How long until his account gets (((((((suspended))))???
How long until his account gets (((((((suspended))))???
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Never, he's too valuable and brings in too much money to ban him.
Based swede, what happened to him?
kill yourself
This, but he will redpill on a massive amount of people if he keeps this up
I think he has become at least slightly funny since he started doing these things.
He doesn't bring in too much money.
Youtube is owned by google.
Pewdiepie makes approx $12m dollars a year from youtube.
Google made $21.5 Billion in 2016.
Losing pewdiepie revenue would not hurt them at all.
All of pewdiepies fans would just switch to watching another channel aswell, resulting in the same amount of views for youtube, just they would be spread over different channels.
Why is he doing this? I know the truth so I understand him but everyone else will start to hate him because they would not understand.
What redpills? He isn't explaining anything. It come off as hate. Do you think he has a plan to explain this or do you think he's just clickbaiting?
all of those articles are fake. google it yourself. it brings up shitty sites like PEREZHILTON
Anything to normalize shit like this, normies will be more willing to watch or browse Sup Forums that's how it happens not just by one person. The first time I came to Sup Forums my reaction was that's sick that's racist. It doesn't happen overnight.
moved to UK
murdoch is garbage though
he's a liberal faggot ou know
Losing Pewdiepie himself though would be a massive PR nightmare for youtube. He has by far the most subscribers on the site, with a 22 fucking million difference between him and #2.
You just can't suspend someone like that without there being a massive backlash.
Of course a leaf would think that
>We The Unicorns
Wut the fuck?
Jesus I bet kikes are on suicide watch over this. He better be careful. 2 million subscribers - it would be cheaper to kill him.
>Pewdiepie makes approx $12m dollars a year from youtube.
>Google made $21.5 Billion in 2016.
This is such a retarded comparison that I don't even know where to begin... You do realize that he brings way more value to Google than his earnings, right?
fake news, all of those
He's in Sweden. They'll just convict him of violating some odd hate speech law and send him to prison (which in Sweden is pretty nice) with no internet access.
>Maker Studios
Hold up, those are the Disney guys, right? So even Disney lets his shit slide?
It seems like Felix has a tight grip on someone's balls.
it's not the money so much as the promise of money. people see pewdiepie with his 50 gorillion subscribers, think they can make money, and imitate his style which brings more users to the site.
But yes, he recognizes his position and is testing his power. Youtube banning him would cause a colossal shitstorm, even if he was outright advocating national socialism and denying the hall of cost.
leaf is garbage
Do you even understand business and advertisement? This guy literally adds millions to Googles revenue stream. Although just a trickle compared to the money river Google gets most of it's earnings from it's still income.
>Hey Joe! Would you like to earn 400 000 $ a year or 400 020 $ a year for the exact same job and workload!?
Which one does Joe pick?
My family survived pogroms and the holocaust
And this privileged twat does nothing of use and lives like a king
Fuck this world
Move to Israel. I'm serious, I heard they give one free tour with guides and shit for jews born outside of Israel.
Well the $20 could be offset if Joe is politically motivated. It comes down to how much revenue Google would lose in relation to how extreme Pewdiepie's views are. I don't think Pewdiepie would do a video criticizing mass immigration, but if he did, Google is at least going to consider banning him as an option.
he lives in Britain you bumpkin
this guy is a clown
or trolling
what you want with him
Which is why he's not going to go off the rails and sperg out like so many people on Sup Forums want him to do. But these are the people who don't understand the art of the subtle red pill.
>Here's why.
One free tour? They give every Jewish person citizenship and they're pretty lenient with regards to lineage.
Dunno, just heard about it from a jew in my school. He was born in Israel, then his parents moved him here for free education. Now he's in UK in some big uni. He didn't like talking about his heritage, though sometimes a couple of things slipped.
HolaSoyGerman is the second most watched youtuber
que esta pasando?
Pewds has gotten infinitely better ever since he quit making lets plays constantly. Id actually sit down and drink with him at the bar if I could.
>HolaSoyGerman #2
wtf, I just lost all hope in the future
How is he so /based/?
what a horrible redditor
>He's just making it easier to read, goy
Where is the video?
This. JewTube only cares about money. As long as he rakes in the cash, he isn't going anywhere. I doubt PDP is redpilled though.
Yes, Maker Studios is a subsidiary of Disney
I found that out when I was watching the Epic Rap Battle video that had Walt Disney in it where he talks about Disney controlling the world, and it mentions that in the verse
>still using YouTube
Why isn't he on Vidme?
Thats what Pewdiepie paid them to do on Fiverr
Where's the money in that?
Where did it surface/originate?
I notice it said subscribe to keemstar in the media player, is it on his channel or something else
Feel free to reuse as you wish
>How long until his account gets (((((((suspended))))???
Within the month.
I think he is trying to prove a point and wake up his fans to who controls society.
Him being banned will be the moment he goes full 14/88 to his 50+ million subs.
That's what happens to people when your homecountry gets ruined by rapefugees
He works with jews, jewish friends, a click fiend, regularly edgy. jews may find it a bridge too far and may make him pay attrition in some form but the calculating jews know what he's about.
>We the Unicorns
Holy fuck, talk about autism
AdSense/JewTube only pays him a fraction of what he earns them. Overall he's probably earning them $75-100M.
He could join something like or make commentator relevant. He could piss on the ceo for googles face at this point the amount of money he has made for them.
You have special contracts when you're at that level. He doesn't have the same deal as the peasants.
>implying they dont know what they are doing
what is it , texas?
i don't watch his videos.
what has he been doing?
is he saying "gas the jokes race war now" in a wacky high pitched voice?
Dude, he lives in Brighton
>Normies will be more willing to watch or browse Sup Forums
And why is that a good thing, drawing in normies is what got this site to the shameful state it's in today
JackSpkeyie 2
Your country is garbage.
They pay out 55%
He's an e-faggot who makes Google millions.
Feel free to like him if you're a retard.
>you will never live a comfy life in the jungle and have fun doing silly things for foreigners with money to waste
Also when they use "what happened next will blow your mind" or a variation of it.
callate ctm
>Shun everyone who isn't already redpilled
>Hide on 4chins, spinning your wheels posting memes.
>2077, whites are a minority in every country.
>5 black guys are at your door trying to get in.
>The government took your guns 20 years ago because there wasn't enough pushback to stop it.
>The police are all dindu diversity hires via an all dindu government.
>As the feral niggers beat you to death with your own walker, your last thoughts drift to your past and you think to yourself "at least Sup Forums stayed pure..."
>tfw god emperor trump and pewd are time travelers
>pewd came back to get as many as the youth to follow him
>then start dropping red pills to undue years of marxist indoctrination
holly moly
This. Youtube knows the backlash could be the death of them. Mass migration to alternatives like, vimeo, etc. would follow. It's the same reason twitter won't ban Trump despite mass calls for it and the CEO having beef with Trump.
That said, I think Pewdiepie is trying to slowly push the envelope and call YouTube's bluff. I know a lot of youtubers have big issues with the administration. He seems to be subtlety protesting.
If they ban him it presents an opportunity for another site to be created, and with his power, he could really help push it.
How long until pewds is completely bald? He's losing hair at an alarming rate.
How can anyone with access to the internet not be redpilled by now?
The evidence is too overwhelming.
are there any bald people in japan or it's a western thing?
Your family did nothing of value. That's why they were pogromed jewsif
Alt-right shit is so fashionable.
you punks know fuck all about redpill youtube channels
Link to the video you faggot
Those viewing figures are crazy, what does he do?
I think he meant Sup Forums has gone to shit lately. All memes/shills/trolls and no substance. How can you redpill someone being in this state?
Better than nothing I suppose
There are bald people in japan but white people tend to go bald the moment they leave high school.
It would be a PR disaster for youtube, they are really not happy with him right now though.
"It was a sad day for America when Trump was elected.." - Pewdiepie
if any of you think he's truly on your side and not just doing this "lol hitler" stuff for shits and giggles you are utterly deluded
Freedom of speech is great as long you don't offend anyone's feelings.