thread

I just found out Angela Merkel is part of Germany "conservative" party
What the fuck is the liberal party?

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the liberal party mandates white women have at least five babies with syrians refugees

The Green party

isnt that how it is now

Most of her time in office was spent moving the CDU more left, so other than the hard left from the green and Linkspartei, she pretty much alligned with the mainstream liberal shit

As far as I understand it (Kraut can confirm i guess) she campaigned and was elected on conservative principles. That's why you see her now try and change her rhetoric - she needs to get re-elected.

She probably got lobby money for cheap workforce, and well... you know the rest.

the sad thing is all european "conservative" parties are like Angela, at least the parties of the countries that weren't communistic

She is an ex communist. What did you expect?

We are not lost yet, islam will not win, we already had it worse. Back in time spain was like 99% islamic and not they are one of the most catholic countries.

In Europe, in general a conservative party is what you call liberal. A more left wing party is what you would call social-democratic.
So when you hear something about a "far right" party in Europe it really just is american conservatism.
Yes it's over-simplified but ehh.

Yes, most of German are conservatives.

Now, imagine the German liberals.

She made the moves to crush every other party. She fucked the SPD (previously at 35%) by introducing a minimum wage, she fucked the Greens by shutting down some nuclear plants and she is pretty much guaranteed to win the next election again. She is a House of Cards master, conservative principles have been thrown out a long time ago.

Only thing left are the hardcore leftists that are remainders of Eastern Germany's SED, the AfD(Nazis for 50% of Germany) and the FPD (Johnson-libertarians).

Best would be Merkel resigns and CDU rules with FDP again.

>Back in time spain was like 99% islamic and not they are one of the most catholic countries.

Back in time it was okay to raise a sword against invaders, nowadays it's not okay even to vote for a party that will stop the flow

The problem is not just political, it's all about the narrative and what's supposed to be okay or not. But in a society where welcoming millions of rapists and keeping them with tax payers' money things most likely won't work fine in the long run, no matter what people say or do ignoring their obvious problems

yeah, but they got significantly browner in the process.

What would happen if Russia declared war on Germany?
Would they even fight back?

The refugees

In gratitude for the last time when we tried to keep the slav hordes in check we got cucked beyond oblivion for 70 years. Europe can eat shit.

Yes but only till 5 pm, then they would be forced to go home since Merkel doesn't want to pay overtime.

Have you ever thought of joining them?
Remove kebab Hans

>we tried to keep the slav hordes in check
>hans still trying to claim he's supperior to us, when the only thing they've done is ruin europe time after time

I've wondered this too, fampai. Like, if CDU is considered center-right, then just imagine how many more times cucked Germany would be if SPD or even worse, The Left, held real power.

pls help us! we are hostages in our own country!

yes Merkel is considered political middle. we have left parties (SPD, Linke, GrĂ¼ne) you cant imagine.

Yeah people will get hurt but you cant start an uprising and think it will be all fun and games