I assume everyone has already gotten the official boot of Sup Forums
If you somehow missed out on getting a pair, you clearly do not belong here. You should most likely go back to tumblr and blog about how we are all facists.
I assume everyone has already gotten the official boot of Sup Forums
If you somehow missed out on getting a pair, you clearly do not belong here. You should most likely go back to tumblr and blog about how we are all facists.
They ran out of my size and the color black. I wouldn't' dress up in brown. Like a spic.
Why won't you wear an armband?
those are sexy. grats m8 wish I grabbed a pair.
Mine should be arriving this afternoon.
Sup Forumsar fox boots
For those who do not know.
is kirkland also a Sup Forums approved brand?
>rebbit tier "memorabilia" outside of Sup Forums
t. The fox
>side zip boots
I don't care if they cost you $14.88 you got jewed hard.
>buying from Jewsco
Those boots would be a lot better without that faggy zipper, what a shame.
>side zip boots
In a week they will be for sale again once the heat has died down.
The founder was a catholic. You need to try their pizza
>The founder was a catholic. You need to try their pizza
But adheres to strict Jew business practices.
You have to become the jew to beat the jew.
All Semite religions are pro pizza
your a faggot
>you have to become the tranny to beat the tranny
Pizza is for fags.
Fuck those hipster boots. New Balance is the most white thing to wear and the only Sup Forums approved shoe
Corinthians 9:20 bro
It's Christian as fuck to outjew the jews
>hipsters wear boots that leave swastikas in their wake
I need a pair of those bad!
Got pic related. Tumblr for lads.
Danner Ft. Lewis boots. For the discerning Stormtrooper.
>Side zip on a pair of boots
Thats real niggery right there.
985s here.
Good boot, but the laces kind of suck and the stitching on the souls leaves a bit to be desired. Sturdy as hell though, just take 2 weeks to break in.
>PU leather
those boots are shit tbqh senpai
my new favorite Biblical verse. thanks bro
They never carried my size. What a shame.
worst design 2bh
i wear Adidas
This is why I buy boots in surplus army stores.
They don`t have some useless gay ass looking features.
I'll support your company if and only if you stop spamming Sup Forums.
fuck off faggot
LLBean katadhin boots here. Love em.
Cool boots but most of you wimps are gonna get your asses kicked if you wear that in public
not likely
following a trail of little swastikas to someone demonstrates intent
>Implying Sup Forumsacks ever leave their homes.
I didn't like it at first either but with a pair of jeans you can barely even tell. The black dress ones are way more swank than OPs brown wannabe work boot faggotry anyway
if they do them in steel toe i will buy a pair for work, otherwise I wont need them
Pic related.
/fa/ggots plz leave
I thought New Balance were the official shoes of the alt-right
>not wanting to look good while you kill niggers
>side zipper
>gay ass buckle on the other side
yea no, thats for fags. docs, danners or ll bean FTW.
Why do anglos write 1's an 7's in such a weird way?
What fresh mart shartery is this
Retarded sole and useless as a boot because of the zipper running the full length of the "boot"
Enjoy getting your feet wet and cold and wishing you were home
>all these fags gushing over boots when I know for a fact they wear them for fashion and not to work in
faggot about it
You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.
>implying you can't do both
I would never work in these cheap zipper shots though. I'm just gonna keep them as a dress shoe if I ever need one, which is unlikely.
not getting
>Frye Jump Boots in glorious brown
Side zip boots are autistic.
I just think it looks kind of feminine, along with the buckle.
>Zipper on side
>Horrible stitching
>not owning Red Wings
tf you niggers doing
I have a pair of Red Wing boots for work.
r8 my boots Sup Forums
Boots that do not leave swastikas as you walk are autistic. Who cares about the /fa/ aspect. You sound like a huge mo
check my wings good sir. they're the best boots ive ever owned. never tried their fancy ones though
>zip boot
If anyone wants a decent pair of boots, red wings iron rangers are good. Only problem is some numale faggots wear them as well.
docs and red laces, is the only way to go.. fucking plebs
I wish I could find a pair in the exact style that wasn't almost $300. I just see nothing that justifies that price.
What I got on atm
God Bless America
They last a life time. Quit being a jew and support american made products.
That's sort of a shitty argument when the vast majority of their boots are made in China. And I have Made in the USA red wings but they're work boots. Like I said, I just don't think they're worth the price.
God I miss Chad Warden. Meme before memes
there are cobwebs all over my front door :^)
Anyone know where to get those Nazi boots? Amazon pulled them already.
I need some shoes to wear to the inauguration on Friday. I'll probably just go with some Doc Maertens if I can find these.
>shoes indoors
>All these faggots with pristine boots
Just wear converse if you're going to be a faggot that doesn't work/curb stomp
If they don't have steel a sole and toe then they are shit.
It's good to have some wear on your boots, but you've got a damn hole in yours. Get it patched at least.
eBay is sold out as well. Think you are fucked unless you want to pay out the ass.
This. Being an American and owning any other boots than Red Wings should be classified as treason.
never seen a pair of boots with a zipper that wasn't meant for a woman.
wear new balance instead
Seems like a good business opportunity. I wonder what the turn around time is on an order of boots.
wasn't supposed to be linked.
I agree, but its hard to resist triggering leftist scum just by walking.
nice one gopnik
itt effeminate "men" confusing 4chin for their twitter
What sort of Mexican-tier work do you do, friend?
I do windows and gutters residential. Its pretty comfy but yeah its shit and I'm poor
>Red Wing's
>Being either a hipster or 40 year old man
Using this
Michigan snow stomping boots.. Camo, and Hunter orange says "anti nigger" around here
That's generally what happens when you accidentally your toe with a chainsaw. I've just been too busy shitposting to repair it
I just ordered a pair as well, they will be here tomorrow.
please dont fall for this department store meme. there are a lot of much better boot makers for simular prices. mine had defects in the leather and I had to return twice to get the correct size, After some wear mine are alright but I would never buy another pair knowing what I do now.
I've been doing a lot of forestry work in the great North East. Pretty tiring work but it's nice being able to breath clean air when I'm not running a chainsaw