Fuck you Sup Forums

Thanks to you I'm depressed as fuck and I never felt like such a little pussy. I decided to fucking lurk here after I started watching videos about Hitler and shit and I fucking fell into this shit.

How the fuck do you people cope with this? Drinking isn't working, popping pills isn't working NOTHING IS WORKING!

I'm worried I'm gonna be on the news someday as a lone white mail that went into a ghetto and gunned down innocent black gangsters.

I want a one-way ticket out of this hell.

Other urls found in this thread:


forget about niggers, gun down jews instead, if you feel like gunning down anyone.
Have you learned NOTHING?

You're right...If I do go out, I'll go after the Jews.

>Mfw OP is a Jew

>letting Sup Forums change how you view life

You are a weak minded fool

usual reaction to finding out you dont serve a purpose exept for giving shekels to the merchant and die

do it faggot

>a fucking leaf




do you feel hostile to the sparrow for being so stupid?
then why do you feel hostile to stupid people for being vastly more intelligent than the sparrow,
yet negligibly less intelligent than yourself?
the premise "everyone rises to the level of their own incompetence" applies to more than just the workplace.
it is in fact an unidentified law of nature, governing all creatures everywhere.
you can't fault the sparrow for being an ignorant sparrow.
that said, we don't have let allow sparrows into the house,
they'll just shit on everything.

learning and being depressed by the truth is weak minded.


World's a shithole, ain't it?

Stop being weak. become a human again.

It's too much of a shit hole. All these fucking idiots walking around that are so wrapped up in themselves that they don't fucking see this shit unfolding. It's sickening, It's vile.

Just be yourself.

Send me a guide on it, I forgot how to.


You probably think that jews are magically beings and Hitler was flawless.
Think for yourself. Read philosophy and go outside. Sup Forums has truths but you just seem like a highschool "memer".

>Using pills
Seemls like you haven't even touched the surface.

Fight on user.

>he's only on the drink and pills stage

Long way to go lad

We have been in cultural warfare against (((subversive))) forces since the roman empire, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and fight back, how not with fists and bullets (that will come later) but with your intellect, by turning people onto the red pill, by gathering wealth, by reading and educating yourself on history, science and math, by gaining prominence in society.

>does drugs
>drinks alcohol
>probably faps and watches porn
>doesnt believe in god
>probably doesnt even have a job or a hobby

Wow, i really dont know why you are depressed... hard to tell. But you can always turn your life around - its up to you and not some magical habbening. Remember that.

I use keks to cope with it. Pretty effective.

what the fuck are you waiting for cuck?

Choose your path OP. Choose wisely.

I'm doing classes, I believe in god.

I stopped drinking, I still pop pills and I watch porn rarely. Thanks tho. German bro. Truly are my greatest ally.

Anime and memes helps.
Also I usually go to the adult swim thread on /wsg/ when I feel extremely depressed.


> How the fuck do you people cope with this?

Remembering the greatest of my people, what once was, and what I can do to regain the pride of my people.

>Innocent black gangsters

Nice bait anyway

>Anonymous (ID: avb+cwW0) 01/15/17(Sun)23:33:41 No.107
Stop being a faggot, live your life and enjoy it. Just keep Sup Forums in mind to remember that this world is shit. Don't let it consume you though

I struggled with this myself. I went too deep and then I tried to dig myself out again by trying to debunk what I learned, but it was too late. You can't unlearn what you've learned. Life is just going to be different now. In order to cope I had to completely detach myself from everything politics/culture related. I'm just an observer now. There is one benefit you get from being redpilled though and that is you don't have worry about politics anymore since it's all bullshit anyways. I don't find myself getting worked up anymore over left vs. right. I've become politically apathetic and it's pretty relaxing.

Thanks guys, I feel better now.

holy shit he pissed his pants

Remember OP you are not alone, we here are all on this ride together and we are here forever.