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Lord of da ringz - return of da KANGZ
Does African mythology have any cool gods? What about waifu goddesses?
i mean there's literally nothing wrong with this. its better than remaking lord of the rings with nigs a la The Wiz
I don't give a shit if he's black so long as he writes a cool and original story. There aren't that many good stories based on African mythology; maybe I'll give it a shot.
Could be pretty good tbqwy. The more you go back (and I imagine african mythology goes waaaay back) the more crazier (to us) it gets.
>african mythology
ooga booga watamelon with chicken praiz king kong
African myth is some fucked up shit, if he doesn't whitewash it(heh) it may actually be worth a read.
I'm probably going to read it. He seems like a literate guy with an actually new idea in the realm of fantasy.
At least he isn't going to make a dindu Zeus.
No problem at all with blacks using Black mythology.
Sounds cool.
Big deal.
I'm tired of white stories getting blackwashed, but there is a definite lack of African themed fantasy. I imagine it could be pretty cool, especially as regular fantasy has gotten pretty tired and boring lately
Yeah, but It's an entire continent's worth of different cultures and religions, so you'll probably have to dig a bit.
By "African" I assume you mean sub-Saharan African (black). I know that some West African Voodoo practitioners worship a Mermaid-like goddess who commands the coastal seas and vitalizes the fish harvests.
I like this idea, African mythology is rarely used in fiction. It's always Europe or Asia.
also negroid mythological creatures might be really interesting. Currently most fantasy is very limited. most have humans/orks/elves and some common european mythological creatures. I mean japanese mythology for example has a lot of awesome shit. Can't remember where it was, but I saw some video about it and I think they have kites made of skin that hunt down humans or something like that
Sounds good then. Hopefully it's not americanized/washed down.
>remaking lord of the rings with nigs
That's exactly what he is doing. And since there is no sub-saharan African mythology, since they had not writing, he will be (((co-opting))) Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Nordic mythology.
This is Black Athena: The Fantasy Novel
sounds fun, i hope it works out
>copying LotR
>original story
Expect D'Jango un-Kanged
>And since there is no sub-saharan African mythology, since they had not writing
You don't need to have a writing language to have a mythology.
>I'm tired of white stories getting blackwashed
This is a white story getting blackwashed
Why Sup Forumstards act like SJWs. There is nothing wrong with this.
> You know. It's like African...but like...Lord of the rings (popular)
So this dindu is going to invent languages, music cultures and locations base recognizably around African tribes and metaphors for the industrial revolution and erasure of rural tradition to mass production too? If so he is a Nazi!!!! Or did he just mean a popular franchise that makes money?
I found this true statement also
I hope the main actor will be white in the following movie. The butthurt would be glorious.
They probably have mythology from oral tradition
If there are African mythology based stories that's fine. Let Europeans keep theirs too
You need to have writing to pass it down long term. Word of mouth only lasts a generation or two. If they erote down African mythology in the 18th century it will likely be incluenced by those who taught them to write.
Example: look at nigger names in the US.
IKR. There's all sorts of super-cool African folktales out there that are waiting to be translated. They have all sorts of spooky stories involving evil witch-doctors, ghosts, magic, demons, zombies... etc: most of which would make great material for fantasy/horror stories.
Black writers should be encouraged to look into African folklore for material for their stories. A lot of the spookier, pagan European stories got wiped-out/softened when Christianity spread through the region, but in Africa, a lot of blacks still tell/believe in those kinds of spooky stories. It would only be good for the world if people started using some writing some original, African -based stories.
Could be cool.
"Medieval Africa" is kind of tough to be interesting though so it will probably be a mishmash fantasy kingdom.
Also we wuz mythology doesn't make sense because LOTR was literally made to get out of the mythology/religion of the time.
Niggers keep killing niggers even after they're dead, apparently.
Oral translation does not survive more than a few generarions. And are these guys going to be tunning around in loin cloth and sticks? Because sub-saharan blcks did not have metal working or textiles.
>Word of mouth only lasts a generation or two
It changes, that doesn't mean it "dies out"
This should be good. I've always wanted to read Lord of the Rings from the orcs' perspective.
Neil Caiman is a leftist numale who writes feminist horsecrap for fat girls and white knights.
It better have grootslangs.
Fucking love grootslangs.
Who the hell sets out to write a trilogy. It's already doomed to be shot for a huge amount of reasons, but he should really start at 1 book and go from there.
Fuck are you on about? Sub-saharan blacks have had iron since 700BC and Bronze around 1100BC. They have some interesting beliefs surrounding metallurgy, they often painted shaft furnaces as pregnant women and the resulting bloom of iron was 'delivered' from the shaft. Ironworkers were often nomadic and had to live outside village bounds.
>Who the hell sets out to write a trilogy.
I hate this trend too. It is the same with movies nowadays, everything has be a trilogy or franchise. You are setting yourself up for embarrassment/failure. But such is the way of the modern publishing industry I guess.
yes we can
Now that I think of it, wasn't Majora's mask largely based off of African folklore/mythology?
If Africans has the skills and the means to convert their folktales into anime-tier media like the Japanese do, they could have some extreme potential for business.
A prime example of some of the dark/spooky stuff that could be included in African-inspired stories.
>Word of mouth only lasts a generation or two
It'll fail. The black people that do read don't read fantasy.
>According to legend, the Grootslang is a primordial creature as old as the world itself. Tales state that gods (who were new to the crafting of things) made a terrible mistake in the Grootslang's creation, and gave it tremendous strength, cunning, and intellect. Realizing their mistake, the gods split the Grootslang into separate creatures and thus created the first elephants and the first snakes. But one of the original Grootslangs escaped, and from this first sire all other Grootslangs were born. It is claimed to devour elephants by luring them into its cave.
Pretty much every fantasy novel nowadays borrows shits from LOTR, but you know if he makes the books based around African cultures, it would actually be pretty cool.
forgot the fucking pic...
Kys cuck
>writer draws on his culture heritage for inspiration
In other words his black privilege allows him to proudly and openly rip off the storyline of one of the most well known series of all time because he's too lazy to create one himself and he won't get sued for plagiarism bc raycism
>Steals from another writer
You know just fine that it will be a blatant ripoff with a new wrapper around it and some unsubtle "white bad black good" themes.
>Nigs did Katrina
he can write all he wants, niggers still cant read.
taking ideas from good shit isnt stealing you dumb cuck
>proudly and openly rip off the storyline of one of the most well known series of all time
inspired by =/= rip off. Sure, if the storyline evolves a magic item having to be destroyed on a certain place, then yes, you can say that, but if he just inspires itself on LOTR for world-building, he's just doing what ever fantasy writer does, except his story might a little more interesting if he focus on African culture and myths, that are still largely unexplored
Doesn't have to necessarily be medieval. Western fantasy is pretty broad, could have some sort of primordial setting like the dark crystal, Legend or Conan the Barbarian. Or it could even blend sci-fi and fantasy like Krull. There's no reason this can't be done with Zulus fighting witchdoctor demons or aliens or whatever. He probably only mentioned lord of the rings because that's popular and recognisable, or maybe he just isn't that imaginative, I'm not familiar with his work.
well good
this is what they should be doing instead of going WE WUZ THOR N ZEUZ N BAAL N SHIET
fuck that's metal
Literally means 'big snake' in Dutch. So it must be South African. So how old can this 'mythology' even be?
Love this guy.
all about hi African jamaican heritage, but gtfo'd to fucking Minnesota...
>Does African mythology have any cool gods? What about waifu goddesses?
>he doesn't want the niggers to finally contribute to their own culture instead of taking shit other races did and make it BLACKED or WHITEY DID DIS TUH US GIBS ME DAT
>never seen a modern movie or book about African folktales and stories, many of which are actually pretty cool and have tons of potential
Seems like you want more BBC in white roles, Pablo. It's best for other races to take pride in their culture for what it is. I'm tired of libs pushing for muh diversity instead of encouraging blacks to be creative with their roots n shit.
Sounds cool, if done right, African mythology is spooky as fuck
Speaking of fucked up creatures, isn't there a legend in Africa of a type of bat gorilla thing as well?
But that's a tsunami depicted in the picture, not a hurricane.
Oh, those zany negros...
Aw shit, the Bongo Bongo Bookclub is gonna love this
That sounds completely fine. I don't know if it'll be good, but there's no reason not to try it.
There's room for compromise
As long as it doesn't turn out to be Lord of the Rings with melanin slapped on
Look at me - I'm LAWD OF DA RINGZ now.
ooh if you had managed to get a KEK in there somewhere i would have got a whole line on my pol bingo card
a brief history of seven killings was a great book tho
it's because he's gay and would have got chopped up if he'd stayed in jamaica
why are americans so obsessed with black men's penises?
Holy Shit WTF is that fucking picture.
That's some Sup Forums tier shit right there
So LOTR, but with tyrone jamal and shaquina bixnood as main characters. Got to love negroid creativity.
Black man writes a book for blacks.
Most blacks can't read.
Comedy gold.
This nigga needs to look up the works of Charles Saunders.
Except ripping off LOTR because the authors family don't have the copyrights?
Yoooooo, that's fucking metal.
Why do nords think their mythology is cool when this shit exists?
marlon james' primary audience aren't black
The word "hurricane" comes from the Taino word "Hurakan", the God of Storms.
Bet these niggas don't even bother looking shit up
Isn't ghetto literature already an established genre?
ayo hold up samwise ma nigga i hear that crackhead gollum goin after my shine yo lets gets the crew together and roll up on that sauron nigga with my gat fuck that nigga
>furtherance of the victim culture
yes, it's a fatal mistake
Except that's wrong you fucking retard.
tl;dr giant big-dicked midget rapes you if you're bad
>hurr niggers can't into anything tho
It's a sad day when people take pol at face value. I honestly worry about what these kids will be like once they get into the real world.
OP it's a good idea, the medieval tier fantasy is out played. As long as it's not the same story will kangz added
I won't read it, but this is a step towards what we need. Whites making art/music/literature for whites, and everyone else doing the same for their people. Now if only we could have them release this only in Africa and give free one way trips to anyone wanting a copy.
I'm going to do the same, but I'll take a famous piece of negroid fiction and whiten it completely.
Any suggestions?
An entire continent with a rich history!!!!
Apart from planet of the apes has no writing, no way of recording events, and has absolutely no history beyond a few primitive grunts passed on from the last 3 generations that didn't manage to butcher each other for food/drive out the evil spirits by cooking the bones of your enemy.
>inspired by lord of the rings
You know given all the other shit american blacks are saying I almost expected how someone would claim that black people invented fantasy.
African rockets are so rarely used for manned space flights to mars.
African computers are so rarely used in universities.
African mathematics is so rarely taught.
It is almost like it rarely existed in the first place.
Have you ever read an African folk tale?
Ooga boogoo, tree, ooga eat, booga. Muh dik.