Be honest Sup Forums how fucked is California?
I've lived here all my life and Im just seeing a decline in everything.
Ive been contemplating moving to another state or joining the military to escape.
Is there hope or is all lost here?
Be honest Sup Forums how fucked is California?
I've lived here all my life and Im just seeing a decline in everything.
Ive been contemplating moving to another state or joining the military to escape.
Is there hope or is all lost here?
Other urls found in this thread:
complete cuck state
too many entitled people
all is lost user
Thought so. Is Texas a good alternative?
1/3 voted for Trump, it's not crazy cuked, just SF and LA.
We just need to split it in half
White Californians are the people who move to other states because their state has become shit and then vote Democrat to make the state they currently live in more like Commiefornia.
I suggest gassing yourself or surrendering the whole state to Mexico.
The land of Mexicans and Asians
Lived in LA for 15 years and it is 1000% fucked on every level
It has been invaded and overrun by Foreigners.
I play a game now when I go shopping--SPOT THE WHITE PERSON.
In every store I go I barely ever see white people, and if they are "white," they're fucking Russians.
It disgusts me. LA is no longer part of America as far as I'm concerned and I'm planing on moving out of this shithole within 6 months.
Going to Vegas where it seems a lot better
The German recommending gassing, what are the the odds?
I have nothing to say. You'd have to see it to believe it.
Will never happen.
>Will never happen.
It's been voted on numerous times, it's a growing movement. The issue keeps coming up and eventually it's going to get approved.