why don't Albania and Kosovo unite into a single country? Isn't Kosovo filled with Albanians?
Why don't Albania and Kosovo unite into a single country? Isn't Kosovo filled with Albanians?
Nuke them both.
Why does this place get so much worked up over a fucking train? Nothing has happened, and nothing ever will. Haradinaj will be released and the train will be forgotten within this very month. Nothing has ever happened in the Balkans since WW1. Balkan nations are meme nations, Balkan wars are meme wars and the Yugoslav wars were no exception. The Kosovo war had 200 participants give or take and the numbers are inflated by both sides to make it look like the ebin battle of the century. Face it, nobody will do anything, no wars will happen. The only thing that will happen is the feeble minds of Serbs ensuring their crooked politicians yet another 4 year mandate.
What strikes me the most is pol's obsession over some "reconquista", as if anything like that is ever going to happen, or Serbians photoshopping Wikipedia articles to portray themselves as the winners while the very fact this event even happened shows they lost. All talk and no action, it reminds me of how much i hate this place.
"We will kill you" says the diaspora fag who either left to finish his study abroad because a degree from the Balkans is worth jack shit, or the diaspora fag who has never set foot in his native country. I'll tell you what you'll do. You'll stay on Sup Forums some more, switch over to facebook, eat dinner and jack off to sleep, to repeat everything again tomorrow. That's all you have done, and all you will ever do.
"NATO won't defend you" says the faggot who seriously thinks NATO is going anywhere for the next 50 years.
"Kosovo ji Srbija" says the ultranationalist faggot who can't even walk in Kosovo for he'll get curbstomped like the nigger in American History X.
Just shut the fuck up already, If there is ever going to be yet another meme war it will only cripple Serbia even more. There is no "holy battle" for you faggots who haven't ever held a weapon in hand to larp as crusaders, there are only political maneuvers to keep the people from sperging out. Kill yourselves.
Not reading that wall but all the Balkiners unconditionally hate each other. Only Mehmet II 2.0 could make them stop wanting to kill each other.
I don't think Albania wants Kosovo
Why though? Does Kosovo require a shit load of infrastructure investment? Is it a religion thing?
because Albanians are fucking useless pieces of shit that are unable to function as a country so the Albanian government just uses them to cause trouble in Serbia
because Kosovo is Serbia
t. non country
why are leafs always suggesting stuff like this, I bet Trudeau just has thousands of troll accounts
Why would either Albania or Serbia want more soil and people? They can't even properly manage what they have right now. Or did i miss something and Kosovo has a shitload of oil or something?
We've had enough Kosovo threads today, stop it.
If this actually interests you (even though it's pretty much obvious bait), there must be something wrong with you to post this on Sup Forums where you will most likely get no objective answer and your thread will turn into an absolute fucking shitstorm.
Let have an even bigger muslim country in the middle of the friggin Balkans - WCGW?
Leafposters deliver again.
Because Kosovo is part of Serbia.
if kosovo was serbia then kosovo would be serbia
>serbs exist
>albanians exist
why is humanity cursed with the existence of these diseases?
Not oil, but has some very rich mines. During medieval times, Novo Brdo was one of the biggest gold mines in Europe. I'm not sure about the state today.
Nevertheless, if it didn't have some fine natural resources, do you think it would still be worthy of America's attention? That's precisely the reason why they're a US vassal/march/military base. Not because they give a shit about "albanians being persecuted".
I agree, although it should not be limited to the Balkans; there shouldn't be any muslim countries anywhre
But Kosovo is a part of Serbia?
there are albanians in macedonia, greece and montenegro as well
normal albanians just want to be left alone and considered normal europeans
eternal anglo scum tho wants to have influence in the region, so they are waiting for an excuse (war) to grab all the land
tl;dr: why grab kosovo when you grab a lot more
Not on topic, besides they're richer than your shithole of a country.
Basically, sandniggers came to part of Serbia and declared new state with a help from kikes
half of the world still recognize it as Serbia
t. le edgy Blgarin
And? They're going to be on the same side of any war anyway.
>Is it a religion thing?
Nobody is religous in the Balkans. Nobody belives in God.
>normal albanians just want to be left alone and considered normal europeans
shut the fuck up tatar
you have to go back
abe ne mi odgovaraj so isto sekogas
seljak sto se klanja na bugari
>that pic
The inferiority complex is strong with this one
Some slovenian serb triggered sy2LnA4p and caused him eternal butthurt
He now thinks serbs are out to kill him and identifies with bulgarian nationalism
You'll notice him in every thread about serbia shittalking serbs
Btw that's not true, almost everyone I know believes in God
Albania-Kosovo unification is inevitable, and anyway it's 100 years overdue. However southern Albanian Tosks will surely be assblistered because it'll add about 2 million Ghegs and radically shift the power balance. If Western Macedonia ever joins Albania it'll shift it even more.
Ghegs really wuz Kangz. Honorary Montenegrins cousins and Herzegovinans + any Dinaric Serbs are ok too.
tosks should separate since they're the closest thing resembling a human among albanians
emi pone znai koi e be, selio. Vij se ti , mislish se za surbin, budala. Znai si korenite i budi gord
t. aleksander thje greatjski
Znam, tatar. Samo koga stvarno ke se desi nesto kako nova vojna na kosovo sekogas ke podrzuvam srbi pred siptari.
>Albania-Kosovo unification is inevitable
Tosk master-race here. It will never gonna happen. We will prefer to give it to Serbia instead
The infrastructure we have build has far exceeded what we had pre-war and it's still improving and is one of the biggest investment at the moment. Next big thing will be a new electric plant which will allow us to export electricity for further income.
Kosovo is a gold mine gutted by politics.
The US has a military base in Kosovo to prevent you from invading us. When will you understand that NATO and the EU want peace in Europe? The US is vastly richer than Kosovo and they wouldn't bother for the resources. Serbia on the other hand needs the resources as you guys are quite poor resource-wise. That's literally the only reason Serbs were settled in northern Kosovo, and all the Serb enclaves in the south are around mines and other money generators, such as the Brezovica resort.
Why do you write "Kosovo" and not "Kosova" slav proxy?
Because I'm not autistic enough. It serves to distinguish me from Albania proper posters.