If your son turned out to be gay what would you do?
Would you guys actually disown him?
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
Who cares if you like boys or girls right?
If your son turned out to be gay what would you do?
Would you guys actually disown him?
There's nothing wrong with being gay.
Who cares if you like boys or girls right?
What son?
I'd take gay over tranny.
Also, "Would you mind if I watched?"
as long as hes not a flaming fruitcake and doesnt get AIDs i'll be fine with it
Not care, provided he was still masculine and not some flaming twat going to gay pride parades in a thong.
As long as he spreads his (and in extension my) genes and has a decent job and votes not for leftist scum, i have no problem with that
For the sake of argument.
Disown. Kick him out at 18. Sell all of his shit and combine the cash with his college fund and spend it on something nice for me
will you ever get tired of making these threads nedergay?
How is he gonna spread his genes if he's a fucking faggot you retard? Inb4 hurr durr donate sperm. Fuck off, that's fucking cuck shit.
sug his dic
Donating sperm is actually reverse-cuck because another man's wife ends up raising your genes.
Surrogacy desu senpai
His wife's
disown him and let him head down the degenerate path he chose
Fuck some acceptable woman with the aid of his lover and then take the child. That's what fags did back then, and no one complained as long as they were not flamboyant disgraces.
lol that this is even a possibility... America how far you have fallen
Disown him. Tell him to never talk to me or the family again and ask him to change his last name.
I don't even get why this is a question.
>another man in charge of raising your genetic offspring as he sees fit
Sounds like a cuck to me. Would you give your kid to another man to raise?
I'm gay and I never could cum in a disgusting vagina.
Women just simply aren't appealling to us.
I'd straight him kill him the instant his "sexuality" came to light. I would know that he is a weak individual, undeserving of my blood, who caved to some Jewish conversion bullshit. No way would I produce a gay.
Probably disown him when his 18 or at least very little contact, I'd also have another another child. (id rather have a daughter than a son, or maybe both)
Kill him, we don't get much time for murder. I don't want a faggot tainting my bloodline.
Be inwardly unhappy but outwardly tolerant, if not overly accepting.
If trans must remove immediately.
Execute him and erase him from the family annals. You can't have filth like that dishonoring the family name.
There's nothing wrong with being gay, as long as you're not a faggot.
You know the difference.
>all these Sup Forumstards claiming they will kill their own son
>family annals
no wonder he turned out be a fag
>le monkey in a suit
Hurry up and die of aids you filthy worthless degenerate.
In the west, it's an easier life to be a gay man than a straight man. Not even kidding you.
I'd disown him, especially if he was an unbearable faggot about it. If he had redeeming qualities, and was either closeted or at least respectable, I probably wouldn't disown it.
Reminder that family members used to drown homosexual sons in the fucking bog in Europe.
>Also, "Would you mind if I watched?"
Wait..... what...
LARPing edgelords
If you manage to get AIDs you're a fucking idiot desu
Being gay is redpilled af
>There's nothing wrong with being gay
>everything I disagree with is edgy
Swallow a bullet, fag.
Nice LARPing m8
Make this man the president
Get the clamps
"No, you're not. You're marrying a white woman and giving me 3+ grandchildren. What you do in bathhouses on your own time is not my problem.
>"Dad, I know you have a problem with this and it's taken a long time for me to sum up the courage to tell you, but I'm gay"
That's alright, you're my son and I love you whatever your sexual orientation.
Now get out of my house I didn't raise you to be a faggot and nor have I said that I would accept you like that either.
the moment he got a fag lisp. totally disowned.
>hurr durr family annals sounds like "anal"
no wonder you're defending fags
I'd tell him to be masculine, vote republican, donate sperm, and keep his faggy lifestyle away from me, but not much would change.
If he was a tranny I'd disown.
It would be the absolute worst thing to happen to someone.
So are you already lubed up?
You do this a lot, is this the only way you can masturbate now or are just yanking it 24/7?
Or do you not always use this for that stuff?
I have nothing against gays but democrats have a agenda to make whites don't have children because they think that this could be votes for republicans, and democrats want the higher number of illegal possible because could mean votes for democrats while they use other excuses to justify their support for illegals
And democrats don't like white men having sons with white, asian, black, any women since the democrats think that the sons of white men will not vote for democrats, but in other hands if is to white people mix the democrats shill only for white women because they think that the white women to be with other race will be submissive enough and retarded enough to let the men of other race make their children vote for democrats since the men of other race enjoy the democrats anti-white male rethoric, racist, videos, movies, everything produced by democrats to please him, so of course he will get the white woman for pleasure and will say for his kid to vote for democrats
Also the democrats would prefer much more gay promotion only in white men since this means no children and no votes against democrats
Democrats also want white men feeling disgust of sex and don't enjoy or have pleasure so much in this, this is why democrats produced every kind of racial anti-white male entertainment for years, in hope to make white men don't have children or have less children because for democrats is not good white men having children with white, asian, no women
Democrats don't want white men having children with white women
Democrats don't want white men having children with asian women
Democrats don't want white men having children, period, because this means vote for the candidates that are opposition of the disgusting democrats
And do you know that democrats are owners of 90% of the industries in America, media, movies, porn, musics, everything, and you can see the bias, propaganda, everything made by these establshments owned by democrats and see their manipulation.
Far, brother. Far.
I bet you have tons if friends
whats with you and faggotry op? you always make this thread with the same image each time
Show how what they do to homos in Africa.
Let's see if he stays a froot
Most gay men don't have it.
>implying that a white man that would fuck a nigger would vote republican
Depends on how many sons I had. If I had a couple then it wouldn't be as big a deal. If I had 3+ then it would be inconsequential. Assuming this the scenario then I would raise him to find a long term husband but at the end of the day it's a 50-50 shot at whether he turns out ok or ends up handing out 50 cent blowjobs in a public restroom
the most important reason to have a son is to transfer your shitty DNA to next generation. it's dead investment if he's gay. I'd throw a tantrum and be cold against him.
Disown him. He doesn't need my last name to attempt to fertilize turds.
Why do they talk like that anyways?
I do, and I'd do the same thing. Nice snarky, leftist-tier reply though, faggot.
>fertilize turds
I woul kill him and then myself desu....
Better than using my own images desu
"at least hes not a tranny or furry"
Send him to Canada where he belongs
>He doesn't need my last name to attempt to fertilize turds
>fertilize turds
Are you proud of that?
>If your son turned out to be gay what would you do?
He can be a faggot, but he better not be a cultural marxist.
He will be the alpha faggot or nothing.
Yeah it feels pretty good actually.
Daily reminder to report Dutch faggot threads
>alpha faggot
So the one's who rape other dudes in prison?
>There's nothing wrong with being gay.
"You know I still want grandchildren, right?"
Didn't ask whether or not if felt good. I asked whether or not you're proud of it.
Well, God cares. The best example is when he burnt down the towns of faggots known as Sodom and Gomora
My son is gay, I told him it's fine by me. I don't care, I'm not a christian idiot
Roach DNA is worthless anyway
pls post hand and scale
Why not get a boyfriend instead? Or cam your time here for some extra shekels, you sea jew. You probably already have a big enough collage.
Also serenade for two is way better than Yuri on ice
>he thinks people 'turn out' gay
My son is 15. If he came out as gay, I won't lie: I will be hurt... but all of the disappointment that I would feel would be based on my own expectations and dreams for him and what I am sure will be the extra difficulties he'll face because of it.
I'd still love him. I have, for his whole life, demonstrated that love by being the best father I could be. I've taught and nurtured him but let him soar when he's needed to fly on his own. He's gotten to develop into someone I really like while knowing I'd be here for him. If he were gay, there's no way that would change.
The only people on this planet I might sacrifice my long held opinions and convictions for are my kids. I'd die for them. I think accepting that he's gay is a few notches less than that.
>what would you if your son came out as gay
I'd know that I've succeeded and he'd be my good boi
pretty much. being gay is widely accepted here. then again im from a very very liberal state of Illinois.
>I'm fine with having a gay kid
>I'm not a christian idiot
I'm fine with your offspring not reproducing too.
I don't really have much hand pictures saved
What if your dad turned out to be gay instead?