Twitch tv/Destiny

twitch tv/Destiny
Currently debating with Lauren Southern. Sup Forums and the alt-right have been mentioned several times.

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Is this cuck gonna debate every right-winger? Months ago Jim was on his stream and Jim fucking destroyed him.

Lauren was doing better earlier the conversation has turned pretty autistic now.

i fucking hate what Sup Forums has become

Lauren is a halfwit though.

already have a thread faggot. We don't need multiple threads shitting up the board.

THey arent talking about anything

Neither understand what they are talking about very well. Lauren keeps nervously laughing, and Destiny keeps getting things wrong.


They should just focus on whats best for the country, clearly neither knows the history laws very well.

This guy drones off to sleep whenever he gets BTFO, but the second he thinks he has a counter-argument he energizes like a fucking coke addict until he gets put back into his place and goes back to sleep

Not even worth talking to

Yeah I searched Catalog for "twitch" and some other tags but I'm retarded

Same. It's leddit 2.0 only more edge.

wtf is this guy talking about??

>Most germany refugees are syrian
>all refugees came in legally
>No negative stuff because of refugees
>Talks about staying realistic


I don't care if this proves Lauren Southern is parroting Sup Forums without understanding for attention/money. She's so beautiful. I could listen to her sound dumb all day.

This guy is just the typical angry libtard. I can't watch this.

he's the average american cuck, unfortunately

He is fucking retarded holy shit

>doesnt believe in stats
>breitbart = false news, huff = real news

reminder that Steven "Destiny" Bonnell is something like 5'6 tall

this explains the need for attention

Even worse, she's a woman

yea 2 halfwitts with different political views discussing nothing. entertaining stuff.

So he pretty much doesn't have an argument.
Who cares? The faggot is apparently willing to reject reality.

These people are incredibly stupid

hey Sup Forums pigs
hows it feel losing yet again to Destiny? guess its your destiny to lose hahah get fucked social rejects
Lauren getting BTFO every 5 seconds





This guy doesnt know what he is talking about.

Laurens has some really good points and he cant even give a proper reaction. he dodges the questions and starts a talking shit about a whole new topic.

Lauren doesn't understand the full picture so she looks retarded.

If you make an argument from race and culture then you can defend a no-immigration policy. Who cares about economics?

Why do continually keep posting shill shit German cuck.

"t-these tats cant be trusted because of a cover up"

oh god. embarrassinnngggg

>He hasn't heard of Rotherdam
Holy shit this guy should shut up. How could not hear of that?



>ITT: alt-right nazitards who thought they could win a debate against Destiny
its entertaining watching Sup Forums burn to the ground and their champion slut along with it

He also has documented low test, as admitted in one of his own streams.

She has a point, Cologne and Rotherdam were covered up.


Probably because she isn't

wtf destiny is racist

I think Lauren is winning. Destiny is acting like a child and his worldview matches

>2 (identical) posts by this ID

Because his entire argument is completely stuck on the economic benefit side of immigration and not the cultural side. His argument to refute cultural problems by saying "but what if we had this perfect immigration system."


why do you eurocucks do this?

Destiny should debate Styxhexenhammer666 and Jared Taylor

He has been in the last few threads as well continually shilling.

it's like a school class having a discussion
they know about nothing they talk about

*gets flustered*
*goes off on a tangent*
*raises voice*

so do I
but this is what's left of it

Destiny cant comprehend why you can draw a straight line from the doctrine of islam to jihadi groups.

Muslims not doing X is irrelevant to the doctrine of islam.


Only britcucks say it so because they are retarded.

Culture > Economics everytime. Were can't this destiny autist get that?

Too late, you fucking retards attracted all these cucks here and now they're gonna be shitposting non-stop this fag who sounds like he has a dick up his ass

Jared Taylor would be good. This is my first time ever seeing this fag, but one of his strengths is keeping the pace of the debate extremely fast. Lauren is hurting because he accelerates everything because when you appeal to emotions it's much easier at a fast pace compared to slower debates.

Look at Hitchens, very slower pace, but very methodical and would annihilate people with 1 sentence responses.

She is moronic.

Lauren getting btfo

why does the alt-right always gets BTFO in logical argument?

Those are the words that Lauren Southern will hear in her head for the rest of her life while she's in a mental hospital after getting mentally destroyed.

Lauren has no idea what she's doing

This hurts to listen to because most people are able to do infinitely better

Because he personally thinks(at least what I've heard from this argument) that there are great long term economic gains. He completely ignores the eroding of the base of the country.

>muh killing abortion doctors

How often does that even happen. Then compare it per capita.

Fuck off back to twitch TV shills

>Only britcucks say it so because they are retarded.

>He doesn't know that India and Pakistan are in Asia
And you dare to call us "retarded"?

You dare? Die you piece of scum.

>"3 million muslims" are not committing any terrorism or waging jihad.

Does not stop the fact that the perfect muslim, Muhammad, did.

>not real christians

This guy is retarded af and is getting BTFO'ed by lauren.

link to the jim debate?

>retarded for calling people who live in asia asians
>irish education

terrorist attacks arent the main problem with muslim immigrants.

its that they are retarded inbred roaches who live off welfare, are too stupid to contribute and breed like crazy.

holy fuck both of these guys are literally idiots.

and worst part is they dont even catch each others contradictions

I agree Jared Taylor would schooled Destiny on the race issue.

>5 minutes ago he discounted hate crimes against Trump Supporters

>"but a....all these people committing hate crimes against gays"

He also has a micropenis. He dated a retired pornstar (Mia Rose I think) for a short time and she admitted how short it was. She even said how despite her bias due to being a pornstar, she views Destiny's penis as absurdly short.

> Destiny: here's my opinion
> Lauren: that's my opinion, repackaged
> Destiny: ya but yours is wrong

sorry you're a heretic tbqh

Both are doing shit

This feels like debate #1 for Trump, but worse

Lauren has no idea what she is doing right now

The rest of the world use Asian for Koreans,Japs etc.
For Paki's etc we call them Paki's and Arabs.

Destiny picks on the low hangin alt-lite cucks who are not willing to take their belief to the logical conclusion. He will never debate any of the REAL right-winger like the ones that destroyed /leftypol/'s debating team.

Jared Taylor didn't do so well debating a leftist rapper similar to Destiny on Cuckin McCuckin's show.

>muh IRA
Holy shit this retard.

>all this false equivalency about religion

Are you triggered? If you call yourself a Christian and your group doesn't even own their own country fuck off.

lol that tactic sucks

>christians killed gay people in the past!!!!!
why do dumb lefties always refer to past events as some kind of end-all be-all damning piece of evidence that invalidates any criticism
muslims are STILL doing this stuff today



Is he for fucking real? As an IRA terrorist, this fucking offends me. NRA? The fucking cheek of him...

>caring about another mans penis

You pretty gay nigga


well he does have below average testosterone by his own admission. perhaps that's why

I thought he did well. And that guy wasn't a principled debater. I think if someone were to throw Destiny off his game with the pace of the debate it would slow his ability to jump around unnoticed.

Why are people on the right so shit at debating, except for Ben Shapiro?

Why is Lauren laughing nervously ?

> Jared Taylor didn't do so well debating a leftist rapper similar to Destiny on Cuckin McCuckin's show.

Did you even listen to it? White nigger rapper "muh feels'd" the entire time. Literally entirely anecdotal "I know one good black guy" arguments.

>doesn't even own their own country fuck off

wtf are you talking about.

There are literally nudes of him out there. Definitely not a micro dick but really weirdly shaped

RA the Rugged Man? He made himself look incredibly bad. Jared Taylor didn't do anything, and didn't need to. Far more damaging to just let RA go the way he did.

>Irish in charge of geography
Pakistan isn't even in the middle east. India is right next to China.

You literally wouldn't give 2 shits about what she had to say if she wasn't a 7/10 blonde. All she does is spout the same shit over and over and you beta faggots eat it up.


Wasn't this guy a funny joke from SC2 tournaments years ago? Like qualifying round 2-0 failures every single time...

because she's a fucking kike

She realized she bit of more than she can chew

Turned it off Lauren is a Christcuck.

>Pakistan isn't even in the middle east. India is right next to China
Yes we know that you autist.
We just call Arabs Pakis. It doesn't matter that Pakistan is in Asian. We call Indians well Indians. Not Asians as that implies that they are Japs etc.

>Muslims assimilate


hes a popular streamer still.

why the fuck would jared taylor debate this person? He's a goddamn moron. This isn't a serious thing.

Nobody. Fucking. Cares.

This guy is as much of a faggot as Athene is. Both are inconsequential retards suffering from a cult of personality.

If I had it my way, both would be hanging.