Is Germany holding Poland back by using it as a gulag for cheap Slav labor?
Is Germany holding Poland back by using it as a gulag for cheap Slav labor?
Germany was always dishonest destabilizator of everything east of them
Should East European EU members trigger Article 50 in order to boost their economy?
Poland would still be a super power if Russia, Germany (Prussia), Austria, and Sweden didn't tagteam them for no reason.
>Slavs save Incest-retards from durka durka invasion
>Get invaded by the Swedes in the North
>Incest-retards, proto-commies, and Germanistan decide to attack the weakened Poland not more than half a century after Poland saved Europe from Turks
This is why you deserve to take in the entire Turkish population. Hofer was too good for Austria.
It's been their plan all along. Fourth Reich baby.
That's terrible.
I hope my country will pay for our crimes.
> fourth reich full of low IQ niggers governed by german jews
Germany wasn't the problem, they were just trying to get some more land on the Baltic. Austria is the real villain in the scenario.
As they always are.
Revenge for the holocaust
Ok, but what is keeping Poland down now?
They receive around the same amount that was allocated to Germany as part of the Marshall Plan. Annually.
So there must be something else that's keeping Poland down. Is it the EU? Is it Germany? Does Merkel hate Poles?
Their prime minister and much of their army staff were murdered and then replaced by pro-German, Russian friendlier officials. All the a Baltic nations don't swallow having a Catholic power among them.
Poland is the German Mexico.
>Poland is the German Mexico.
Should we build a wall to save Poland from Merkel?
Yes, and you're also holding Greece back for cheap.. I don't know.. cheap.. debts?
They would be a subhuman slave class for jews, they had an incredibly large ashkenazi jewish population that would've controlled the whole country in the modern era if not for germany helping their problem
It is better. The Russian threat can always be argued.
Russia is the bad cop, and Germany the good cop.
>They receive around the same amount that was allocated to Germany as part of the Marshall Plan. Annually.
Yeah, it's crazy how much of a redistribution machine the EU is.
Greece has gotten 35 Marshall moniez by now. Poland get's 12bn annually from us. And now one of the few net contributers is exiting.
>Ok, but what is keeping Poland down now?
How the fuck did Poland's GDP go down in 2015?! It's not the Russia sanctions is it?
>Poland would still be a superpower
>would still be
best laugh i got all day
I just want Poland to finally find peace. Maybe they should trigger Article 50.
Not just Russia but also Ukraine
Noupe. The West actually has provided money to ordinary Polaks which is why the life standard has risen. But the downside of that was indeed a colonization of the polish economy, because under communism there were factories and an economic system that could export products made from the beginning to the end in Poland. Those factories were either sold out for nothing during the economic ""transition"", or there were hostile acquisitions by the western firms. Now Poland works as an assembly line for the West, with slowing down productivity and an increasing debt. I don't despair though, because when all this shit implodes - and I mean by that the entire Europe - then maybe a better economic status can be built
>It's not the Russia sanctions is it?
Oh, it's in USD.
>could export products made from the beginning to the end in Poland.
Few things are produced from the raw material to the end product in one single country today.
>I don't despair though
good. It's always good to be optimistic.
>because when all this shit implodes - and I mean by that the entire Europe
>then maybe a better economic status can be built
Well, ok, that's quite the amount of hope you put into a calamity.
>because when all this shit implodes - and I mean by that the entire Europe - then maybe a better economic status can be built
But wouldn't it be much easier to trigger Article 50 and be done with it?
Mises proposed an Eastern European Union to avoid those countries always falling in the hands of either Russia or Germany.
>Eastern European Union
Could the combined brainpower and skillset of an Eastern European Union transform it into an economic superpower?
I think it could only work with US support. Otherwise it is always the same German- Russian game.
>Few things are produced from the raw material to the end product in one single country today
My bad - I meant we could sell "final" products which are in the production process the most valuable
The world now relies on a chaotic monetary system that creates an illusion that you can finance everything through endless debt. This is how the West stabilizes its countries - through debt and paying everybody in worthless banknotes. But I doubt this system will live on without another major shock, or without at least currency wars
>But wouldn't it be much easier to trigger Article 50 and be done with it?
We trigger Article 50... and? Our place in the international division of labour stays the same. The biggest problem in Poland are the unrepresentative for the nation, non-historical elites, who have their roots in communism and who have robbed the country more or less, and have created a predatory state or sold themselves to foreign countries
The best thing about Poland is still its cultural state. We have free universities, the biggest media pluralism in Europe and history is everywhere. Recently a very respected historian has started to write an entirely new series of books on the history of Poland (around 9 books he predicts) - this will stay here for decades and will hopefully red pill generations
As I've read somewhere - before Germany was united by Bismarck, it has already itself united culturally
they will just after you will stop paying them to be in EU.
>paying them to be in EU.
Is receiving money bad?