>>> Sup Forums PSA

Give examples of divide and conquer tactics to help our boys out.

Cry more faggot, you don't share enough traits with liberals already

Literally just go look at 8ch's /leftypol/ they are plotting disruptions all the time.

These anti-fa and leftist enclaves exist all over the net and they are very mad about the massive strives we've made in internet culture.

These people will find anyone relatively alt-right (Richard Spencer for example) who as a whole are very in line with the alt-right culture war movement and then make threads saying they're "jews" or not hardline enough.

To succeed we must UNITE. And that means coming together NOT squabbling amongst ourselves.

We're really onto something here and we have a chance to effect underground/alternative culture (or whatever you want to call it) for years to come.

They know this and they are VERY pissed off and doing everything they can to stop it.

Always remember the 14 words, and when evaluating someone, ask yourself if they work towards them. It's not as much about who you are as it is what you do for the cause.

This is great advice user.


This thread deserves a bump.

Fuck the anti-fa D&C faggots


Bump. Fucking lefties need to kill themselves already.

As long as I can still want to remove shitskins and muslims.
If not I'll assume you are reddit.

All the shilling for 8/pol/ which is basically filled with antifa.

Yeah no. There's no alt-right here. Take your controlled opposition elsewhere.

i dont like AN-*TIFAH*

>remove shitskins

Found the anti-fa

Anyone with a brain can tell cultural change will not happen if we openly advocate for genocide.

Like the other user said, remember the 14 words, it's about securing the future for OUR people.

>pointless semantics
The kind of shit OP is talking about. Doesn't matter the label, as long as they are willing to work with people like us that want to clean up our demographics.

Found the stormlet

Ohhhh so you are from reddit.


Let them come, Sup Forums always eventually wins everyone over the more they are here

Sup Forums is already as 'divided' as a group can be. its a community of anonymous individuals constantly disagreeing and arguing over every minute detail of everything.

what are they gonna do, sic the flat earthers on the antartica inner earthers and make the commies hate the nazis? every division of every retarded ideology is already represented here.

>together we are stronger

For Christ's sake, GTFO!

I suspect they're the ones spamming those bird threads.
Don't forget, Antifa/commiecucks have reached a point where they are fully subverted and won't change no matter how true the contradictory facts are.

Look man I can see the destabilizing effects of shitskins as much as the next user but (forgetting any moral issues) we don't live in a world where genocide works anymore, or where you can get away with genocide.

Is it really that terrible to say we should focus on securing an existence and future for our people rather than violently attacking other peoples?

All that aside I'm still willing to work with people like you canacuck, because that's what it's going to take to make any significant cultural change happen.


I generally agree, all the drama is fucking stupid. There will never be any movement outside the chans or any real life progress if this shit keeps happening.


We didn't say genocide, "remove" as in deportation. If they make a life for themselves somewhere else go for it but don't shit up our country.

>divide we are weak

Well it's pretty divided. Uniting won't really bring us strength. It would be like if the left actually united with their gays and muslims.

definitely bump but why all the larp

they aren't that dangerous and most people don't pay attention to them anyway.

everyone knows the antifa are the most incompetent and cowardly faggots anywhere we shouldn't even be remotely offended by them.

Pretty much, yep.
Antifa are almost as bad as cuckspammers, except they're actually serious.

since when are you the leader, faggot ?

Yeah, I'm fighting to secure a future for WHITE people. Shitskins can fuck off and I refuse to work with you. I'd rather the world die.

Fuckin antifa faggots making Mike marry LGBTQ loving kike. Their powers are just too strong i cant handle it.
Prey to Kek maybe he cant save us from the tyrany of /leftypol/.

Our (((leader))). WE must fight to secure the future for my wife's sons.




It's fucking rampant on here.

>I'd rather the world die

No you'd rather the white race die. Why can't you see that people that have the interests of the white race at heart must work together? We are fighting an uphill battle that we've been slowly loosing for the last 50 years. White people are at 63% in this country and it's only a matter of time the way things are going before we are outbred. We are a dying race that is outnumbered more and more every year. Can't you see action must be taken? Can't you see that said action isn't going to happen if we keep tearing ourselves apart?