>US troops in the Eastern Europe
>US troops in the Eastern Europe
For funsies :)
do u know what NATO is?
To kill White people and take over Finland.
To protect US hegemony. It's good for my retirement account.
To push in Putins shit
Reminder that America is 60% white
To take Kaliningrad and start WWIII
The world belongs to us, that's why.
Putin Huntin'
King Nigger trying to stir shit up a week before he loses his job.
Why not?
Like fucking usual
To keep Russians away.
So the Russians dont think they and pull the same shit they did with Ukraine.
so obongo can start shit and stop trump from taking office more than likely
its obongo showing his dick one last time
To protect the interests of their kike overlords, as usual.
King nigger is sperging out like an autistic child. I'm so sorry Russia. This bozo will be gone soon.
better than Russian troops in Eastern Europe I guess
Because the countries surrounding Russia have an inflated sense of self-importance and want to protect themselves from Russian influence by replacing it with Obixnood influence since they're just that sad.
>Who could be behind this troop posting
Gee, I wonder
Because Obama isn't a rube like Trump.
To prepare the land to force multiculturalism and bring niggers to breed and make all of Europe a multicultural mongrel shitfest like JEWSA is :^)
It's nice weather there we heard. It's basically an all expenses paid vacation until January 20th. No worries.
Symbolism. A few hundred troops mean fuck all.
Anyone who thinks this bolsters the defense of eastern Europe is full of shit.
Russia feigning butthurt of Homeric proportions over this nonsense is also full of shit.
Well at least the American guy in the pic is White.
I swear to fucking god every single mexican in the military's name is Gonzalez.
>its obongo showing michelle's dick one last time.
Barack hussein doesn't have a dick to show.
To counter Russian aggression in the region.
Putin is a warmonger.
Best post ITT
t. OP
There are no NATO military bases in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, or Kyrgyzstan anymore. There's no NATO presence in Central Asia now.
Don't Mexicans have like 4 surnames?
Come to think of it. Non-white races have shitty name/surname variety: look at Chinamen and their short names, every Korean name's is Kim. "Muhammed" among muzzies.
muh nazi Russia
Short Chink names are great. Li Wei for example, that's a solid name.
Not much too choose from. How does a chink phone book look like?
Fair point. There are probably a ten million named Li Wei. But when they come over here that's the type of name I prefer. Short and sweet.
the american is the one on the left, m80