Thoughts on this picture?
OHH look some guy wearing a bernie shirt and a corpulent biker wearing a trump shirt i wonder who will lose in a argument with facts?
If Trump ideas need muscle to get respect then it's really shit and weak ideas.
>Methhead bikers support Trump
Such a shock.
Someone is about to get murdered.
Or at least it would in the past as bikers nowadays are a bunch of pussies.
Enjoy your wall.
>"welp... you fucked up"
Looks like some asshole about to get physical with someone for speaking lol
>when you remember you're not on the internet anymore
Trump supporters are violent bigots who NEVER get the joke
I hope they and their führer get the 1945 treatment
what a blue pilled faggot lmao, im convinced bernie appeals to people with a mental age of 14. I would have liked him at 14.
I don't know if you've noticed but Bernie doesn't use many facts.
Forgot pic related
enjoy your wall pedro
Looks like gronkowski if he never played football
Tbh that guy looks more manly than your typical millennial berncuck.
bernieman is pretty fit to be honest
could easily beat the shit out of the biker imho
lel you can see the fear in his eyes
I smell a sitcom!
>If Trump ideas need muscle to get respect then it's really shit and weak ideas
Might makes right. Was the secession of the south a good idea? It was a bad idea because the north killed every man in the south who disagreed.
>hey racists, look at this, the berniebro is about to get beaten by a bigoted redneck, what about it, you FUCKING homophobes, huh, you are all a bunch of violent young extremist hitler fans who hate freedoms and democracy, rekt as fugg :D
Bikers fro Trump's leader said they'll do a "flesh wall" to protect the inauguration from retard lefties afterwards. Based.
left guy's hair is gross, right guy's shirt is fugly
>Might makes right
says the man living in a society where "might"=proxy wars and where you can literally live your whole life and never get in a fight if you want
>12 High Quality Pictures of Freshly Mowed Lawns that'll Make You Feel Comfy
>tfw no cocky & self-righteous qt liberal bf
Let me guess, some edgy Bernie supporter went to a Trump rally or press conference in that shirt and thought it would be "totally epic bro". Security shouldn't have even let him inside.
If you're looking for work, I hear a lot of mason jobs are opening up next week.
>that guy
You dyels and your standards are disgusting
Stop posting this.
As if you can't both lift and read literature.
>Thoughts on this picture?
desu this.
I guess Russian does has SJW Faggots.
Who knew
Man wearing Bernie shirt is very attractive and well groomed. The oaf is sloppy and looks like roadkill, even from the back. Bern shirt dude is about to make sloppy biker nigger a lot more sloppy if he tries anything funny.
what a blazing faggot
>help! my daughter has an opinion!
And she should shut the fuck up about it if she expects to live in your house under your rules. Any father is more than twice their daughters age. There's very very little she'll ever be in the right about.
Young people are retarded.
>If Trump ideas need muscle to get respect then it's really shit and weak ideas.
the left are so unintelligent its amazing
Start paying for that wall, amigo.
>bottom text
>Holy fuck. Not even a FSB proxy!
Trump will be ok. Their constituents not so much (the blue collars that is).
a middle aged man has old man strength and could beat the fuck out of a 20 year old easily.